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Forum Post: Central Theme

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:54 p.m. EST by VeteranWarrior (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As we continue to occupy Wall Street, Philadelphia, and many other cities across the country and the world we must continue to analyze the situation we are in. Why are we so damned mad? How did we get here? Who's responsible? And how in the hell do we change it all?

I believe we've started to address some of these and many other questions but I fear-after occupying Wall Street myself-we are in danger of gathering up our strength to swing that hammer down, only to miss the nail completely and maybe even smash our thumbs in the process.

Okay. So, we've identified the problem: greed. But who's responsible? "Wall Street"? "Corporate America"? "Government"? The countless signs being waved around would certainly say "yes" to all of the above, but this is where we are in danger of missing the head of the nail. Sure, corporate greed (and the government that perpetuates it through ridiculous legislature) is a good place to start but why aren't we digging a little deeper?

Wall Street isn't some mythical monster who has invaded our country, destroying everything we hold dear. The mythical monster is our society and each of us holds varying degrees of responsibility for its destruction.

Wall Street and our government are populated by people, people who have grown up in the same system and economy we all have. What is the purpose of our society and our lives? Is it simply to make more money? To have more stuff? To be entertained?

How many of us waste our lives away in front of a T.V. or a game console? How many of us drink our paychecks away? When we go shopping do we buy the cheap, unhealthy food in order to have more money for those hip new threads, that nice watch, or that current model car? Do we look at each other through greedy eyes as objects to be had? Where do OUR priorites lie? Would we rather vote on American Idol than vote for something that really affects our lives? Wall Street is our society's greed and selfishness on a larger scale.

Do we really think that we are that different from the current targets of our anger? We blame all of these CEOs for greed when we are just as guilty! They wouldn't be able to screw with our money if we didn't give it up to them so willingly!

If we valued compassion and each other as much as we did money and ourselves, our society WOULD change. Sure, we could throw those Goldman Sachs criminals in prison but until we change the root of the problem (the values of our selfish society) someone else would jump right in to find/make more loopholes to exploit.

Change yourself. Live life with purpose. Don't waste away in a meaningless existence. If you live your life like a sheep, someone's bound to come along and play the wolf.

Let's take this opportunity to create a new, meaningful age. I love you all.




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[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 12 years ago

Thank you, so much, for writing this. I could not possibly agree more. It doesn't matter if we overthrow the government or put new laws into place. What would we replace the government with anyways? Do we really have something better, that isn't just a vague notion? If we don't understand the root of the problem its all for naught. We have to educate ourselves, participate in our communities, and learn to be accepting. We have to create a society based on respect of one another's rights, not judgment of their beliefs!

I would really, really love to see your thoughts voiced in this wiki: http://declarationof99.wikidot.com

Like you seem to, I agree that people need to understand the scope of the process we have undertaken. It's not enough to say "They're the bad guys, get em'!" or "Solve the problem. The problem is greed!" We have to take steps to find real, practical solutions, that reflect the will of the people, not just a majority. There are very, very encouraging talks happening in New York right now, where a similar democratic process is unfolding. But we have to have as many balls rolling as possible, so that one of them will ultimately present itself as the ideal solution, accepted by all.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your beautiful opinions. I love you too. <3 :) I want to live in a world filled with people who look at one another and say "How can I help you today?" instead of with a distant look of skepticism and disregard. We have lost our way, but now is the best opportunity we've had in our lifetime to change.