Forum Post: Capitalism is here to "" create jobs "".
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:21 a.m. EST by ynot
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Novartis ($NVS) made headlines two weeks ago with news of accelerated cost-cutting that would deliver more than $1.9 billion in additional annual savings by year's end--and include job cuts worldwide
Merck and Co.: 13,000 layoffs One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Merck, announced on July 29 plans to lay off 13,000 employees by the end of 2015. Based in Whitehouse Station, N.J., the company said almost 40 percent of those layoffs would take place in the U.S.
Borders Group: 16,700 layoffs After Borders filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in February, the bookstore chain began liquidating bookstores and announced 6,000 layoffs February 17 and 10,700 layoffs July 19. The company had over 500 bookstores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico at the beginning of the year and expects to close its last few stores in the next month.
And many more here:
I bet that as soon as the economy turns around, the vast majority of those vacant positions will be filled by robots or automated systems or computerised/mechanised systems, this off course to maximise profits of the corporations. After all those lay-offs my question still stands: who will then buy the McDonalds, Nike, Apple, BMW, etc.? Capitalism isn't the answer to create jobs, but the best way to maximise profits.
ugh, the jobs either go overseas or to robots.
Either way, workers loose, corporations bag more profits.
I know you feeling. Aren't we (the 99%er's) all in the same boat? Work till you die if you don't get the jackpot.
We shouldn't have to work till we die. It's inhumane.
It really is absurd isn't it? :(
And to do that while you fight for your own healthcare, saddled with edu debt, and pensions that get stolen or don't transfer, while the 1% poison our fruits with pesticides. (The 1% buy organic, of course.)
and our meat and our vegetables and the wheat that makes our bread.
Do you rememer the joke., when we ask cop america why you taking the jobs overseas they would say so we could compete with them in the future
Capitalism creat jobs??so why chaines are working
Capitalism has nothing to do with "creating jobs". Jobs are a by-product of capitalism. As a person or firm becomes more successful, then they will need to expand, therefor more jobs will be created. DC cannot create new, non governmental, jobs, but they can create an atmosphere that encourages growth and keeps jobs in the US. Deals like NAFTA and the new trade deals will do a lot for capitalism, in other countries, but not much here. DC is bought and paid for and we the people do not have enough money to buy our own influence.
"" Capitalism has nothing to do with "creating jobs" "" Tell that to the 1%ers supporters that keep on claiming that we should give more to the rich and to the corporations in order for them to create more jobs. Yes, they will create some temporary jobs, after receiving from the tax payer's money many advances at very low interest rates, tax concessions and others benefits. If one looks carefully, they hardly put any money out of their pockets to create the factory; it's all tax payers money. Then, a few years later on, they move the factory to Brazil, Mexico, China, etc. because the bottom line (PROFIT) improves dramatically. Off course the temporary jobs created will be lost, but they do not return the money, concessions and tax rebates that they got. If they do not move the factory, they automate the production process and they get rid of half of the staff. Again the concessions that they got to create jobs is not returned to the state coffers. It is manna from heavens.
"Capitalism isn't the answer to create jobs, but the best way to maximise profits. "
Nail on the head!
In '90-94 the economy was crap and what you wrote above about employing Technology over people was exactly what happened. People were the LAST piece of the economic puzzle to be put in place.
The Presidential campaign of '92 came up with the phrase "It's the Economy, stupid!" I left the country and taught English in Eastern Europe which had just opened up. Today 20-24 year old's should leave for Asia to teach English for a year then come home and go college. This helps the resume, but it's also fun, great experience, and the perfect way to mature a couple years. Basically, the job market here in the States will not change for 18 months minimum so leave and come back later.
Finally, since I had not been employed in the States during this time, when I filled out the college applications I looked super poor and maximized the grants available to me. Oh, but you will NOT make any money to bring home. Just enough to live, eat, drink and be marry for 12-14 months :)
Seriously, leave the country today!
Did post WWI prosperity create the middle class, or did the middle class create post WWII prosperity? During an era of improving and general prosperity, capitalism worked well. Making money is good. But it is not the only good. Beginning around 1980 business was seized by a different and sociopathic ethos. This ethos decided the middle class was unprofitable, and set about to dismantle it. It has succeeded well.
I think the big corps need to understand that there is profit and there is excess greed. Profit shouldn't be so overwhelming for 1% and nil for the 99%
I just change a bit your post, the rest I have no complains. "" This ethos decided the middle class was unprofitable, ......."" This ethos decided (found out) that "workers, staff, human beings" are unprofitable, so replace them by machines. Examples are all around: ATM's in banks, robots in factories, mechanization of agriculture, computers to process payrolls, etc.
i bought some nvs shares.
they had better start cutting costs.
or i will have nothing for my retirement.