Forum Post: can anyone tell me what the goal is here?
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 16, 2012, 12:25 a.m. EST by yezklid
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
don't get it. i think you need to come up with a goal before you just go out and protest. I would like to see an idea, what it is you are about. What is it you want? Can you tell me how we going to travel in a hundered years? what kind of democracy do we want. If you don't have a good plan, how you going to do any better job running the country than the wall street crooks?
the goal is here
what do you think of the goal?
of the amendments?
of the 70+ videos?
of the analysis?
of the national polls?
build a voting system on this site. Vote on the best solutions to the problems. Anyone who come up with the best solution or idea getts a brownie button. time to stop yellin and get buzzing!
Excellent idea! Build a voting system that mirrors a specific legislature. fed or local, get people registered and compare efforts at passing laws.
The current goal is to have 150 threads all addressing the same issue (gun control).
that would be a waste of 150 threads. sorry.
Never seen sarcasm?
Bang, you got me. there is such an apparent response to ban firearms and such that I was getting a little jumpy
Nut. I did a count yesterday of how many were dealing with the same issue............I figured that was the goal.
Please stick to the topic
Oh, but I am.
control for what reason? If we could create a sociaty were that is not an issue, that would be the answer. If not then keep your gun close.
IOJOHN :JKklfnlkmk nlowikejdk l!!
I'm sorry did you just say........lots of shit?
You are not very well informed! A troop of chimps who live in Keithville,Louisiana are now being endorsed to replace The Masters of the Universe by both #OWS and The Tea Party because they are apparently the most competant,non-corrupt group currently available to take over management of the global economy.
Chris Hedges explains it to a billionaire on CBC
As far as an alternative to the corrupt banking institutions and corrupt monetary policy, an outline in HR 2990, the NEED Act by Dennis Kucinich, is a great start. We also need to jail bankers that are stealing and committing fraud instead of just fining the bank and completely letting them off the hook.
We need a government not sponsored by Wall Street and big money from corporations. A constitutional amendment is needed for that.
That's about as simple as I can lay it out.
Thanks for posting this Hedges link again. It's so key :)
The needs of human beings need to have priority over corporate profits. Get money out of politics. Corporations have temporarily hijacked our democracy. We need to unseat those hijackers. Please see this link:
because we are going to change the values and priorities of the people running wallstreet. they are all going to learn to become positive impacts . i just dont know if they have the ability to think at the depth required to comprehend that.
you don't get it? course you don't. you are a libertard. you stopped using your brain in the 8th grade. the only people who say things like you are those who go out of their way to ignore reality. only a fucking moron doesn't know what we want. but in case you are that fucking moron. let me be very fucking clear. WE WANT IT ALL AND WE WILL GET IT, is that clear enough for you? do you know what we want now?
your meaning of life is very shallow
so consumerism rules, you are a dirt bag hitler lover go back to your little hole in the ground and make love to yourself you crack whore. your dreaming of yourself as supreme ruler agian. your a waste of breath you dweeb
Can we vote electronically? I don't need a representative talking for me. Why can't I vote on what happens 24-7? Set up a voice for the people. We can all vote on the issues ourselves. We needed representatives when it took three months to get a letter from California to New York. Now we we have instant communications. Let the best ideas for the future be generated from and by the people.
we can vote "here" on anything - and it will have no effect on anything anywhere
If you want to have direct voting on national issues , you will need a constitutional amendment voted on by 2/3 of the house & senate & 3/4 of the states.
do you have any PROOF that direct voting is supported by at least a simple majority of Americans
lets all give up then all is lost
do not give up-
invest your time & energy into REACHABLE goals
can you name TWO reachable goals?
Agreed. Perhaps we should find a local legislature where this can be tried.
thank you
no prob. I like direct voting, & believe electronic voting facilitates that.
Starting small can be very effective.
The above exchange is a great example of what iI think we are often lacking here.
Identify means.
Take action.
That's it really. That's all there is to it.
Above all, take action.
Feel the Power?
Now, let's talk about what we are . . . Doing! :)
We should identify a small legislature in a progressive municipality that might be open to this.
Very good goal.
Worth a try. and just a 1st step
Do you actually have the time to research every piece of legislation that would be put up for a vote? Or would you just end up voting for or against something because others say to do so? Would you have the time to actually draft, comment, re-draft legislation that would understood by all those that would vote? Who would control the proposed legislations put forward? Who would verify the voting? How would aersonal put forward legilative ideas and to whom would it be directed to? Who would control the thousands of proposals that would be placed on the Internet mechanism? No one has that kind of time. You are assuming a fully educated electorate, that understands what they are voting on, and has understanding of constitutional law and rights, etc. so that legislation would actually have merit.
theres a good job for the elected officials find out what the people suggest then see if it is a constitutional idea. Maybe the healthcare worker has a better idea how to fix a problem in that field and so on.
We already can suggest any idea to our reps. Your not answering the questions I asked. You are suggesting that we do not need the reps. Then you are saying lets use them to review ideas. Please answer what I asked so we can discuss.
Well I get it. What I can tell you is that there is no problem that in a few hours a group of regular people can not figure out how overcome. Every big job even something like putting a man on the moon is really just a series of dependent small jobs. The Apollo Saturn Five rocket which my grandfather helped build is just a series of parts that were assembled by human hands. The organization of such an project is really just a matter of clearly stated goals, effective delegation of design of the sub assemblies, and scheduling of the assembly at a single location. It all had to leave from one place.
Too much of what took place at the Occupy movement was people who were participating for reasons of personal ego. Personal ego has been the downfall of many politicians and it will prevent the Occupy movement from progressing at all. To a great extent the very principle of democracy is to oppose the personal egotism inherent to monarchy where rule is capricious arbitrary and dictatorial.
I do not for a moment come to the Occupy movement with preconceived notions of what we need to do, I believe that we must decide that together democratically. Occupy is a clear response to the failure of our system of government that I for one would not call a true democracy. Think of the first steps of the Occupy movement as just the dress rehearsal or maybe just the first reading of a greater drama that will someday unfold.
We have to have some kind of social structure or we go back to one man rule. I like what our country is based on and I will live it to the day I die, wish everyone else would. It is one basic idea. You have the freedom to do, say, believe anything you want, as long as you are not impeding anyone elses right to freedom.
thats right. the ones that run this current social structure.. a practically perfect structure,, have become corrupted by innate desire to possess to control. yes it is ok to desire to possess and control ,, but you cant have everything,, you cant take all that there is. that is what has to change.. not the structure itself
We needed representatives when it took three months to get a letter from California to New York. Let the best ideas for the future be generated from the people.
can we vote electronically? I don't need a representative talking for me. Why can't I vote on what happens 24-7? Set up a voice for the people. We can all vote on the issues ourselves.
If a good idea was presented to you, how would you be willing to help? What skills do you have?
By good idea you mean working for some goal? What is that goal? yes i would I always imagine the future as a clean, free society unaccustomed to crimes against humanity. How do we get there? How will we live, travel, and socialize? What can we do as activist to help create a comfortable world.
This fully explains it
I am a visionary, musician, song writer. I have been playing for some years now. I write some political songs, sometimes funny. This is a line from one of my songs "To many politicians buying fancy stuff for their hair". If what you want is to create opertunity for all i would be in.
This is a forum. The purpose of this is discussion of issues.
If you want to know what your local chapter is up to, then go over and see.
their goal is to abolish capitalism. Easy as that. They believe that they can formulate a society where a person can only earn a certain amount and the remainder should be taxed to take care of those who cannot or will not take care of themselves.
goal is to have a thinking populace in control of democracy
where health care is not a luxury
a place where caring for others, and for the planet and future generations, is a worthy pursuit
a land where 1 person accumulates tens of millions a year, and enjoys 700 percent rise in income, while the rest decline 15 percent and that is with 2 people working, --that the populace and media are empowered to asks questions: because this was tradition, is it the best way forward.
a land where the American Dream is again attainable
where one who's family "plays by all the rules" and sees a little net worth of , after toiling for 26 years, with little savings, and is stuck in the same job for life, for fear, could be a thing of the past.
those might be conditions on which questioning "the system" may be a positive attribute.
and clinging to past myths and slogans is a sham
-you can reform capitalism, and put protections for the middle class, and lower class, a viable safety net, and minimal standards for family income in a cooperative versus a competitive society,
and yes, put limits on excesses of wealth, as a vice that is avarice, greed, a deadly sin, and not sustainable or beneficial to the common good.
I would choose to keep an incentive system, with tweaks.
and for people who choose to keep their head in the sand, you choose to fan the flames of the past and future end of our democracy
Can we vote electronically? I don't need a representative talking for me. Why can't I vote on what happens 24-7? Set up a voice for the people. We can all vote on the issues ourselves. We needed representatives when it took three months to get a letter from California to New York. Now we we have instant communications. Let the best ideas for the future be generated from and by the people.
we need this.
right now, they cant even get any of the 31 pro gun senators to appear on Meet the Press, Gun regulation can't even be discussed as a taboo.
F..k that. we have no real representation. time for a new system, direct democracy, like you say,
Now, how do you implement it.
again, by amendment in all the states.
people need to stand up for their rights.
thank you. How do we get there? How do we create that reality? What kind of democracy would you like?
Everone should have equal say in our future
build a voting system on this site. Vote on the best solutions to the problems. Anyone who come up with the best solution or idea getts a brownie button.
get our state representatives to ensure reform amendments get a a fair hearing.
we've been lazy. just show up.
were is this information? That seems like a bad idea
I called the phone number on the OWS main page. The young lady I spoke told me that their goal was to abolish capitalism. The rest, I admit, is my color commentary based upon threads on this site.
If we all work together we can get a lot done to help freedom progress