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Forum Post: Call to Action: Use NaSI SARs to Charge Congress with Seditious Conspiracy

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 10:18 a.m. EST by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL
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Call to Action: Use NaSI SARs to Charge Congress with Seditious Conspiracy:




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[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 12 years ago

Nazis AND S.A.R.s?! That's like Cowboys vs Aliens epic!! Can we use zombies too??

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

You make light of a very serious situation and proposition:


[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 12 years ago

You need to lighten up. You take things too seriously.

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

I bet you can name all the Kardashians. May those memories keep you warm in the Gulag...

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 12 years ago

Nope I can't name one of those dopey bitches. We don't have Gulags in America.

[-] 0 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 12 years ago

Our facts trump your opinion:
