Forum Post: California, already drought striken and overpopulated. Now, THE EDGE WILL HAVE HIS GREEDY PIG WAY.
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 23, 2014, 6:51 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist
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Soon, The Edge, over-paid filthy-rich wealth-concentrating PIG guitarist for U2, fake humanitarian and fake environmentalist extraordinaire, will defy all measures of logic and morality by having a number of mansions built on the mountains overlooking Malibu. He finally got permission in the midst of Anthropogenic Global Warming and one of the worst droughts ever for the region. As usual, the rich win. They get rich by taking advantage of consumer junkie morons.
But never mind that. Go buy a digital download or concert ticket using your $400 cell phone.
Yet another example of the Grotesque misallocation of money and resources in an Economic System that is constantly warped by the whimsical Fantasies of Wealthy Corporations and Individuals.California will soon be an unliveable wasteland because of this kind of Happy Horseshit.This sort of Material Masturbation should never be allowed-especially in an environmentally sensitive area.So-Why was it allowed?Hm.Could there have been just a wee bit of corruption among the So-Called People's 'Representatives'-or a change of heart based on the weeping and sobbing that ensued when a bunch of Rich Fuckheads heard the word NO?
the people must be paid from an outside source to have money to pay for food
All of those SNAP benefits act as an Artificial Prop to inflate the Profits of these greedy,anti-human Profiteers.Directly of indirectly,all of that money goes into their coffers.Then,having manipulated the system to their very huge benefit,they perform a Corporate Inversion to avoid paying US taxes.Leaving behind a perfect Patsy-struggling citizens who get blamed for everything.
anti-money profiteers
Without SNAP,people can't afford all those Guns&Ammo-or iPhones,or cell service,or car payments,or huge insurance payments,or inflated gasoline prices,or ridiculously inflated monopoly cable and internet prices-or game consoles&games or any of the rest of the crap they sell.All to inflate the stock market bubbles they absolutely Require.People in Europe don't have to put up with these monopoly price structures-soon I am going to be forced to give up my internet connection because it is over 60 bucks per month.I'll have to get a smartphone in order to avoid being cut off completely.That will totally suck.No choice.
Past 'The Edge', there's Bozo to consider too : &
quod me nutrit me desruit ...
''With or without view - I can't live'' !!! I used to like this guy's band but now no more since they vanished up their own collective rectum - led by that Bozo eedjut & it looks like they're all for ''The Unforgettable Fire'' now !! It's nearly ''October'' and this ''Boy'' is up for ''War'' against hypocrites so - ''Achtung Baby'' ! +
''Noam Chomsky - Peak Oil and a Changing Climate'' : (courtesy of sff80)
verum ex absurdo ...
It's a negative exponential game
we live in a debt based economy
the majority of the money is held be the few
what money they circulate into the economy is how out economy is run
not by a market base to serve the people
He's building artificial fire breaks? What a humanitarian - those areas/properties won't need to take up time for the firemen fighting wildfires - so they can be working elsewhere.
Mudslides.Would not want to end up underneath one of those Giant Domiciles.Every year is El Nino/El Nina now.One causes extreme drought.The other causes intense days long downpours of rain in SoCal.The entire area of those mountains is no longer stable because the geology is going to reconfigure.What kind of Insane Insurance Company would touch that with a 10 foot pole or any other kind of pole?
In this case - hopefully - NONE.
When are they going to STOP insuring Lunatic Development of luxurious second,third fourth and fifth homes for the 1%?
When they get tired of paying for the artificial firebreaks burning down or getting buried in a mud-slide?
Who would buy a house with 10 grand a month insurance premiums? Or would it be even moar? What-these people have endless Wealth?
They do tend to think so - as well as - think they are immune/immortal?
In order to insure a 10 million dollar mansion that is exposed to earthquakes,mudslides/lahars AND wildfires,one would hope the insurance companies would charge MOAR than 10 grand a month or deny coverage entirely.Probably a Vain Hope,since every segment of society is absolutely required to Worship and Subsidize the Whims of celebrities and Wealthy Individuals.
Seems so - least wise - till those self same wealthy - cause the whole system to finish the crash and burn that became real noticeable as happening back in 2008.
Agreed-They are Fuckheads For The Ages.Monumental Myopic Mental Midgets.The Elites will be destroyed by Magical Thinking.It can't happen soon enough.
[ edit ] It's funny that one of em can even still foresee the pitchforks coming for them ( sometime ) and make a Ted Talk about it. I mean as all of their actions seem to only be viable in some sort of far fetched fictional world that no fiction writer ( successful one anyway ) would dream of trying to get published.
edit-> Sorry sorry - it has been written about and been made into a series of movies = Robo-Cop for one example. Soylent Green for another?
Monumental Moronic Meatheads of Mystery! StillModest will love all of this-some may hate Media Whores as much as Still Mod-but nobody hates them MOAR.
I believe that you hit that one square on the head.
He has many valid points about the hatred ( justified ).
StillMod is totally a Burning Person.I agree with StillMOD that there is Every Reason in the World to Attack and Destroy the PR and Advertising Industry and the hideous Celebrity Kulture.