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Forum Post: Bye bye campers! You're gone and will soon be forgotten!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:15 a.m. EST by MisguidedYouth2 (165)
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[-] 2 points by infonomics (393) 12 years ago

MisguidedYouth2: When you hate and spew venom, please do so with literacy. Don't give your targets a reason to disrespect you. Also, you want to set an example for the children who might read this post. That said, I think you intended "riddance", "good riddance", instead of "good riddens". Note, I wrote "I think" because you may be from the planet Remulak where, I understand, they use such diction. The idiom "good riddance" bespeaks poorly of its user as it labels him/her as platitudinous. Cast away convention, be creative. When you hate, do so in style. What about "to the abyss from which you came, you losers" or "parting with a loser is such sweet bliss." Lastly, the use of the term "losers" is extremely overwrought. Indeed, those who use it seem to be the very thing they wish not; that is, a loser. You are effectively confessing to your target, hey look at me, I am insipid, I am stupid. What about "mental midget" or "cerebral mite". Anyway, I must go since my third grade teacher is getting suspicious of my doings. Best wishes with your hate gig.

[-] 2 points by Peacedriver (23) 12 years ago

Misguided youth, is paid for by politicians and corporate thugs to troll around and insult intelligent people... we are on to you. Give it up .I am glad you are the 1% and happy with the status quo ...Enjoy all that $$$$$ your paid, it wont last forever in this society. Scott Walker and Kasich are prime examples of why we WILL never give up. Thank you to the intelligent voting heros in Wisconsin and Ohio!!!

[-] 2 points by Peacedriver (23) 12 years ago

The tents are gone not the people... We are NOT going anywhere! Please wake up.

[-] 0 points by MisguidedYouth2 (165) 12 years ago

So you're sleeping under the stars tonight? Bye bye clown! Just saw the park on FNC. 200 arrests and the park is cleared.

[-] 3 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

what is wrong with stairing (sic) at the stars, don't you know they were once you.

[-] -2 points by MissBirdy (-78) from Thornwood, NY 12 years ago

go away. not accomplishing anything. a lot of ignorant, egotistical exhibitionists on display.

