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Forum Post: BREAKING news: Senate renews government SURVEILLANCE measure

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 29, 2012, 10:30 p.m. EST by therising (6643)
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It's official. 5 more years or more of this surveillance bullshit. Unless we push back nonviolently with direct action. . .


Kind of interesting when considered alongside this other surveillance: http://occupywallst.org/forum/no-fucking-way-are-we-going-to-let-this-happen/



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[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

1.7 billion forms of electronic communication sifted through every day by the NSA

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

We gotta push back man. Direct nonviolent resistance. Hard.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I liked what Occupy was doing with blocking the ports. They were on to something big. Occupy Sandy is kicking ass too!

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

I agree on both counts. Recent effort to block goods coming to Walmart from their factory overseas where over a hundred workers burned to death due to negligence was a strong statement too. Lots of opportunities to raise awareness and push back directly.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I always wonder how many awesome protests go uncovered by the media.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Great point. That is really frustrating. But I think with twitter / web it's harder for the 1% and their minions to keep things from getting out.

I would love for us to use the MSm to our advantage more.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Great deeds like Occupy Sandy really got a good name out there. It did get brief mention.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Yes, I think you're right. The power of that can't be underestimated.

[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Of course. Why not. As long as they keep getting the votes, why stop?

The goal of the process is to pass bullshit for the people who funded you, and manage to not shove so much shit down the voters throats that you dont get re-elected.

"Thats just the way it is".... How many newbies do you think hear that line of shit every two years?

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Yes, just imagine what you, the well meaning successful candidate for congress, learn during your first day, week and month. . .

And then imagine what you learn, Mr. Good, well meaning successful candidate for president learn on your first day, week, month.... Imagine the first national security briefing by the way as president... Where you learn the truth about all the shit that actually happened 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 years ago and what the actual situation is now. . . That would be briefing #2 right after you get introduced to your bag men carrying the nuclear codes.

And how cool would it be if you, Mr. Successful new congress person, senator or president if you KEPT TRUE TO YOUR ORIGINAL INTENT FOR ENTERING POLITICS and spoke as Senator Bulworth did to the people, your fellow politicians, your campaign donors, the corporations / military contractors etc. I wonder how Kennedy handled all this (think of the book Profiles in Courage that he wrote) and then think of how president Obama handled this. Then think of how YOU would have handled this during your first day, week, month, year -- you personally if you were a well meaning successful candidate.

What do John Lennon, John Kennedy, Martin Lither King, Jr., Robert F Kennedy, Gandhi all have in common for sure? They were all murdered. What else might they have in common? Did they all suffer in some ways and / or die because of a combination of fame and unwillingness to capitulate? How many others have we lost for either senseless or malicious reasons? What did U2 sing? One more in the name of love?

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Thank you for post. Another sign of the problem.

[-] 3 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Man, we can't wait around much longer. They are setting things up behind the scenes in a way that they can easily flip a switch later on as needed to stem protest and dissent and much much muchore. Of Americans really understood this, they'd be fuckin pissed. Let's all of us millions engage in nonviolent direct action of all sorts to raise awareness. Strikes, boycotts, sit ins, walk outs, blockades of ports, malls, giant banks, government buildings -- all nonviolent peaceful protest -- marches, street theater, letter writing, oped writing, speaking up at work and in public and among friend, gathering peacefully and nonviolently in public and private places to push the envelope and raise nonviolent tension and thereby awareness:

King explained the use of active non-violent resistance as follows in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail”:

"Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to so dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored. My citing the creation of tension as part of the work of the nonviolent-resister may sound rather shocking. But I must confess that I am not afraid of the word "tension." I have earnestly opposed violent tension, but there is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth. . . The purpose of our direct-action program is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.”

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Excellent. We must apply nonviolent pressure every way possible. They need to know, that "We The People" know what is going on. We are aware and enraged by their False Flag Attacks, and will not allow them to get any more power from them.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

This is so important. The clock is really ticking. How do we wake more people up?

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

We have an ongoing exploration here. Must crack the herd mentality thing, that enables the criminal elite.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Ok. How?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

This is true irony, coming from the most surveilled society in the World.

Plus, even England took FLAKESnews owner Murdock to task, over what we take for granted.

Corporate surveillance.

[-] 2 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Here's some more surveillance - this time of occupy supporters. This shit really pisses me off. http://occupywallst.org/forum/no-fucking-way-are-we-going-to-let-this-happen/

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I agree, it's despicable on all levels, but it has been endemic all along.

I do hope you see the irony in who's reporting this though.........:)

With all the signals that go through the air and bounce off of satellites filled with tech licensed from the military, what else would you expect?

Not to mention these here innertubes we're typin' at each other on.

That kid down the street, if he were savvy enough, could probably read your Email if he wanted to, or if he had the proper receiver....your cell phone calls..

It's not so much the loss of privacy.

It's the FACT that they want to make it actionable.

Who Are the Brain Police?

-------Frank Zappa------

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

So what do we do about it?

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

People renew Govt Surveillance Measure.

Keep the information hiway alive with news of gov misconduct, congressional bribes, corporate crime, and bankster scamming.

Be like rust. It never sleeps.

[-] 2 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Sounds like a plan. Relentless.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Be careful what you say and be aware of where you say it and who you say it to.

Or confuse the system by getting everyone to say it all at once.

[-] 2 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

I like the idea of confusing the system by getting everyone to say it all at once. Nicely put. They can't lock us all up :). And as far as I can tell, about half the country is already awake to what's going on. More waking up every day. A silent majority. Once they all start singing, you're right, that will really jam up the "authorities". They can't lock us all up. :)

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


I had painted myself into a corner and your question made me think.

It would work like a flash mob, only in all personal media space.

Not only couldn't they lock us all up, but at a certain level, they could no longer ignore the message either.

[-] 2 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago






We can be nonviolently RELENTLESS. There are 99 of us for every one of us. We will exhaust their propaganda machine. We have sustainable momentum because we have heart. Their minions are only doing it for the money. The fire is spreading. People are waking up.

We're going to win this man.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

The challenge is in unity of the message and the coordination of sending it.

DoS without the bots.

[-] 0 points by TruthRightsFreedom (259) 12 years ago

Obviously, alter or abolish! Why would Americans put up with this or settle for less?

Oh, media elitism, dumbing down, superbowl . . . I understand.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Well, what specifically do you think we can do to awaken more people to what's really going on here?

[-] 1 points by TruthRightsFreedom (259) 12 years ago

Reason apparent in agreement which expands seems to attach peoples participation. At some point common sense legal process as a point of agreement, or the use of it where agreement should be but is not is good place for critical thinkers to start.

I was impressed by this action this post promotes.


Witnessed testing of authority is a great theme of assembly. Either physically on the ground or virtually. When a group forms and coherently creates tests for authority, tests them and shares the info, the meaning etc. with others, they become informed by an acting dynamic, which has a different motivational component than usual social structures.