Forum Post: Breaking News: Ohio voters reject Republican-backed union limits
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 12:41 a.m. EST by HitGirl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The state's new collective bargaining law was defeated Tuesday after an expensive union-backed campaign that pitted firefighters, police officers and teachers against the Republican establishment.
For more see the story...
It sounds like the people are starting to wake up and realize who protects the workers’ rights and who openly tries to destroy workers’ rights
After a while anybody can see it's not as much about destroying the unions, as it is about making American workers competitive with third world countries and subservient to the wealthy
it's about owning the means of production
Thanks for reporting the good news. Maybe people are starting to wake up and realize that there is no other entity in America that truly represents the workers
The workers or citizens like OWS or any other organization that stands together with one voice scare the crap out of the control freaks of this country.
They don't want people to stand together and disrupt their manipulation and control
I like your name. It's very patriotic.
The Republicans are working hard to bring back slavery - any defeat is boon for humanity
lollol i troll you
Love you, Eric418hill!
so no one agrees their is a big difference between public unions and private ones? Public unions hold TAXPAYERS at bay...private only holds the company they work for at bay. When you choose to work for the govt, you become the govt in a sense.
And the government is We the People, or should be.
Labor and business interests poured more than $30 million into the nationally watched campaign, and turnout was high for an off-year election.
Does this sound like getting the money out of politics?
Sounds like the unions BOUGHT the election, doesn't it?
If elections could be bought, California would have a Republican governor. Don't think the 1% didn't spend some of their gazillion dollars.
Troll alert. Please stop this freak! Imposter!
Hi Hitgirl, Another good post. Very important news. We are making progress. AFLCIO entering fight with full force, and I welcome them. Lets win this thing. Best Regards, Nevada
Hi Nevada. Thanks for all that you do. And thanks for the positive comments :)
Hi HitGirl, Glad to be here making friends. Could you please check on post: 650,000 Americans Pulled Their Money......., by spankysmojo. Best Regards, Nevada
How do I locate a post without a link? Sorry to be lame.
I just posted to bring it near top.
One step in the right direction, thanks HitGirl!
I consider myself to be from Columbus, and therefore Ohio, even though I don't live there any more. Good Jobs Buckeyes!
i am sooo glad the people spoke up.
Lets all make sure that the NYPD sees that. Then, maybe they'll know we're on the same side instead of macing and arresting OWS protesters.
Government employees negotiating with government employees, what could go wrong??
This is a clear victory for the people. We need to make sure people understand what this means.
I assure you there are certain Republicans that are pulling their hair out right now...and a couple of Koch brothers.
I know,..Ohio is 'Kick Ass'...right?
I'm sure they are gathered together in some semi-lit bazillion dollar library of a bazillionaire plotting their next move to turn us all into robotniks.
These are complicated times. We need to learn and teach,..and then learn some more. People need to know the truth of how this economy works, and why it doesn't. Most people are clueless.
Many times sheep will listen to their shepherd even more than simple logic. The shepherd will say: "Who are you going to believe, or your own lying eyes?"
I'm a certified mediator. Read the book: 'Getting to Yes'. The people will never reach a consensus until all of the people look at the facts pragmatically, and that will be a monumental task.
Everyone there should debate, and debate, until the truth is obvious, then the way the answer is clear, the words will break through, and will ring and ring.
"The people will never reach a consensus until all of the people look at the facts pragmatically, and that will be a monumental task"...It is much easier for them to veg-out in front of their favorite "talking head," sip their beer, and get all worked-up over illegal immigrants or people drawing welfare.
By the way. Right to work states are kicking the asses of union states in just about ever aspect. It's a sad day for Ohio. This means more southern migration.
This was rejected in large party by massive lobbying and campaign spending by unions, something that the OWS should be fully against.
It was also supported by it... minus the union part.
Hello. This was rejected by the voters, jerkweed!
After a long, expensive campaign by the unions to influence the voters...
Like the 1% wasn't spending any money. They have ALL THE MONEY, jerkweed!
Oh I'm sure money was spent on both sides. I just think OWS celebrating this is like the pot calling the kettle black. It is also ironic that OWS is celebrating what will likely lead to the layoffs of thousands of middle class Ohio workers.
You're just upset because We the People pushed back against the Republican agenda to destroy the middle class.
income and wage issues
Actually, it was a form of the democratic party that instituted slavery. Hitler's party was more democratic than republican. Pro Labor, anti-gun, that's how Hitler rose so quickly in power.
Cool. I would have put my money on CA to go bankrupt first but now OH has made it a horse race.
You're just upset because We the People pushed back against the Republican agenda to destroy the middle class. Poor Frankie...
Uh no. I'm not a Republican. I probably would have supported Issue 2 also the way that it was framed. Unfortunately, they cast it as a union battle around principle instead of focusing on underlying economic issues. Which are all still there with even less ability to deal with them now.
Be careful what you wish for...
The underlying economic issues can be dealt with by taxing the 1% that has made out like f*cking bandits over the last 30 years!
Sorry, wrong jurisdiction for the 1% stuff. OH is a state not the Federal government. Increasing Federal income tax doesn't help them much if at all. They've already lost a ton of jobs because of their high tax rates as it is. They'll likely have to raise them even more which means no new employers bringing in new jobs.
What a dip shit, open your eyes.
You're the one who needs to open their eyes. They're broke with no real growth and a limited tax base. Where's the money coming from? Answer - It's not.
I'm pretty sure we are in agreement.
HA. Righty-O Frankie. You said a mouthful there! Why can't pro-labor democrats look across the Atlantic and see what's happening to Greece right now. Their country has failed. Financial collapse is eminent because of the generations of pro-labor policy.
Meanwhile, more states consider becoming right to work.
Link us to the story.
There is no one story. More states are considering legislation. Bills are being written right now. As of today there are 22 right to work states
I wish I has an option to join a Union when I worked
Depends on the union and the job.
lotta jobs ain't got no union
You would be correct. The problem lies in two areas. How much unions force companies to pay and the exubarant demands regarding benefits. The company can either pass the cost on to the consumer or find other ways to cut costs. They aren't going to be selling $40,000 Ford Pintos. So they use foreign labor. Poof jobs.
Madison, WI is a prime example. They wonder why they are broke and union bus drivers are making 159k a year without a college degree.
Exub[e]rant? I assume you meant exorbitant but why split hairs?
Perhaps the real crux of the problem is because the gov't refuses to provide for the well-being of it's citizens (in this case healthcare), any company that undertakes the added expense of healthcare is at a competitive disadvantage...if the gov't provided socialized healthcare it would be a non-issue.
How dare I mention socialism in this god-fearing, capitalist society of ours? Yeah, I learned about it when I was a child, growing up in a military family...but I suppose that if we extended such benefits to everyone then we wouldn't be able to sucker people into joining the military with promises of healthcare for them and their family....
Are you really against organizations that demand reasonable benefits for their members? [Sigh] Yes, I suppose you are I have seen your past comments...
With the news of Obamcare and new guidelines, our company reduced its health package.
With the news of Obamacare, my company had to reduce benefits and costs to my family went up by 25%. READ... it's not my company's fault, it's the government's fault.
it's happening all over the nation. It's sad these protesters cannot see the real enemy.
the company sells at what ever price makes the most profit
there are no passed on costs to sales from production costs
Yes there is. What if they have to charge $40,000 on $15,000 car to make up for what they are paying the employee and his family? They can't do that. It won't sell. They end up buying parts made in China. Every American car is now equipped with parts from all over Asia. Many, cars it's the engine. Ford Mercury uses Mitsubishi engines And we bailed them out. Think about that.
Now, back to reality. The cost of labor in the final price of a US built car with $70hr pay (including so called legacy cost) is about 10%.
and if the company got rid of those employees and replaced them with machines
the company would still charge $40,000 if that is what the cars can be sold for
That's not how a free market works. If the guy down the street is charging $34,999, then others on the block must not sell it above that price. It's who can sell it at the lowest price, while making a profit, coupled with the best customer service. The free market governs itself. Someone rips you off, they tell others. They face negative publicity. Even more so with the availability of the internet. They rip you off with vanity products. Products that are not better, just the fad or popular at the time. They still cannot force you to buy it.
monopolies and price fixing conclusion happen
all companies will make more profit if they do not compete
Monopolies are a different story. Although not a true monopoly, I have a problem with places like Wal Mart ruing small towns. There is greed attached to that, but Wal Mart is more a result of our technology. Technology has surpassed humanity. We will eventually have to face that issue. We are on the brink of that coming into our awareness.
I have a bigger problem with companies that supply our power and water. They are govt regulated, but still own the market. No one can compete with our utility companies with how they are set up. The Government rarely denies their request for a rate hike. They do it all the time. They pay their employees well. They have great job security and benefits. Meanwhile I am seeing the price of power go up almost 40 percent.
Government agencies also charge these companies all sorts of taxes and fees for all sorts of oddball stuff. They just ask the Gov if they can charge us more to make up the difference. Sure.
True capitalism works. It's the mom and pop system. We used to be that kind of society. We need to get back to that. Anyone who wants the Government to control business more than it already does is completely ignorant.
Yay! More tax payer money for government workers!
Those who pay the majority of taxes are very wealthy, so Yay, wooohoo, right on!