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Forum Post: Boston is discussing this Roadmap

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 6:10 p.m. EST by AriaLittlhous (18)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy Wall Street’s Road Map To Economic Justice and Horizontal Democracy “the truth is always simple”

OWS Mission Statement:

Our mission is to give birth to a just and compassionate body politic that treads lightly upon the Earth.

Our mission will be accomplished when these goals are met:

  1. The US has a sustainable peace time economy.
  2. The voices of the 99% are heard and acted upon.
  3. The Earth’s rights are recognized as being on par with human beings.
  4. In allocating resources, the US government priorities the needs of the 99% who are not wealthy.

We ask that all elected officials pledge to support these objectives and methods:

  1. The immediate creation of a National Single Payer Non-Profit Healthcare System
  2. The End of Corporate Personhood.
  3. The implementation of a “cradle to grave” social safety net.
  4. To end the assault on workers' rights
  5. To support the end of institutionalized racism, sexism, homophobia and attacks on immigrants.
  6. To end the current wars and vow to not engage in another.
  7. To facilitate the creation of a new tax code, written from scratch, that supports our goals
  8. To pass the Obama jobs bill.
  9. To extend the pubic education system through all levels.
  10. To direct government spending away from the military and towards social programs.
  11. To convene a Constitutional Convention to implement Proportional Representation
  12. To repeal all anti-union laws.

It is not the role of OWS to craft legislation. We look forward to commenting on our legislators plans on how to implement the Roadmap.



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[-] 1 points by AriaLittlhous (18) 13 years ago

I didn't overlook it; it's covered in tax reform and ending corporate citizenship...is your OWS coming up with "demands"?

[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

This should have some more things specific to wall street...

A combination with this list:


And some of mine, of course...I made the same error of overlooking the focus on the wall street stuff and just putting my wishlist together. http://occupywallst.org/forum/my-proposed-demands-1-5of-23/

Because ultimately we have to worry about wall street controlling 5 members of the supreme court.

I like this list!