Forum Post: bootsy3000 Supports torching Jewish Owned Businesses!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by slinkeey
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
He said it himself!
What a pathetic use of Bootsy Collins' name! That guy creates some great music.
Slinkeey, what the hells the matter with you, what are you trying to pull? Now go slink away. Hurry now.
Nothing.. It needs to be pointed out.. I named a name so it does not go against OWS as a whole.
Point out what? C'mon Slink, tell everyone in detail exactly what it is you're trying to point out.
What Bootsy3000 believes in.
That's awfully vague. Anything else you want to add?
Forget it. Dont answer that. StevenRoyal is right. You're not fooling anyone.
So unless you want someone to post "Beware! Slinkey is a troll"... I would suggest you consider using your talents more constructively.
Who do you think your fooling with this non sense?
Fooling? It is right out there pain as day.
You're not fooling anybody except your friends at RupertMurdockNews who are in need of "evidence" to publish.
Evidence of what? Like they are going to post something on one internet poster names Bootsy3000. Are you a conspiracy theorist?
No, but they will use this posting and other repetitive non-sense to lead them to fabricate a conclusion based on "overwhelming" evidence, thereby, advancing their false narrative.
Because no one that wants OWS to succeed would come out with such mindless drivel.
How is it mindless if there is truth to it? I am really starting to learn that OWS has something against people of Jewish Faith.. I personally do not know much about the religion to make an opinion. Maybe I should learn more about it..
Moron. Which branch of the Tea Party are you a member of?
What does the tea party have to do with this?