Forum Post: Beware of this Tactic!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 1:44 p.m. EST by puff6962
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"In Phoenix, Ariz., a stack of provocative flyers found near the Occupy Phoenix protest has been a source of concern to law enforcement. The flyers encourage violence and claim that people have the right to resist police searches at airports and at border and sobriety check points. Occupy Phoenix protesters say they are not responsible for the flyers, and that they must have come from an outside group."
This is a traditional Republican trick during elections....create a flyer or robocall that makes your opponent seem radical, exteme, or nuts. The real trick is that these messages are crafted in such a way as to appear as having emanated from the opposition campaign ITSELF.
Carl Rove once installed a bug in his own candidate's campaign office. Of course, the bug was "discovered" about two days before the election. The implied message was that it was the opposing campaign using dirty tricks....the irony.
Do not fall prey to this irony.
Carl Rove has a long history of involvement in dirty tricks politics. His alleged rotten tactics are reported in Jacob Weisberg's, The Bush Tragedy, Random House:2008.
I would say I agree with the flyer then, there is no reason for them to molest us at the airport.
This should not be a partisan issue. The only people who are FOR this are usually uber-liberal.
I hate the TSA but if the flyer says you have a "right" to refuse a search at the airport they are giving bad advice.
We do have that right but it's been "regulated" away from us by bureaucrats. We can try to exercise that right at airports but there will be consequences.
ain't got no money to fly
And people who don't like terrorists.
You have a better chance of getting struck by lighting. If some stranger ever wants to put their hands on my kids like that, we will be canceling that flight immediately.
Stand up for our rights before we have none left.
Then please don't fly. I have no problem with it.
You know who does? The enitre rest of the planet, including Israel, the hotbed of terrorism.
Haha I couldn't care less what they do in Israel. That whole part of the world can blow themselves all up if they want.
But they aren't, they are fine. And we are fine. And yet they continue to molest us at airports, take nude photos, etc.
This is a serious step towards turning us into a even more massive police state.
Tampa just put in an application for 238 more security cameras around town. I suppose you support this too?
For the most part. They will probably be putting them in high crime urban areas.
I hope the news doesnt interview you too much.
Last I knew, we were tired of the govcorp interfering in our lives....
Yes, the govcorp! Exactly.
Some people can't take care of themselves. My neighborhood doesn't have any cameras and has no need for them. If it did, I wouldn't live here. If people in the inner cities are going to act like animals, we might as well treat them like that.
Yea, they have cameras where my relatives live in the peaceful, low-crime burbs, too. I hear DHS is paying, so the towns are doing it, my mom's did it when Walmart came to town.
You must be a sad little Gladys Kravitz living in your suburban hell.
They are putting them up in middle class too here. My neighborhood has ZERO violent crime, and minimal petty crime, and they have just errected 4 last month.
This bullshit is outta control.
we already have no rights--left-
have you ever traveled abroad?
Yes, why? Just went to Eastern Europe a while ago.
Imagine a net that catches noting, and one that doesn't allow even water to flow through. In between, there is some porosity that actually collects the fish that you want to catch. Now, does it work perfectly, no. You're going to get some carp with your basses. However, you have to have some net just as a deterrent. Now, I'm mixing metaphors.....
But, the hallmark of any good compromise is that nobody is happy with it.
threatening violence is terrorism
terrorism seeks to control the population through fear
yeah, we do not want to be started being seen as terrorists. stay non-violent people, think John Lennon, Ghandi, MLK. More people hear and believe.
i think that has been already achieved. unfortunately, terrorists can also be patient.
Phoenix has a large neo-Nazi community. They showed up at a GA with assault rifles not too long ago. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they were responsible. American neo-Nazis have a lot of support in high places.
To be fair, both sides do stuff like this but it's just more commonly done by Republicans.
Anyway, i have a bad feeling stuff like this is going to be the down fall of the Occupy protests. You can only sit around and bicker about politics for so long. Sooner or later the professional activists will take over and turn this into a vote for Obama campaign.
or worse. we're getting anarchists who want to take down the entire country. that means all of us.
I wouldn't worry about the Anarchists. They are a very small part of the people protesting. They wont be tolerated if they act up or push extremist views.
There's a fascinating book called, "How to Rig an Election," by a former GOP operative who went to prison. It is well written and so interesting because you quickly realize how smart, and diabolical, these guys are. The author admits that stuff like this goes on on both sides.....but the Republicans are the All-stars, the Democrats are junior-varsity.
We're getting some real radicals at OWS in our area, coming in and advocating violence. I dont think they are republicans, but we told them we didn't want anything to do with them. they come back every day but we tell them to shut up and they're nuts. This isn't about violence. Is Lisa Fithian a republican? she's helping organize ows nationally and is pretty radical and calling for violence, but at least she's helping getting the movement started.
Beware of this one too.
1) Set up a 'movement' Manufacture it.
2) Solicit donations like there's no tommorrow.
3) Set up an unmoderated, censored forum. Allow all free speech, regarddless of how inflammatory, except for anyone who mentions that one guy (Ron 'Lawl"). Allow the flame posts to stay on top, while real content about real issues get buried in a forum which was designed to be unusable.
4) Sit back watch the show splintering our country while you rake in the dough.
we are already doing that--
and its working great-
and it will bring down your country (the corrupt one)
Most of the USA, if not the world, wants to live in a democracy, with capitalism. That's not going to change. I agree that there is a problem with corporate influence over our Government and it's policies. That should end.
But if you can't clearly see or understand that this particular site is some form of a scam, then you are not too bright.
this system of corrupt government -wants free and fair elections-
where they pick a very rich man ( who can be corrupted ) spend a fortune on his election campaign- then he does what his masters tell him to- like the us congress-lol
its the us government that has scamed us all.
Was that the teabagger movement you were describing?
I would suggest that the forum set up a new branch in which we post our ideas for a platform without the ability for additional comment. The ideas would be broken into topics and subtopics according to a moderator and are voted upon by individuals on this board.
Hopefully, the minions of the Koch brothers who occupy this board don't skew the results too far.
law enforcement wrote and distributed the flyers-