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Forum Post: Bernie Sanders Wants to Tax Stock Trades to Pay for Free College

Posted 9 years ago on May 19, 2015, 7:22 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders wants to take from the rich in order to make public college tuition-free for everyone else.

On Tuesday, the Vermont senator will hold a press conference in the nation's capital at which he will introduce a plan to use a so-called Robin Hood tax on stock transactions to fund tuition at four-year public colleges and universities.

Sanders' bill sets a 50-cent tax on every "$100 of stock trades on stock sales, and lesser amounts on transactions involving bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments," the group Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street said Monday in a press release.

"The Robin Hood tax would also slow the growth of automated high frequency trading, which makes the stock market more dangerous,"et more dangerous," the press release stated. "A small tax would make risky HFT unprofitable, and help reduce the excess speculation on commodities like food and gas that drives up prices, which will protect the economy from computer-generated collapses and market manipulation."

Sanders, who is the only candidate so far to mount a formal primary challenge to Hillary Clinton, argues that making college tuition-free will help America compete in the global marketplace.

"We live in a highly competitive global economy and, if our economy is to be strong, we need the best-educated work force in the world," he said in a press release on Sunday. "That will not happen if, every year, hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college, and if millions more leave school deeply in debt.""


If you want to change the world, here is where you start:




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[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

In compliment:

Dear friends,

It would be like hiring the oil tycoon Koch brothers to run the Environmental Protection Agency.

NY Governor Cuomo is reportedly thinking about replacing the tough “sheriff of Wall Street” Ben Lawsky, who is stepping down, with an industry friendly pick who would go easy on the big banks.

This decision affects the whole country – time after time, New York banking and insurance superintendent Ben Lawsky has insisted on steeper penalties for illegal behavior on Wall Street than what federal regulators asked for.

Click here to tell Gov. Cuomo: Give us another tough “sheriff of Wall Street.”

The NY Daily News calls Lawksy’s Department of Financial Services “a force to be reckoned with on Wall Street” and considers Lawksy the second most important public official in New York, behind only Gov. Cuomo.

Lawsky has used his position to force the industry to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars in additional penalties for breaking the law – and he’s focused on making sure law-breaking individuals on Wall Street are held accountable.

Luckily, Gov. Cuomo is also reported to be considering a strong pick, Rohit Chopra, who has the support of everyone from Senator Elizabeth Warren to groups including our partners New York Communities for Change and our Wall Street-fighting allies at Rootstrikers, CREDO, and Citizen Action NY.

Sign our petition with Rootstrikers and Demand Progress to Tell Gov. Cuomo: Nominate Rohit Chopra to be the next “sheriff of Wall Street.”

Rohit Chopra has taken on for-profit colleges and student lenders and delivered for everyday people. He exposed financial scams targeted at service members and veterans, and negotiated tough settlements for making illegal loans to students.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who initially hired Rohit Chopra at the CFPB, has said he’d be “phenomenal” as the New York banking and insurance superintendent, calling him “smart as a whip, independent, hard-working, and loaded with integrity.”

Click now to urge Gov. Cuomo to choose Rohit Chopra to continue holding the line against Wall Street.

In solidarity,

Brian Kettenring Co-Executive Director Action for the Common Good is building a rising movement of people fighting for a future of opportunity, equality, and inclusion. We're working on campaigns that promote a pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial and economic justice agenda and win victories to improve people’s lives. Together, we’ll build a progressive future we can all be proud of.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Any word on this? Has he made his pick yet?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

I have not heard any update.

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 9 years ago

I still remember what Obama promised, but then what did he give us?

Hopefully Sanders will be the real deal.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

That healthcare thing was pretty big and we were on the edge of a great depression when he came in I would have liked to see some bankers in jail but still he did a lot considering how many people didn't even vote in 2010 and 2014 when people won't even vote they got little reason to bitch. But people can't let the GOP win as they did in 2010 and 2014 and blame the Dems for what happens.

[-] -1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

The eternal apologist continues to slobber and grovel at the feet of the millionaires club.

Listen Alan, you aren't getting into the country club. Get over it.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

listen shithead, your time to push your bullshit on the site is up you are exposed for the political hack bent on co-opting the movement, you ego whores are dying off....

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

WOW, "listen shithead", did you feel a sudden burst of courage when you realized that you would have anonymity on line? That is usually the case with older, frustrated and confused people. It is their last gasp attempt at relevance.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

oh, how many ids has it taken for you to stay on the site?

creating a bunch of sock puppets is just par for the course for TROLLS like you

is this your last one?

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Do you reckon that other Occupiers were driven off here by profane, Democratic, hack "TROLLS" too? Your DEMOCRATIC Presidident Obama proved to many of us that both parties are corporate owned. Can I deduce that you think that him pushing to have the TPP passed is a good thing?

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Your cornies scored a huge win on the TPP helped out by your kind in 2014 defeating them evil Dems, the R's were 4 to 1 in favor the Ds 5 to 1 against, but you don't give a damn about anything but dumping on the Dems.


[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Without the Democratic support, Fast Track would never have been passed. It's amazing how 'they' keep getting enough votes to keep screwing us.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The Rs were 4 to 1 in favor the Ds were 5 to 1 against, it's stupid people like you who can't do math that are screwing us.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

So from the breakdown of the votes on Fast Track, you will forget about all their shitty votes, and continue to hack for the CORRUPT Democrats

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

go ahead you are the Dem hater why don't you post those shitty results you refer to so we can chat about them.

I have posted the TPP fast track results and I am ready to chat, why don't you post the vote tally you would like to talk about.

But anybody who can count can see that the TPP was a great victory for the GOP and those that hate the Dems like you, congrats on getting fast track for TPP even though I think it was a terrible thing, you got it done running the evil Dems from office in 2014.

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Actually the ranks of Dem and Rep registrations continues to shrink while indies and new parties continue to grow.

There is a change happening, but as usual you are the last one to the party lol.

You should watch your mouth before I have to give you a spankin :)

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

How many Bush administrations are you willing to endure while that happens?

But then a con like you would prefer the GOP as you believe there is a better chance they will cut government spending right?

Tell us again government spending, should there be more spent on domestic programs or less in general?


[-] -1 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

The comment about fewer registrations for the dems and repubs is true. Registrations are up for Independents and other parties. How long do you intend to hold out? Will you change when you finally wake up? It's liberating in a way, although you feel sadness of your wasted devotion to the Democratic Party you now know thought of you as a jackass.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I'm in it for the long haul, till the GOP is dead.

How many Bush Presidencies will it take till you decide to take action instead of just wishing and whining?

[-] -1 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

Yes it's clear you're a democrat for life regardless whether they're corrupt or not. False hope is still hope and you will follow orders. They should hire you, you're blindly loyal.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

If you're saying I'm not stupid enough to let the GOP win you got me there, but I got to ask why do you find the GOP to be so acceptable?

[-] 0 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

I'll try it another way. The GOP is less acceptable than the dems, does that sound better than the lesser evil we continue to describe? Neither is acceptable to me!

Please update me on your progress in destroying the GOP. I suggest meeting with dem party officials in your area to give them your ideas. I believe they would laugh in your face but they might wait until you leave.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Occupiers are used to being laughed at and ridiculed but you wouldn't know anything about that, occupiers suggest bold changes not mere baby steps like "making a point" with my vote, or lack of voting or other bullshit childish acts.

The fact is you do "accept" everything the that happens in America, and you do nothing to make it better, you accept the results of the 2014 election where the GOP won enough votes to push TPP through the house, you think yourself more important than what actually happens, you think your "great insight" is what matters, you don't give a damn about wealth inequality!

[-] 0 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

Let's agree that neither of us has, "great insight". I saw and listened to your video and you are not one of my sources for info. I believe the elites are counting on us to take your position. It has taken years and many dollars to set the system up where they can't lose. I live in a very republican area, southerners that all want to be on the same team, and they like to win. They continue to believe this country is not corrupt enough to set up the system as I believe it is set up. I don't understand why you don't believe I give a damn about wealth inequality, I must not be good at communicating. Maybe you missed my posts about my former employees and their suffering before my store closed. Robert Reich's film is exactly right!

Have you faced the police in NYC at an Occupy event? Bold changes are exactly what we need and your stance is part of the problem we face.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Robert Reich is a Democratic like Bernie Sanders, I will believe you care about wealth inequality when I see you post something that might change it.

People who say that the people have no real choice are as much a part of the problem as the 1% are.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

No - "your" stance is misguided (if you really are for the people).

You forward no actions for the public to unite in taking.

All you and yours ever get around to saying - IS - the public can't make a difference in politics as it stands.


And you continue to forward it --- even though a united public taking action can defeat money in politics - it has been done before and it can be done NOW on a large scale. But you and yours continue to deny that the public can make a difference.

You are defeatists (or very determined supporters of the 1%).

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Err... do you reckon that your DEMOCRATATIC President gives a "damn" about wealth inequality? BIG money has bought off both corrupt parties.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

congrats on your big win in 2014, it help your guys get the TPP pushed though you must be very proud,

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Did you see where the scotus just saved (helped) the rethuglicans from the public on their opposition to the ACA?

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies: GOP sobs (while secretly breathing a sigh of relief)

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

and marriage equality as well but issues over politics, its all good...

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Another thing about these scotus decisions - now when rethuglicans refuse to participate and so deny affordable health care to the working poor in their states - they will have no defense - the public should see clearly that these thugs are against them and hopefully will remove them from office - and some people wonder why these rethuglicans work so hard to remove the vote from the poor.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

And "congrats on your big win.." in 2008 and 2012. Without YOUR CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC President Obama pushing hard for it (with your support!!), the most egregiously bad piece of legislation to the people, the TPP, might never have been possible.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Yes I'm glad we didn't get McCain or Romney we were very lucky that your GOP didn't win those two, but thanks to your work in 2014 we did get TPP so you are getting exactly what you were hoping for.

If you had not done so great a job in 2014 the GOP would not have been able to push TPP through for you, you must be very proud remember TPP was made possible by the 4 to 1 yes votes the GOP gave it while the Dems imperfect as they are stood 5 to 1 against, but YOU had a huge win in 2014 so you got your TPP pushed through, congrats to YOU!

No matter what you say, the TPP will always be one of YOUR greatest accomplishments because it is what you do not what you say that matters and what you did made all the difference in getting the TPP pushed through, you, the GOP, and Obama are all in that together.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Good response.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Forum Post: Bernie Sanders Wants to Tax Stock Trades to Pay for Free College

One of many proposed proactive support the people objectives that Bernie has brought forward over the years.

Hell a modest transaction tax or fee on wall street's mega Mega MEGA daily trades could well pay for free education K thru forever - expand social security - pay up to date every single pension plan in the USA that was never funded as they should have been - weekly or bi-weekly - or monthly or every 3 months or twice a year or even annually.

The wall street transaction fee or tax could fund infrastructure maintenance/repair/replacement - it could fund aid to struggling towns cities counties state the whole country - it could fund the health care program for the needy - it could fund full implementation of fossil free clean energy.

The Trillions upon trillions of dollars of wall street trading transaction tax or fee could also go to helping individuals and families who were put on the street by wall street's criminal activities.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

When one considers that "national interests" are more correctly labeled "corporate interests" in most uses, it seems a transaction tax sufficient to cover defense and education would be in order, transportation as well now that I think of it.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The Robin Hood Tax is a great and just idea. Everyone pays Sales / Purchase / Value Added - Tax on a whole range of things... yet Wall Street larcenists think a fraction of 1% - as a Financial Transaction Tax is somehow unconscionable! It's way beyond outrageous and speaks volumes about how much of a grip Wall Street has on US Politics, that such a tax has not been introduced already. That needs to change.

http://www.robinhoodtax.org/ ;



[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I think we found something we agree on, a transaction tax makes sense for a lot of reasons. I would like to see a federal "property tax" on holdings as well after all most government spending is to support capital assets in some way or another.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Taxing Wealth Over Income; Correctly and Fairly Taxing Corporations;The Realities of Anthropomorphic Global Warming; Wealth Inequality; the real dangers of an Inherited Wealth Neofeudalist Oligarchy and others are things that we agree on. We share much of the analysis but don't agree on the solutions due to faith / lack thereof in (Co-opted; Corrupted; Controlled) Establishment Political Parties, that do not or won't represent The 99%.

Since the Finance; Insurance; Real Estate (FIRE) Sector is the source of the US' current economic and budget problems, then it also makes clear sense to have this FIRE sector... bear the direct brunt of any new taxes that may be needed.

The economic collapse caused by Wall Street's ''irrational exuberance'' - as that gimp Greenspan would have it - has led to a huge increase in the US' debt burden. So - it seems only fair that Wall Street bear the brunt of the clean-up costs. A Financial Transactions Tax (aka ''Tobin Tax'') is the way to make sure that this happens and that some semblance of equity and fairness can be restored.Otherwise It's Going To Be Pitchforks!

Furthermore, one final rhetorical question would be... please can you tell me why do we allow Private Companies to create Money Out Of Nothing and then borrow that same money From Them AND Pay Interest on it? - Especially when... money could be created Free Of Debt and For The Public Interest!

Finally, here is an excellent and memorable article by Mr. Matt Taibbi from the earliest days of OWS: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2011/10/13/my-advice-occupy-wall-street-protesters-hit-bankers-where-it-hurts?print= - Hitting Bankers where it hurts should be a no-brainer unifying common position and also fyi, see: http://www.thenation.com/blog/167952/new-politics-rejects-austerity-and-wars-whim

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The difference between us really Shadz is you have no idea at all about how to change this, while I see a clear path, that begins with the death of the GOP.

BTW anybody who gives a crap about changing this shit will be posting/pushing/and helping Bernie Sanders win the others are fake frauds.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Clueless as ever, I see. The GOP can not be just wished away can they? A minimum rump of perhaps 10/15/20% and probably more - mostly made up of white people - will never vote for anything other than Repugnants - because they are a combination of heavily Fox etc. indoctrinated; are pathologically anti-progressive and - utterly hate the idea of anything accruing to people of color - who they do NOT like!

You know this already, so a simplistic 'Kill The GOP' doesn't mean anything as some people are happy as Turkeys Voting For Thanksgiving! These people can not be relied on to see any light... because they prefer to jealously hold onto their faux-identity and abject political blindness and the 0.01% love that.

So - STOP getting distracted by the prospects of The Corporate Co-opted Democratic Party at the next election or even the 3 or 4 after that.You and your kids and grand kids are now in a generational struggle and in that context, building a Mass Movement From Below makes THE most sense as a socio-political strategy for The 99%. That is why OWS exists and we are here - whether you choose to see that or not.

Therefore, given what I said, I'll encourage you to engage with the http://www.leftforum.org/ and finally as per your forum-post, do try to see: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30953-a-robin-hood-tax-to-pay-for-college-for-all

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Sounds like you are a "all is lost" sort of guy, either that or some military solution, you political, hacks are a hoot one minute you talk about the power to create whole new parties on the other you say we are so weak we can't kill one old dieing party, the truth is all you want is to feed your ego by pretending to be "holier than thou" while in fact you sling lies like "there is no difference" which gives us W Bush instead of Al Gore and want people to believe that fools who can't see a difference between those somehow see deep into something else? That makes no sense it makes far more sense that you are like any other person and can see huge differences but you lie about it for your own reasons and anybody who follow liars get what they deserve.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''What we have here, is basically an inability to communicate'' so ''Beware of The Dark Side - Luke''! + fyi, see: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/hillary-clinton-2016-fearful-bernie-sanders-118346.html

Now go see IF you have got the wit or wisdom; rhyme or reason, to try to break that down and perhaps consider stopping being ''Monkey Likes Shiny'' and fixating on the next new thing - without perspective.

We build a Movement from below via such ''comings together'' as the recent http://www.leftforum.org/ / https://twitter.com/leftforum + such as OWS; "Rolling Jubilee"; "Strike Debt"; "Fight For $15"/''15 Now!"; "Black Lives Matter"; and environmentalists like - The Anti-Keystone Pipeline Activists and Supporters as well as those who are concerned with the growing opposition to The US Security/Surveillance State.

There is NO magic wand or 'saviour from above' in a 0.01% owned and 1% rigged ''system'' so Grow Up and stop screaming ''Republican'' at everyone else bar DNCers here ... like a Binary Minded; paRDisan!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

There is NO way to advance $15/hr MW with a Republican majority, or stopping the keystone or getting any kind of action on climate change and all the other things on your list are all made harder or impossible with GOP wins, you want stuff but do nothing to advance those causes getting rid of the GOP is a necessary step in every one of those causes.

Some say it is because you are simply here to hurt the Dems as much as you can to elect the GOP because in reality you are a supporter of the 1%, I don't think that, I just think you're stupid as shit.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Gun Loving; Colored Folk Hating; Taxation abhorring; Pro-''Business''; BIG Military liking, RWNJ's (Right Wing Nutjobs) will Always vote for or have an equivalent to, The GOP. Three or four generations of Deep Right Wing Programming means that 10-20% of Americans ... will just NEVER vote anything other than Repugnantly! Now that does leave the other 80-90% BUT Corporate Co-opted, Corrupted and Controlled Dem Party Pols are the most egregious problem as Vile Duplicitous Traitors to the 99% .. and the thing is you know this too. Now get your ''facts'' straight and stop making them up for ''fun''and do sharpen up! Also fyi .. http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31288-how-bernie-sanders-can-kill-the-1-s-tpp-trade-deal Finally fyi http://fightfor15.org/ and other such struggles are already being organised from the bottom up!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You can stand around a bitch and do nothing or you can change the game by removing one of the players and upsetting the balance. The GOP can be removed from power and once that is done there will be huge change.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Please remind me again just how you make the GOP vanish into thin air, further to what I say above and despite scenarios like Bat Shit Crazy RightWingNutJobs like Dylann Roof's political terrorism at 'Mother Emamuel' AME Church in Charleston, SC and the current 'Confederate Flag' situation.

You live in John McCain returning Arizona and so must know a whole bunch of Right Wing folk - so do you think that those Turkeys are just going to stop voting for Thanksgiving .. just like that? No. But our arguments and analysis can appeal to the 80%+ of Americans, who are not RWNJs!

FYI ... http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31537-obama-s-fast-track-trade-bill-clears-key-senate-hurdle

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

So you believe that total radical change is just impossible?

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

No, not at all! It's just your utter naivete' in the matter of lasting pro 99% change, that actually befuddles me. Your beloved Democratic Party = Lions led by Donkeys! Your pathological attachment to the Dems as the only solution is the source of our differences! Dems do NOT equate to ''The Left''! Please do try to consider implications of ... http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/business/yourmoney/26every.html?_r=0

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

So you don't believe the GOP can be beaten at the same time you believe the whole system can be brought down? You are willing to believe the most convoluted things to support your hatred of the Dems, it is all that drives you.

Would you like to share how you plan to make the whole system vanish into thin air?

I offer a specific action that can be accomplished and will change everything, but it doesn't feed your ego so you reject it.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

10-25% of White Americans are more addicted to ass-licking the 0.01%& hoping for either some trickle down or that they too can join the 1%, than they're willing to realise + accept their 99% co-dependence and common interest. They are happy to 'kiss up and kick down', and what was it that Steinbeck said?

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires”! +see http://occupywallst.org/forum/rent-rape/#comment-1057838 for more. Focussing on Wall Street's co-option, control and death-grip is very important, right?

Also see + meditate upon: http://occupywallst.org/forum/sanders-has-already-won/#comment-1061994 & please feel free to remind me of your "specific action" again and consider that any 'Left Pull' is good!

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

You don't kill a party by voting for the same party ou moron.

If Bill Clinton was bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Somolia and Serbia, Kosovo and Pakistan....

And Obama has come in and added Syria, Libya and Yemen to that list...

You really think that loser Gore wouldn't have just followed orders after 9/11 like Bush did?

My god you are naive old crusty bastard.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You are stupid because you stand around doing nothing while the GOP are elected.

Had Gore been elected the planned response to the Cole would have been carried out and "9/11" would have never happened, at least that's the most likely chain of events, far more likely than Gore invading Iraq in any case, 9/11 or not.

If you are so stupid that you can't see the tremendous difference in Bernie Sanders and any of the GOP contenders you are as stupid as you appear to be from your posts no doubt.

You are also completely wrong about how to "kill a party" it is really simple just remove them from office by voting.

YES WE CAN kill the GOP all we have to do is expose every idiot like you we come across.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

If - IF - he were really for the people - then - YES - he would be dumber than a box of rocks. But - He - IS NOT - for the people. All of his efforts here amount to nothing more than trying to get people to opt-out and do nothing. SO - whether or not he is a GOP operative does not matter - what - HE - most assuredly - IS - is a supporter of the 1% and their continued hold on power. Same with his cronies.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Here is a link to a post I made which shows where "turbo the con" sits on the issues, he stands with Wall Street:


[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Wow, you really live a fantasy of Democrats don't you?

Shall we go further back in the list of Democrat presidents to see their war loving ways? Republicans or Democrats, you get the same batch of shit.

Time to grow up junior, and possibly try something new.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Time to talk about the transaction tax what do you think about that?

Do you stand with the Wall Street pigs or the people? oh that's right you stand with Wall Street pigs, here's the link:


[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

If you had a clue how the bond racket works and what Dems and Reps have done to it, you would realize how idiotic your comment was.

Go back to school, its not too late.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The transaction tax would affect stocks much more than bonds, but you're so stupid you probably don't know the difference.

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

What happened you thought you had an answer to Dr. reich but decided you didn't? But please, tell us how Dr. Reich don't know what he's talking about.....

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I guess Robert Reich is not nearly so knowledgeable about how the economy works as you are, I am aware the the Ego Party is the only one you support:

"Put a 2 percent surtax on wealth in excess of $3 million. And a one-tenth of 1 percent transaction tax on every financial transaction. And restore top tax rates to what they were before Ronald Reagan became president. Use half this revenue to pay down the national debt and half to make sure every American has a world-class education." Dr. Reich, economics professor Harvard.


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Never mind an inability to look forward 4/5 (S)Election cycles (ie a generation from now), Alan is still fighting 2000 but with NO mention that Repugnants stole that election and DemocrapGore knew that and that he'd won the election but didn't want to besmirch the US' Election Protocols and embarrass ''US Democracy'' - such as it is! An 'Instant Gratification Culture' ... really has so much to answer for.

Also fyi: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/05/31/decrepit-us-resorts-viagra-militarism.html

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Yes. Also no mention are the 200k people FROM HIS OWN PARTY that actually decided they didn't like Nader, but instead VOTED FOR BUSH in Fl.

Leave it to some blind Dem/Rep follower to look past their own party as usual in a quest to find someone to blame.


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''A New Age Of Revolt And Rebellion - The Implosion of Global Capitalism'' by Chris Hedges: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article41996.htm

''Chris Hedges delivers a stark and urgent apprisal of the worldwide catastrophe that’s sure to come if the current system isn’t confronted and forced to change.

''Hedges sketches out the alarming proportions of the problem to “The Next Debate” host Rudyard Griffiths, chairman of the Munk Debates, in an audio interview posted on Canadian news source The Globe and Mail’s website.

''In their discussion, which touches on a series of critical topics Hedges covers in his latest book, “Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt,” Griffiths and Hedges discuss income inequality; the master-slave relationship between the corporate state and purportedly “free” citizens in nations like the U.S. and Canada; the movement to boost the minimum wage; the uprising against oppressive and racist police forces in America; and climate change, among others.''

In short, as Hedges puts it, “We Live In A Revolutionary Moment.” Hear his take on how we got to this point and what can be done, via the link above AND keep your eyes on prize in front and the devil take the hindmost. Solidarity.

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Theres a good chance that this tech revolution we are living in is going to be the great leveler against this tyrannical group of lunatics in Congress.

If we can keep their hands off of us long enough.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

“We Live In A Revolutionary Moment” - says Chris Hedges and so 'BINGO' at that and at what you say! That is exactly why most of us are here, right? Although most of us know full well that what we all say is monitored by 'The Agencies' - we forge on regardless because we believe in the need and possibility of real change for The 99%. Solidarity to you and yours and fyi - please do see the video and link here: http://occupywallst.org/forum/bernie-sanders-is-the-1-percents-worst-nightmare-h/#comment-1060588

Also fyi: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/05/31/zombie-patriot-act-will-keep-u-s-spying-even-if-the-original-dies.html and http://www.nationaljournal.com/white-house/why-we-can-t-trust-the-nsa-and-why-that-s-a-crisis-20150601 Speaking 'Truth To Power' requires us to inform ourselves first & foremost.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 30 minutes ago

Clueless as ever, I see. The GOP can not be just wished away can they? A minimum rump of perhaps 10/15/20% and possibly more - mostly made up of white people - will never vote for anything other than Repugnants - because they are a combination of heavily Fox etc. indoctrinated; are pathologically anti-progressive and - utterly hate the idea of anything accruing to people of color - who they do NOT like!

You know this already, so a simplistic 'Kill The GOP' doesn't mean anything as some people are happy as Turkeys Voting For Thanksgiving! These people can not be relied on to see any in any light because they prefer to jealously hold onto their identity of abject political blindness and the 0.01% love that.

So - STOP getting distracted by the prospects of The Corporate Co-opted Democratic Party at the next election or even the 3 or 4 after that.You and your kids and grand kids are now in a generational struggle and in that context, building a Mass Movement From Below makes THE most sense as a socio-political strategy for The 99%. That is why OWS exists and we are here - whether you choose to see that or not.

Therefore, given what I said, I'll encourage you to engage with the http://www.leftforum.org/ and finally as per your forum-post, do try to see: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30953-a-robin-hood-tax-to-pay-for-college-for-all

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

Shit666 is that you? How many of the labor party do you think you managed to get to opt out?

On another note - did you see where in Ireland - the people of Ireland - voted to make a difference?

Ireland gives resounding 62.1 percent 'yes' to gay marriage Yahoo News · 17 hours ago

Joy on the streets of Dublin following 'yes' gay marriage vote DUBLIN (AP) — Irish voters have resoundingly backed …

But you and your opt out buddies keep trying to get the American public to opt-out.


9th track: (Take no action) "as Nothing can be done - believe us!"

We support the status quo of handing the USA over to the 1% - but that just don't float - so instead we urge taking no action and clothe it in an appearence to be rebelling against the system - and we are so happy that few catch on to these facts

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Yeah it's pretty clear, we ain't for you

But we can shake it, shake it like we're supposed to do

'Cause We got that boom boom that all the 1%'s chase

All the right crap spread in all the right places

We see the citizens groups working that action to take

We know that shit ain't real (believe us)

Come on now, make it stop ( as we like things the way they are)

If you got apathy apathy - just raise it up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Yeah, our Koch he told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold to at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

We're bringing doody back

Go ahead and tell them citizens groups hey

No, We're not playing - you stink - you're naive,

We're here to tell you,

Every inch of you is played from from the cradle to the grave

Yeah, our Koch told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Occupy Wall Street does not advocate the status quo the way this poster does. Occupy Wall Street has maintained that we need to work outside the political system to effectuate real change. The movement was started by radicals and it remains a radical movement to this day.

Occupy Wall Street does not endorse political parties in any way. See @occupywallstnyc on twitter. Read the rules to post on that twitter account here: http://www.occupywallst.nyc/tweetship

Mainly, Occupy Wall Street, if you had to sum it up in one sentence is that it is an anti-capitalist movement. You can't be anti-capitalist and support the current political system. So, anyone here posting for a political party is pro-capitalist and is therefore, not an occupier.

And, his calling true occupiers that have been posting here for years "shit" is just his puerile way of bullying those who don't agree with him.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 59 minutes ago

Occupy Wall Street does not advocate the status quo the way this poster does. Occupy Wall Street has maintained that we need to work outside the political system to effectuate real change. The movement was started by radicals and it remains a radical movement to this day.

Occupy Wall Street does not endorse political parties in any way. See @occupywallstnyc on twitter. Read the rules to post on that twitter account here: http://www.occupywallst.nyc/tweetship

Mainly, Occupy Wall Street, if you had to sum it up in one sentence is that it is an anti-capitalist movement. You can't be anti-capitalist and support the current political system. So, anyone here posting for a political party is pro-capitalist and is therefore, not an occupier.

And, his calling true occupiers that have been posting here for years "shit" is just his puerile way of bullying those who don't agree with him.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

I am not nor have I ever campaigned for a political party ( that is just you and your opt-out buddies trying to throw shit at me).

I am however totally guilty of campaigning against rethuglicans ( you know - those in state & federal office who call themselves republican)

The best that can be said for you is:

12th track: (Hiding in plain sight) "Also known as trying to hide in the light"

We get really strident with this - when we feel we need to reapply shredded cover

All it requires - is - enough expressed vitriol for the system in general - and many will believe you mean it - while one need not provide any supporting substance.

(part 2)

When the 1st part is not enough we also love to pretend to support protest and things (whatever is handy) - helps to throw off suspicion.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 1 hour ago

Occupy Wall Street does not advocate the status quo the way this poster does. Occupy Wall Street has maintained that we need to work outside the political system to effectuate real change. The movement was started by radicals and it remains a radical movement to this day.

Occupy Wall Street does not endorse political parties in any way. See @occupywallstnyc on twitter. Read the rules to post on that twitter account here: http://www.occupywallst.nyc/tweetship

Mainly, Occupy Wall Street, if you had to sum it up in one sentence is that it is an anti-capitalist movement. You can't be anti-capitalist and support the current political system. So, anyone here posting for a political party is pro-capitalist and is therefore, not an occupier.

And, his calling true occupiers that have been posting here for years "shit" is just his puerile way of bullying those who don't agree with him.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink


Occupy publicly endorsing support for Move to Amend.


Isn't that supporting political action to be taken by the people?

Political action to be taken in the current governmental system.

How odd.

So sorry to disturb your rant - you can go back now to doing what you were doing before:

9th track: (Take no action) "as Nothing can be done - believe us!"

We support the status quo of handing the USA over to the 1% - but that just don't float - so instead we urge taking no action and clothe it in an appearence to be rebelling against the system - and we are so happy that few catch on to these facts

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Yeah it's pretty clear, we ain't for you

But we can shake it, shake it like we're supposed to do

'Cause We got that boom boom that all the 1%'s chase

All the right crap spread in all the right places

We see the citizens groups working that action to take

We know that shit ain't real (believe us)

Come on now, make it stop ( as we like things the way they are)

If you got apathy apathy - just raise it up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Yeah, our Koch he told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold to at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

We're bringing doody back

Go ahead and tell them citizens groups hey

No, We're not playing - you stink - you're naive,

We're here to tell you,

Every inch of you is played from from the cradle to the grave

Yeah, our Koch told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

You've been working for Move To Amend and the Democratic Party since you got here. You're no such thing as a radical. You're a progressive. You infiltrated this movement years ago because you don't want real change, you want baby change so that the oligarchs can maintain their control.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 0 minutes ago

You've been working for Move To Amend and the Democratic Party since you got here. You're no such thing as a radical. You're a progressive. You infiltrated this movement years ago because you don't want real change, you want baby change so that the oligarchs can maintain their control.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

I want major change and I want it now.

You on the other-hand seem to want to make no change.

You forward nothing for the people to unite in - to taking action in - to take government.

All you and your opt-out buddies do is try to attack those who would unite the people into taking positive action for themselves.

When you are not attacking the taking of positive action - you go back to promoting your "Public Self Defeating do nothing circular go nowhere logic".

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Go nowhere logic" is exactly what you do and you do it in a very authoritarian and tyrannical way which is highly unattractive. You try to shove the status quo down the throats of true occupiers here on the forum which is just extremely sickening.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Go fuck yourself bitchandpissandmoanworld. Go nowhere self defeating logic - IS - all you and your twinkle/stinkle team cronies EVER forward!

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

No, there is no twinkle/stinkle team, just occupiers who didn't vote you up, and you didn't like it, so you wrecked the forum. And you, go fuck yourself.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Meaningless voting means so much to you? Well I should know better than to ask - as it seems that vanity votes on a forum is so much more important to you than actual voting in the real world. Must really suck to be you!

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

DKA ... from a friend... you are really fuking up ....

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Are you kidding? YOU are the one who ended the voting because YOU are the one who didn't like how it was going. Democracy meaning nothing to you here on the forum of the movement that is all about democracy. Again, I challenge you NOT to remove this comment.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago


I shutdown (correction - I got shutdown) your abusive twinkle/stinkle teaming. I get no plus out of the discontinuation of your abuses - I do however enjoy (VERY MUCH) you and your twinkle/stinkle opt-out do nothing bullshiters pissing and moaning about how you can't team bully any-longer. Must suck to be you.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 57 minutes ago

You've been working for Move To Amend and the Democratic Party since you got here. You're no such thing as a radical. You're a progressive. You infiltrated this movement years ago because you don't want real change, you want baby change so that the oligarchs can maintain their control.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

radical [ ˈradikəl ] ADJECTIVE

(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough: "a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework" synonyms: thoroughgoing · thorough · complete · total · comprehensive · More


a person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims. synonyms: revolutionary · progressive · reformer · revisionist · militant · More

Powered by OxfordDictionaries · © Oxford University Press

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Anyone who tries to have this revolution focus on electing more Democrats has a hidden agenda, that has little to do with Occupy

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (463) from Mineola, NY 1 hour ago

Anyone who tries to have this revolution focus on electing more Democrats has a hidden agenda, that has little to do with Occupy

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

10th track: (Tossing Shit)

As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction = public self defeating) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie to our bullshit - "who shine the light on our bullshit").

The putdown we use on others is simple - and with it in play - we then retreat - to our constant tactic of providing nothing while saying much (politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic).

Tossing shit - we love it.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Once more, anyone who "focuses" on, "...electing more Democrats [24/7] has a hidden agenda that has little to do.." with the succes of this revolution. There is no doubt that most of us will be faced with some hard choices on election day. And that many in Occupy will join you, but that boils down to choosing between the lesser of two evils... AGAIN.

Will you be voting for the Hag when Sanders loses?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (463) from Mineola, NY 0 minutes ago

Once more, anyone who "focuses" on, "...electing more Democrats [24/7] has a hidden agenda that has little to do.." with the succes of this revolution. There is no doubt that most of us will be faced with some hard choices on election day. And that many in Occupy will join you, but that boils down to choosing between the lesser of two evils... AGAIN.

Will you be voting for the Hag when Sanders loses?

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink



[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Right. The real revolution has to take place outside this current sick system. No real change is going to happen within the confines of the current political parties. Get it through your heads people!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 1 hour ago

Right. The real revolution has to take place outside this current sick system. No real change is going to happen within the confines of the current political parties. Get it through your heads people!

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

9th track: (Take no action) "as Nothing can be done - believe us!"

We support the status quo of handing the USA over to the 1% - but that just don't float - so instead we urge taking no action and clothe it in an appearence to be rebelling against the system - and we are so happy that few catch on to these facts

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Yeah it's pretty clear, we ain't for you

But we can shake it, shake it like we're supposed to do

'Cause We got that boom boom that all the 1%'s chase

All the right crap spread in all the right places

We see the citizens groups working that action to take

We know that shit ain't real (believe us)

Come on now, make it stop ( as we like things the way they are)

If you got apathy apathy - just raise it up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Yeah, our Koch he told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold to at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

We're bringing doody back

Go ahead and tell them citizens groups hey

No, We're not playing - you stink - you're naive,

We're here to tell you,

Every inch of you is played from from the cradle to the grave

Yeah, our Koch told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Voting for one of two parties for decades and decades as things continue to get worse = INSANITY.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (22449) 6 minutes ago

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Voting for one of two parties for decades and decades as things continue to get worse = INSANITY.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

Yes yes - we all know that you and your opt-out buddies are all about doing the sane thing (sane for whom though?) and you urge the people to just walk away and let the top wealthy 1%er's and the national and multinational corporations just do what they want.

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Cuckoo is also the person who must control the forum of a revolutionary movement in an authoritative and tyrannical way in order to support the current political party.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Talking about you and your opt-out do nothing twinkle/stinkle team cronies? Maybe there is some hope for you. Though I really doubt it.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 0 minutes ago

Clueless as ever, I see. The GOP can not be just wished away can they? A minimum rump of 10/15/20% and possibly more - mostly made up of white people - will never vote for anything other than Repugnants because they are a combination of heavily Fox etc. indoctrinated; are pathologically anti-progressive and - utterly hate the idea of anything accruing to people of color. You know this already, so a simplistic 'Kill The GOP' doesn't mean anything as some people are happy to Turkeys Voting For Thanksgiving!

Stop getting distracted by the prospects of The Corporate Co-opted Democratic Party at the next election or even the 3 or 4 after that. You and your kids and grand kids are in a generational struggle and in that context, building a Mass Movement From Below makes THE most sense as a socio-political strategy for The 99%.

Therefore, given what I said, I'll encourage you to engage with the http://www.leftforum.org/ and finally as per your forum-post, see: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30953-a-robin-hood-tax-to-pay-for-college-for-all

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

9th track: (Take no action) "as Nothing can be done - believe us!"

We support the status quo of handing the USA over to the 1% - but that just don't float - so instead we urge taking no action and clothe it in an appearence to be rebelling against the system - and we are so happy that few catch on to these facts

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Yeah it's pretty clear, we ain't for you

But we can shake it, shake it like we're supposed to do

'Cause We got that boom boom that all the 1%'s chase

All the right crap spread in all the right places

We see the citizens groups working that action to take

We know that shit ain't real (believe us)

Come on now, make it stop ( as we like things the way they are)

If you got apathy apathy - just raise it up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Yeah, our Koch he told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold to at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

We're bringing doody back

Go ahead and tell them citizens groups hey

No, We're not playing - you stink - you're naive,

We're here to tell you,

Every inch of you is played from from the cradle to the grave

Yeah, our Koch told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Public base, to take no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base, take no action We're all 'bout that base, 'Public base

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)



