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Forum Post: Bernie Madoff and Rajat Gupta are the tip of the iceberg

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 11:01 a.m. EST by velveeta (230)
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I really want to see them arrest the rest of the people who, through lying, cheating and stealing, caused the economic meltdown --- in public and private sectors. Then put regulations in place and actually enforce them.



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[-] 1 points by overstand (60) 12 years ago

Arrest House of Rothschild,Rockefeller,Bush1,2 and all known accomplices,for High Treason,mass murder,genocide,crimes against humanity,bribery, extortion,market manipulation,war profiteering to name a few..Seize their assets,estimated in excess of 500 trillion dollars,Distribute the wealth to all people,the ones these transnationals have been oppressing for 200 years..We will then stimulate the economy.. While we're at it we need to clean house and senate,the supreme court,they are full of distinguished Rats..Printing 50 trillion dollars,backed by no goods or service,bailing out the richest people,banks,and corporations worldwide..Fire them,they are doing us no service,and not working in our best interest..Fire the Forest Service,they are poisoning,logging,drilling for gas,and resources in our protected national treasures..that would be a big budget we could direct at restoring the Balance on Earth,with Respect for all living things..

[-] 1 points by occupyfairmont (5) from Fairmont, WV 12 years ago

Looks like Corzine might be next. Already has an Attorney. Madoff is still going to profit from their crimes, Through fiancee. Sickens me.