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Forum Post: Be humble 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:53 a.m. EST by Karmalicious (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We have to remeber we the 99% casued half if not more of this problem we are portesting and we the 99% must do everything in our power to change what we can and force the 1% to change what they can. WE must take the power back. We must take our jobs back and actually work, get off unemployment, go work any job you can (while you can), help opthers in need all the time, promote a complete change in welfare, medicaid, so many people in the 99% abusing the system.

WE need to promote sustainable communites with real resources not money, we need strength and energy beyond imagination, we need to show the world an example of how the US can be humble and take pride in it's working class and WORK in general and our land and our resources no matter how hard, no matter at what cost and we must do it today...the last 6 weeks right before Occupy taught me to act on it all now and that is what we have all done.

Much love Karmalcious



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