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Forum Post: Be careful of people urging violence

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:19 p.m. EST by cooleastmarket (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Congratulations! You are doing something wonderful!
I wanted to warn you all about something I experienced long ago when we were organizing a peace march in 1968. One fellow kept talking about how we should beat up the "pigs" and how he hated "the man", etc. He even brought out heavy cardboard tubes to hold up the signs we made because he wanted us to use them to "defend" ourselves when the pigs started beating up on us. Well, guess what happened. The day of the march, Mr. Angry whipped out his police badge and arrested the other leaders while other police officers beat up many of the unarmed protesters. This is an old tactic. So please be careful when you hear people urging you to be violent, it could very well be an undercover cop trying to get you in trouble. Good luck, remember how much can be accomplished with non-violence. I'm so proud of everyone! I'll be watching.



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[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

The Movement is ALREADY infiltrated by very dangerous types, who have sold their soul to the Powers That Be - they are called AGENTS PROVOCATEURS and will stop at nothing to destroy OWS.

The Obama administration has just recently shown that it has NO MORAL CONSCIENCE whatsoever. A human life, American or foreign, means absolutely nothing to them.

If you think I'm exaggerating, read today's "Counterpunch" article on the murder of two American citizens ordered by President Obama despite an executive order banning assassinations, a federal law against murder AND protections in the Bill of Rights.


[-] 1 points by g6g6g6 (27) 12 years ago

U will arrive to day and say .... we had to use violence... and u will regret ur present... remember that..... this is the last chance to be free forever.... take out the bankers and the real criminals... take out the freemasons and the illuminaties.... who want you to be a slave And dont accept anyone to treat you like an anilmal cuz this will happen and remember that.... cuz you will reply on me trying to reject and tell me that I am crazy...... but u will lose at last Even if u took these guys down they will be back in another faces in another identity.... they are bigger than u know and stronger than nations

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 12 years ago

Yes, that is a terrible attitude to have. I think it needs to continue to be restated that we are against violence. Some people seem to not hear that message though and that is alarming to me.

Please watch this video and spread it around so that people get a better understanding of the root causes of our problems so then we can formulate an action plan better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Qz1C-dAGc