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Forum Post: banned from ows chat

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:05 p.m. EST by Bootsw (39)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I was just kicked out of OWS chat by the admin running the channel. The stated reason was "this jew says fuck off". I like this movement, but cannot endorse this sort of behavior. What promulgated that statement from the admin was the following: "Israel is trying to exist. Thats all."

I was actually trying to defend Israel as an ally of the US. I don't know.. just disappointing I guess.

Good luck with your movement.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by monahan (272) 12 years ago

They threw me off for speaking out against the unions

[-] 1 points by exposeCorpGreedy (2) 12 years ago

Everyone: CA Technologies corporate thieves laid off 500 people so that they can pocket the money…Fire these guys… This Company, Computer Associate, has a history of Corporate greed, so easy to steal from this company. FEDS: get them.

[-] 1 points by exposeCorpGreedy (2) 12 years ago

Everyone: CA Technologies corporate thieves laid off 500 people so that they can pocket the money…Fire these guys… This Company, Computer Associate, has a history of Corporate greed, so easy to steal from this company. FEDS: get them.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

chat is a waste of time I;d rather post to a more permanent record

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

I dunno Matt the IRC channel is a great thing if we can have a constructive conversation on a national scale. I like the idea of real time interaction. Maybe sub channels for more focused topics eh?? Forums like this are nice too though. As you said it is more permanent. I just wish it was more organized like proboards or vbulliten.


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

happy to see subjects raised to the top of the forum when someone comments on it

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

That is nice but there maybe a lot of comments lost due to sheer activity. Having a forum with subforums has many topics at the top. For example in a vbulliten forum when someone comments on "rallies" the thread for subforum: 'rallies' is brought to the top of that subforum. With at least ten topics on subforums you can have the latest comment on ten topics readily displayed. In this forum you have only one topic brought to the top.


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

in saving addresses to threads important to me

that way I can bring them back up

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

agreed sub forums are need

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

ThinkHuman, I did not say Jew anywhere in any of my statements. Maybe it was an autokick, but I don't know about the wording in that 'reason' for the autokick if it was.


[-] 1 points by ThinkHuman (35) 12 years ago

My bad, I thought that was you who said that.

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Yeah, well I'm not like that. I just wouldn't say something that rude. I figure if I'm not spamming or trying to offend someone I could have a civil argument and be unfettered by admins and such. It seems that defending Israel is not allowed in this chat. Again I am disappointed.


[-] 1 points by ThinkHuman (35) 12 years ago

I think Cats already stated your comment was innocent and you were banned erroneously.

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Yes ThinkHuman you are correct, but I suppose the question is should I rejoin the conversation and shrug this off. Will the same thing happen again. Does this 'admin' have something against me?? Will I be persecuted if I go back, or am I thinking to much about this??


[-] 1 points by ThinkHuman (35) 12 years ago


The 'admin' is an impersonal script that autokicked you on a keyword in order to protect you against people who might be spamming epithets against Israel. It can't understand the context in which you used the word.

Nothing personal about it.

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Oh, well I never used the word 'Jew' only Israel. It was an argument from somebody that said we as America were being punished for our alliance with Israel. I refuted/rejected that in a civil tongue (I actually said Israel is trying to exist. Thats all.) and was kicked. I'll just grow a thick skin and rejoin the conversation:) thanks for the advice.


[-] 1 points by CatOfAges (18) 12 years ago

You're not banned, bootsw. You were just kicked. We're trying to be very careful about anti-semitism and sometimes, an innocent comment gets caught in the whirlwind. So sorry about that.

[-] 1 points by oldlefty66 (40) 12 years ago

I hope it's not true, but I'm beginning to think that you can't be pro-OWS without being anti-Israel. At least on this forum. I just made a comment about the fake OWS site with the pic at the top that looks like it was designed for the Tea Party. I suggested that opponents of OWS were using the occupyparty site to try and paint the movement as anti-semitic by putting up a false-flag site that linked to a site that was. The comment disappeared in a couple of minutes, and now the whole thread seems to be gone. I hope OWS doesn't alienate its many Jewish supporters (of which I am not, I'm a WASP) by such censorship, because I really believe in what the movement is trying to accomplish, as do they. I don't know much about "autokick" but it looks like that feature might require a bit of tweaking if that's the problem.

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Well maybe its not a big enough issue within the movement to see anything done about it. I don't know.

I do know this. This movement's purpose as far as I can discern is a noble one: They seek to separate the financial sectors influence from the government, or to remove corporate influence on American government.

I like this purpose as stated. I like that there is a standing protest to bring light to it.

I agree with you oldlefty that there is a national eye on this movement and people are trying to fraudulently define it to their own purposes.

'autokick' is an automated device in an internet chat that picks up on negative or bad words and does as stated: auto-kick. Usually that 'kick' is accompanied with the reason for it. Generally an innocuous reason should be given to eliminate mis-understandings like this. The stated reason in my auto-kick is "this Jew says fuck off". What should have been said if this was an autokick(which we don't know whether it was or not), is: 'antisemitism isn't allowed, or even more general: "bad language". Rudeness should be no part of an autokick.


[-] 1 points by oldlefty66 (40) 12 years ago

My bad, Boots. The comment I thought had been deleted for the second time had merely been moved down and I just didn't scroll far enough. After I reposted, I scrolled all the way down and even found the first one intact. I hope OWS doesn't think I'm spamming them. But I do hope the moderators don't rely too much on that autokick. You could lose some good info that way. Computers are great. This movement couldn't be spreading the way it is without them, but when it comes to moderating a forum, it's hard to beat a real human being.

[-] 1 points by oldlefty66 (40) 12 years ago

They sure are, Boots. An international eye even. And that faux site is a prime example. Really pretty slick, if you ask me. If they hadn't used that ridiculous picture, and I'd just stumbled across it, it might have fooled me, I'm going to give OWS the benefit of the doubt, now that I know about the autokick, and try to repost my earlier comment since I wrote it on notepad and thought of a few edits anyway, But if this one disappears, to paraphrase the Who, I won't get fooled again, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acqQDD3A5CQ

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Ok, well this admin that said "this jew says fuck off' is really not representing you all very well and he is the channel admin at the moment. I don't know if I want to even try to speak under that sort of tyranny, or am I thinking to much into this?? if it was an autokick I would suggest changing the 'reason' to something a little more innocuous.


[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

bootsw in chat cat.

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

Scroot, your reply was one of disbelief?? I assure you I am not a liar.


[-] 1 points by CatOfAges (18) 12 years ago

Is your SN on the chat the same as here?

[-] 1 points by ThinkHuman (35) 12 years ago

It's probably a chat bot that autokicks based on select words. It probably saw jew and kicked in case it was an epithet.

[-] 1 points by Scroot (2) from Pasco, WA 12 years ago

Ya right. LOL!

[-] 1 points by Bootsw (39) 12 years ago

update: the admins name was agnostic something or another.