Forum Post: Banned for talking about Obama on chat
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 8:25 p.m. EST by skillciaX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Update: I have been unblocked. I can use the chat now.
this is a SERIOUS issue. I was banned for discussing Obama in the chat room just saying it's not his fault for the problems of today. I was saying that everyone shouldn't just be mad at him and that we need to consider ALL candidates because we can't be sure they will do a better job.
The moderator catsup banned me after participating in the conversation with me for over 20 minutes for apparently "promoting the election of Obama" in the chat when I was clearly not doing so in any way shape or form. I did not spam any links or say re-elect Obama in any way.
Other people in the chat were spamming Green Party links, saying Obama sucks and never got banned. I thought OWS was about being against Big Corporations not banning part of the 99% for FREEDOM OF SPEECH
If I cannot talk about Obama or any other presidential candidate issues on the chat in a civilized manner, then what is this website good for? That is not being for the people!!!
I was wrongfully banned from the chat. Someone fix this please!!!
we don't need to look at the candidates. we need new candidates. obama is the problem. the website is not aobut the candidates. apparently you miss what this is about. the real question is if yo uare so stupid that you can't identify the core subject matter that this is about- WTF are YOU good for?
it sounds to me like you were rightfully banned from the chat.
we don't want to hear about obama- hes an enemy of the people. period.
hard block. ows is not for obama, obama is a problem and the problem. we need a third party 99 percent party. not obama. obama is part of the problem. please do not post this bs, we do not want to hear any more about obama.
obama is an oligarch. obama is 50 new nuclear plants. obama is a health care law built for the corporations and against the people. obama is denial of kyoto protocol. obama is two new wars. obama is Bush continuation. obama is corrupt. obama is ignorant. obama is the enemy of the people.
I was not rightfully banned from the chat. it's not fair that someone can choose to say positive things about Obama and because the moderator wants to say negative things than I get banned. It's b.s. OWS movement isn't about being against Obama. it's about being againt big corporations. I have the right to say my piece about Obama whether positive or negative just like anyone else does without being banned because the moderator doesn't like Obama. the moderator catsup was PARTICIPATING in the discussion with me! What part of this do you guys not understand here?
what part of >fuck obama< do you not understand?
It's not about Obama. HELLO. I was banned for PARTICIPATING in a discussion about Obama saying that we need to look at ALL candidates because we can't be sure they are going to do a better job than Obama and people shouldn't just hate on him when we don't know if there's someone better that can do the job. If people can say fuck obama in the chat room, then I am free to support (not that I am) if I want to as long as I'm not spamming the chat room which I wasn't in any way shape or form. It's b.s.
sounds to me like you are promoting obama. we got sick and tired of that days ago. if you got kicked for supporting obama, then you shouldn't have been supporting obama.;
yeah. the chat is full of abusive pricks with mod powers. Old news. Don't go there unless you want to waste your time with that.
I was NOT supporting Obama. I said we need to look at ALL candidates... Even then it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I have the right to be for or against something and speak my mind in an appropriate manner without some moderator banning me because HIS PERSONAL views are different from mine. I should only be banned if I spammed any links to support Obama or excessively talked about re-electing him which I did not. Moderators are supposed to be UNBIASED and make sure the chat runs smoothly. Not be assholes and ban people who's opinions are different from theirs.
yeah, the mods are abusive. we knew that already.
then why are they still mods... if this website is supposed to be for the 99% then we need unbiased mods running the chat room. Not little whiney kids who ban people with different views than them.
i agree. back in reality, the disorganization of everything includes abusive mods.
clue in. they don't have a meta process. they don't have any rules they follow, they are lawless and subject to nobody. Yeah. They SHOULD etc. But back in reality, they don't. Which is why everyone should leave this site and go to the wiki and etc. This site is abusive, because it has no metaprocess and no organization.
Abusive mods in the chat is old news. tell us something we didn't know.
yeah I will agree this website's chat is a bad representation of the 99% and appears more people whine in the chat than actually want to go forward and do something about what's going on.
So I guess you're not saying "four more years," then, huh?
I'm not for or against obama. I was just expressing my opinion that everything is not his fault and that he did a better job than Bush with the war efforts. catsup the moderator was talking about the same issues just against mine. it's ok for him to but not me?
why do people waste my time with redundant blibs like this?
I wouldn't have to be redundant if people could read and understand what i said rather than post links below to donate to Obama's campaign...
I guess I'm wasting your time, huh?
We are going to see more and more of our comments being banned because Internet government controll is spying on everyone's conversation to prevent unity among the people
I probably vote green if they resolve to end war
celebrity obsessions are tedious
well why would you promote Obama... the guy is an inside for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup he always has been... look at his record.
why would you promote the leader of a fractional reserve banking nightmare at a OWS website? you dont see it... im not saying it because it should be obvious
I didn't say I was promoting Obama. Please read... I was talking ABOUT Obama and the fact we need to consider ALL candidates because they may or may not be any better. I in no way shape or form said we should re-elect obama or promote that anyone does so. as in I was WRONGFULLY banned for something I wasn't even supporting. catsup the moderator made up a b.s. reason to ban me after he was willingly participating in the discussion with me and banned me without warning for no legitimate reason.
These guys are cowards..I was banned for no reason other than not towing the party line.
I have been banned too and i don't speak against OWS. The chat room is busted like the American finance system. Quit taking it personal everyone gets booted. Even when it does work there are so many people on it you can't keep up or read anything. You could put porn story on there who would notice?? Just don't use it go to a yahoo chatroom. Use the boards.
I didn't get booted. I got banned. as in I cannot rejoin the chat because catsup doesn't want me talking about Obama yet he is allowed to? The reason it said I was banned was for "promoting the election of Obama" and I clearly was not in any way shape or form. Catsup never gave me a warning or said we can't talk about Obama in the chat. After 20 minutes or so of conversation with him about Obama he decides to ban me. Well then he should ban himself too!
That is sad but this isn't a site intended for the use to promote or bash Obama. The chatroom is packed and has very limited space. I'm sorry you feel rejected but don't take it personal.
People were bashing obama. people were saying he sucks right there in the chat, other people were talking and posting messages about green parties and other people were talking about capitalism... It's all b.s. I wasn't even promoting Obama. I was just saying he was doing better than bush and we can't just bash him because of everything that hasn't been done yet and that we need to look at all the candidates... castup was talking about Obama too. if it's not allowed then he shouldn't be a moderator and should get banned for participating in the discussion with me.
Huh that sux? Well at least you can keep up on chat to much going on for me and crashes a lot.
I can chat on the livestream chat just not on the chat room here.
what's wrong with me talking about how it's not obama's fault for everything and that we need to look at all the candidates on chat. Catsup was going back and forth with me for a while about it and then decided without warning to ban me saying I was promoting the re-election of Obama when I said no such thing, and did not spam the chat either. Other people were spamming green party links and didn't get banned. This is unfair. i was only trying to participate in a healthy discussion I was not promoting any party or candidate. i was simply saying people are blaming obama for a lot of things Bush did.
You can help Obama more with a donation.
Obama sucks
More like Kicks WS ass! Welcome to America
Time to Fire Obama and his republican friends
Whats up with corporations running prisons in america ?
You are kidding, right? He's a Wall Street favorite as far as donations. Keept your wallets zipped, and use your energy to create a more just economic/social system.
I'm not trying to help Obama or any candidate. i was clearly just talking about current issues involving obama being blamed for them.
What Obama really needs can not be bought with money.
You mean a swift kick in the butt? :)
I mean a set of
Whew!!! For a split second there I thought you meant the-kind-that-prominent-Democratic-strategist-James-Carville-said-on-CNN-Obama-had-none-of-and-the-White-House-responded-they-were-"outraged"-but-Carville-refused-to-apologize-for-merely-stating-the-obvious.
For a sec there I thought you were exclaiming : "The Emperor has no clothes ... no balls .... no integrity!!!"
For more on the "Emperor Noballs" bedtime story, see :
You are f funny. I'm laughin' hard here because I wrote Carville a few nasty grams two months ago concerning our fearless and pointless leader with no balls, mentioning in a screaming tone, that I wasn't going to vote for him again because he was ball- less and that the democrats don't have a chance in hell of ever winning a seat anywhere on the planet because of his ball-less attributes. I also mentioned that they ought to untie and un-gag Michelle Obama and let her do the damned job because she has plenty of balls for everyone. I originally wrote the nasty grams because I wanted to demand that the party talk Bahama into not running again so that Hillary could run, so we would have someone with at least 5 or 6 balls in the seat. They could gag Bahama and drag him out the back door. No one would miss him. And there won't be apologies to go around for his ball-lessness. We all understand.
I used to be irritated by Kennedy's obsession with "ballsiness", but I've just realized that "ball-lessness" ain't the ticket either... :)
As for Emperor Noballs, I agree : let him GET OUT of politics ASAP and go back to his beloved basket... ball!
I share your impression - although I have nothing to substantiate it - that Michelle is completely different and that she might have made a GREAT president. She looks like a smart, no-nonsense, kickass kind of woman. I don't trust Hillary, however... she's got balls alright, but she has no moral conscience and seems VERY manipulative.
I have a dream... The two parties that BETRAYED the American people are both FULLY investigated by a People's Tribunal, found guilty and thrown into the dustbin of history.
And from the OWS Movement emerge NEW, sensible parties, that we don't have to be ashamed of...
I regularly write and threaten Congressmen and other government officials, like the Mayor of Oakland, with civil suit and the threat of suing them for everything they're worth or ever will be worth. Then I threaten them with recall elections and to bring them up on charges of treason as enemies of the people. You would be surprised what type of responses I get from that. The Oakland mayor came out whimpering the next day, saying that she had nothing to do with allowing the police to brutalize the protesters. Sometimes I visit and demand answers. Just because it needs to be done. I can't wait to Occupy Congress. I'm gonna be knockin' on a lot of doors and scheduling lots of appointments.
WOW! That is amazing! You sound like a real kickass kind of woman yourself. :) I really believe in my idea of a "People's Tribunal" that would clean up this UNHOLY MESS that America has become. And as more and more people do as you are doing, I think we are going to see larger and larger cracks in that Edifice of Evil that the 1% have built over time. We need more voices like yours and Sergeant Thomas' !
You know, when you start slinging around the word "treason," they all get real quiet. I didn't realize why until a short time ago. It's because the constitution calls for this action and demands that the people take their government back, by force if necessary, under these conditions. For the longest time, I assumed it was because I was so near the truth and that they knew it, so that accounted for why they froze in their tracks. But I didn't know that we are actually ordered to take this action and take over the government on all levels if necessary. Wow. I found an article recently from the foreign press stating that what Palin is doing is an act of treason, in going over to foreign countries and ridiculing the USA during times of war. And it is. But I didn't know that she has lost all respect internationally because of this because she misunderstood how seriously other countries took her actions. For years, I've been saying that Rush Limbaugh will be my first case because he is so outwardly treasonous in his criticism about an American President in ordering Congress and the Republican party to "make him fail at any price" but I had no idea that foreign press and governments are currently calling for Palin to be brought up on charges. How odd.
I don't think there is any doubt that those of OWS overwhelming support Obama, despite all of the incredible irresponsibility of his management.