Forum Post: banned for saying capitalism is bad?
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 26, 2011, 5:54 p.m. EST by humdog
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I got banned by Buddha__ after saying that deregulation is bad because it reinvigorates capitalism, and that recessions and depressions are proof that capitalism is bad for workers because unemployment is needed to discipline workers.
My e-mail is
Buddha banned me too. We should write a joint complaint.
It kind of drives me nuts when "progressives" spout stuff like this. It only makes sense in your own mind, friend.
Neither left wing or right wing is wrong humdog. Corruption is the problem. Simple as that. We just need to reinstate it all with more laws for the 1% and get new people to obtain membership of that status. Keep it American. No Communism, No Ghandi, No Middle East stuff. Keep a business mindset
It's regulated capitalism that is bad, because with rules, laws, and a government that tries to steer the economy, makes the market not free. Without free market their can't be capitalism. What we have is corporatism. Corporations rule all, by state laws and regulations. They make everything more difficult to do by the laws and regulations imposed, this way they stifle competition and their own corrupt existence. They themselves are not affected by these rules. So no more rules, less rules. Rules and laws protect the corporation, rid them of these protections (like bailouts) and they will have to ease down or go down.
ludicrous. itis the job of government to protect people fromcorporate powers, to balance a free market system with social services.our problems all increase with deregulation. agreed the current rules are bad. no rules would be worse.
Would it? Have you experienced it? How are the rules and laws doing for you? And please tell me which deregulation? Everyday more and more rules are made. The few they dispose off only serve the corporations, and not the people. Rid of them all and the corporations loose their advantage and you can finally do business fairly.
Look, let's just go for the achievable right now. End corporate personhood. Establish real oversight on the banking industry. Break up the huge banks. End lobbying. Enact meaningful campaign reform. These are things that the rest of America can really get behind. Believe me, you aren't going to overthrow capitalism here, no matter what you think of it.
achievable ? understand your position, the lever, and the forces of nature and think bigger. and start working the information economy instead of fighting as pwns. The real revolution is work like a few months of work for 10 thousand people. no amount of protesting does that work and once the work is done...the sky is the limit.until the work is done...achievable?10 minutes of media attention.. the end..focus on the evolutionary intellectual work. not symbolic acts of protest.
I never called for abolishing capitalism in the debate, I simply was arguing against points that Buddha__ and others were making.
Capitalism actually is one of the issues here, because "unrestrained capitalism", which is what we're seeing the beginnings of here, is very harmful to the world in that it creates a situation where there are the few rich controlling everything with the poor masses. We will see that in this country of the "free and the brave" if nothing is done about it.
actually, we have NEVER had a capitalist system. sounds like afine idea. when do we start? Same thing with democracy. What we have is a oligarchy, using capitalism and democracy as pretenses. Masks.
actually, we have NEVER had a capitalist system. sounds like afine idea. when do we start? Same thing with democracy. What we have is a oligarchy, using capitalism and democracy as pretenses. Masks.
It's definitely a concern that capitalism is an issue within Occupy Wall Street yet organizers within the movement are actively suppressing anti-capitalist sentiment.
Damn. I wish I would've known Occupy Wall Street was going to be taken over by apologists for capitalism before I donated
Are you the humdog that wrote Pandora's Vox?
Only in spirit. I appreciate you recognizing the reference.
R.I.P. Carmen Hermosillo