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Forum Post: Banks Made Billions in PROFITS: So, Banks & Wall Street Sold Toxic Loans to PEOPLE Like China Selling Lead Toys to US, But rather then make Banks take TOXIC LOANS BACK & give REFUNDS, Our Government, Wall Street & Banks made victims EAT the LOANS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:52 p.m. EST by FedWallFedWellFedUP (183)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Banks Made Billions in PROFITS: So, Banks & Wall Street Sold Toxic Loans to PEOPLE Like China Selling Lead Toys to US, But rather then make Banks take TOXIC LOANS BACK & give REFUNDS, Our Government, Wall Street & Banks made victims EAT the LOANS



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[-] 6 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

We seem to be able to take away people's rights whenever it is convenient and they say that the bankster's didn't break any laws. Why don't we pass the laws that should have been in place and repeal the statute of limitations for financial institutions at the same time? Then bankers go to jail, banks are broken up, assets are sold to pay back the Treasury, foreclosure laws are reversed, ratings firms are liquidated, derivatives are illegal, brokerages make restitution, and things get back to normal? Unscrewed, that is.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Sounds like a plan! Where do I sign?

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

Do you have one of those fat check books like Adelson? Voting doesn't get it. Only buying does.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

You're right. Can't we use Soros, Buffet, Celebrities, Ain't we got no one with some money?

[-] 2 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

Not any more I guess, however.... Just before I opened this, I saw a headline of a NY Times editorial, Republicans vs. Women. And it reminded me that the people with ALL of the power are Republican women. These poor ladies are under attack just like the progressive women. Contraception, abortion, equal pay, healthcare, the list goes on and on.

But what if the Republican women finally said, "Enough is enough. We aren't going to take this anymore.?" Their votes, along with the progressive women and yes, progressive men, would have the muscle to fix most of our problems. If they would just vote for their personal interests, you wouldn't need Soros' money. You would have the power to really change things. How can we get them out from under their master's thumbs and finally emancipate them, and all women, once and for all.

What do you think? (Remember this is from an old white guy.)

[-] -2 points by vvv0729 (-189) 12 years ago

LIAR! In this context "we" clearly refers to Democrats yet you repeatedly claim to be "Independent". Pass out many Bushbamney buttons today, poser?

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I am registered independent. I proudly trumpet the agenda of the democratic party and I intend to vote democratic for president.

What have I lied about?. You have lost all sense of reality.

Nothing wrong with supporting the party of civil rights, womens rights, LGBT rights, social security, unemployment insurance, Unions, medicare, medicaid, healthcare reform, Of FDR, JFK, LBJ.

What are you joking? I support the dems because I know if we get money out of politics and create a robust progressive protest movement we WILL drag the dems from the right and make them serve the 99%.

Repubs are too far gone.

Are we clear now?

[-] -2 points by vvv0729 (-189) 12 years ago

Yes. You are clearly lying through your teeth. Who pays you to live in this forum anyway, VQkag2? MoveON, DNC or the Odrona campaign itself?

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

What lie?

Have you lost it? I support Pres Obama. You don't know that? How the hell did you miss that?

Whatta joke! No one pays me boss. I'm here to challenge any unfair attacks on progressives, and progressive policies.

You are here to attack Pres Obama. Period. Clearly you are anti dem partisan.

Republicans ARE the problem. Vote out fear mogering republicans.

[-] -1 points by vvv0729 (-189) 12 years ago

Partisan? NO. Anti-Democrat? YES. Anti-Republican? YES.

Americans Have 3 Choices: Bushbamney, Third-Party or Nobody:


[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I said WHAT LIE?

You partisan republican. WHAT LIE?

I ain't lied about a God damn thing.

[-] -2 points by vvv0729 (-189) 12 years ago

Nobody with shit for brains could read anything I have ever posted anywhere and come away with the impression that I am a "partisan Republican", e.g.:


[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

No lie? You said I lied. Did I or not?

You got anything?

Whos a liar?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

That's probably why you can't see your bias yourself shit for brains vvv.

[-] -3 points by vvv0729 (-189) 12 years ago
[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I am with you on that!!!

[-] 3 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

Exactly Right.

We need a 5 Year Moratorium on Foreclosures for residential, single-family homes across the nation.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

"Laws Are For Little People"

[-] 2 points by ThomasKent (131) 12 years ago

Bank fraud and corruption have no limit.

The London Interbank Offered Rate is the average interest rate estimated by leading banks in London that they would be charged if borrowing from other banks. It is usually abbreviated to Libor ( /ˈlaɪbɔr/) or LIBOR, or more officially to BBA Libor (for British Bankers' Association Libor) or the trademark bbalibor. It is the primary benchmark, along with the Euribor, for short term interest rates around the world.

Libor rates are calculated for ten different currencies and 15 borrowing periods ranging from overnight to one year and are published daily at 11:30 am (London time) by Thomson Reuters. Many financial institutions, mortgage lenders and credit card agencies set their own rates relative to it. At least $350 trillion in derivatives and other financial products are tied to the Libor.

Wiki Libor


The British government on Monday officially announced a review into the rate-setting process at the center of the recent financial scandal. The review comes as British and American regulators face mounting scrutiny for their passive approach in policing benchmark rates, including the London interbank offered rate, or Libor. Since Barclays struck a $450 million settlement last month over rate manipulation, lawmakers have blasted authorities for failing to stop the illegal activities at the British bank, despite evidence of problems.

Britain Investigates Libor


The threat that HSBC faces a big U.S. fine for lax controls in its anti-money laundering systems and the risk it will be pulled deeper into an interest rate manipulation probe are set to overshadow strong half-year profits on Monday.

HSBC, Europe's biggest bank, is expected to unveil a half-year pretax profit of more than $12 billion, making it one of the most profitable lenders in the world.

Chief Executive Stuart Gulliver is mid-way through a deep overhaul to cut costs, sell or shrink unprofitable businesses, and to direct investment to faster growing Asian markets.

But a Libor interest rate rigging scandal that erupted a month ago at UK rival Barclays is expected to draw in more banks and investors are nervous about who that will be. Barclays was fined $453 million for its Libor manipulation and more than a dozen banks are being investigated by regulators around the world.

HSBC Compliance Issues


[-] 2 points by heymrpaul (2) 13 years ago

http://dailybail.com/home/holy-bailout-federal-reserve-now-backstopping-75-trillion-of.html Please read. Revolution OR bankruptcy are the only two alternatives now. We need to default on all this debt. We need a new currency. We need Nationalized energy, a nationalized health care, and a nationalized banking system. We need to stop paying all taxes, and to replace all federal reserve currency. Forgive all bank debt. If we do not, they have WON. The only way to beat them is to make new rules. We have been sold out and robbed. Get ready for a $100 loaf of bread if the Fed is allowed to print this much money. Time to say NO to debt. Time to put the bankers in jail. The time for compromise is over. The only solution is now revolution.

[-] 2 points by BJS3D (95) from Eugene, OR 13 years ago

This was shared with me on Facebook. Haven't had much of a chance to get it mass shared but here's the history of the FED and a battle plan to oppose them:


Share if you can. People need a wake up call on this bank-baron crap.

[-] 2 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

banks made billions in profit....... in asia.

in US everyone in suffering.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 12 years ago

So, Banks & Wall Street Sold Toxic Loans to PEOPLE Like China Selling Lead Toys to US

People weren't sold toxic loans, per se... they were pushed into loans many couldn't afford. More took out multiple loans on their homes to make home improvements so that they could sell their homes and cash in on the rising market.

But rather then make Banks take TOXIC LOANS BACK & give REFUNDS,

Give a refund to the purchasers of the billion dollar CDO/CDS's? Like the banks that bought the CDO's?

Our Government, Wall Street & Banks made victims EAT the LOANS

So the scenario in this whole statement is that the big banks around the world that purchased CDO's, are the victims and need refunds. And I should be excited about this? Why?