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Forum Post: Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by nickhowdy (1104)
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Bankers Have Seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Activist Post

On November 25, two days after a failed German government bond auction in which Germany was unable to sell 35% of its offerings of 10-year bonds, the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble said that Germany might retreat from its demands that the private banks that hold the troubled sovereign debt from Greece, Italy, and Spain must accept part of the cost of their bailout by writing off some of the debt.

The private banks want to avoid any losses either by forcing the Greek, Italian, and Spanish governments to make good on the bonds by imposing extreme austerity on their citizens, or by having the European Central Bank print euros with which to buy the sovereign debt from the private banks. Printing money to make good on debt is contrary to the ECB’s charter and especially frightens Germans, because of the Weimar experience with hyperinflation.

Obviously, the German government got the message from the orchestrated failed bond auction. As I wrote at the time, there is no reason for Germany, with its relatively low debt to GDP ratio compared to the troubled countries, not to be able to sell its bonds.

Continued: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/11/bankers-have-seized-europe-goldman.html



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[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

Goldman Sachs is just a subsidiary of the Rothschilds. They owned Europe before they owned America. Austerity is simply a ploy combined in a cycle with inflation. Inflation is the net going into the water, deflation / austerity is the net being drawn back into the boat. We the ignorant debt slaves, are the fish in the net. They have been inflating and deflating currency for almost 300 years. They own nearly every central bank on Earth.

[-] 2 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

"Goldman Sachs is just a subsidiary of the Rothschilds."...It's just amazing that these people hide in plain sight...

[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

Read the article. Good one. The bankers are going to do everything in their power to keep there experiment moving forward which is the euro zone. They will print more money to prolong the inevitable which is total collapse. Needs to happen now rather than later as it wont be as painful.

[-] 2 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

This whole fucking planet is involved in one giant monetary experiment gone totally wrong, or right depending on who is on the hook to pay...

It's all BS....I'm sorry but if this banks BS doesn't stop..The peaceful shit needs to stop also..

[-] 2 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

-John F. Kennedy

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPWH5TlbloU This is not an experiment. They have been doing it for a very long time. The video is from a group aligned with the Tea Party but still makes some good points, and explains banking history pretty well. The bad part is it encourages a gold standard for money. That would play into the hands of the same rich pricks who own everything now. I think a decentralized currency with production controlled by the public and a limit on how much can be produced based on the census report may be a good solution.

[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

you end the whole world bank shit like the FED, bank of england, japan,etc,etc and everything is fixed overnight. Put the monetary system back in the people's hands and all corruption,war,hunger,etc,etc is over. Behind every crime in this world sits a banker.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

Creation of money needs to be put back in the hands of elected governments, or even dictators, and taken away from BANKS.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 12 years ago

The contract with the Federal Reserve is up in 2013..or was that Dec 2012..

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

If that is true, the powers that be will try to get a new charter. If they cannot they will use their influence and ownership of the central banks in 165+ countries, to sanction us or even attack us. Only 3 countries that I know of do not use their banks. They are the "Axis of Evil" Cuba, North Korea, and Iran. There used to be more. Prior to 9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan were free of the banking cartels. But Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction" that were never found. and Afghanistan was hiding Bin Laden except we found him in Pakistan.

[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

Exactly. Elected governments are servants to the people. Thats why I say back in people's hand because thats how a republic works. An elected official is a servant to the people.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

My children are very young but I am teaching them about credit, IOUs, fractional banking, the advantages and disadvantages of both fiat money, and gold standard money. I do this because I know the schools will not teach them these things. Understanding money, good diet, green food production and, renewable energy, should be part of elementary school. By high school children should know how to build things like small windmills and solar panels. We have a responsibility to teach our children how to survive and keep the world clean and to leave the world better than we found it.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

Do you honestly think that putting the worlds finances into the peoples hands is going to stop corruption? If anything, it is just going to replay itself out with different characters. Humans are Humans and put in a position where they can better themselves when they think no one is watching, they will. It's a sad truth.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

Corruption will never completely vanish, but with decentralized money, you also get decentralized corruption. A crooked mayor is easier to take down than a crooked world dictator.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

But you see all the time that a crooked Mayor just reinvents him/herself and pops up in some other city or in some other job or "advisory" position in the same city. It's a cycle that is almost imposible to break because humans are humans.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

You are assuming the crooked mayor will be permitted to live or be unharmed once he is found out. Do you know why you must raise your right hand in court? They used to brand peoples hands to identify their crimes. For the rest of the criminals life anyone seeing the mark knew what the criminal had done. Some Native Americans used a system of marking the face with a stone heated in a fire. Marked individuals were not spoken to or helped in any way.

[-] 1 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

Yes, I acutally had heard that before. I guess my point is that, humans are required to do the job, and that is and always will be the the one part of the equasion that is unpredictable. It doesn't mean it can't be minimised but it can never be eradicated.

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

Yeah i do think it would work because we will know where every penny is going. As of now we have no idea what the FED is doing. We can not audit them. So putting the money in the people's hands will allow us to see where its going. If their is corruption it will be found. If every penny is being counted its harder to steal from the taxpayer. Now can corruption happen by kickbacks on contracts for state and federal infrastructure jobs...sure it can. It is easy to find that crime. its harder to find crime in the FED because we dont see the books.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

That is impossible! No matter how much we all want to trust people to do the right thing all the time, it seldom happens that way. Sure it might be found out that the NEW person in charge of the bean counting took money, but it just like now wouldn't be discovered for month or even years. The same limited number of people would have access to the books and there isn't anything that can be put in place to solve it.

[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

Why not. We have the internet. Every penny showing where its going will be right there for all to see. It is not impossible. If you think it is impossible what is your solution? You do realize the monetary system was in the people's hands at one point in time.

I am always interested hearing new ideas. I dont have all the answers nor do I claim too. I love hearing everyone's ideas because thats what makes our country great. being able to share ideas to make our country better. So don't think I am attacking you because I promise I am not. Just a healthy discussion. And I am enjoying it.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 12 years ago

I think that there would only be two ways you could ensure that the money is going to where it is suppose to go.

  1. create some sort of rotating postition (weekly or monthly) to take over that job. This would of course have to be more indepth because like everything else, it is not that hard to convince others to join you in something for self gain.

  2. On top of the rotating position, have a rotating audit team required to come in and audit before and after each turnover of the rotating position. Additionally, you would not identify the next audit team until the day the audit is to take place. That would require some sort of stand by pool of auditors to be available. You would do the same with the next position holder so that there is no way that a person could count on who his/her relief would be.

Now this still leaves the door open for theft and fraud because someone is making the rotation but I think it would atleast limit the opportunity.

[-] 1 points by downsouth (14) 12 years ago

I like that idea. You have a lot of audits all year long with a random group and its harder to steal. It would be very hard to get every auditor corrupted that would be in the pool. Unless you devise a pool from elected officials from every state to audit the federal government monetary system. Not sure if that would work with a state rep and fed rep. May have some law I am not sure of that would allow this.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

nickhowdy, I feel the same way. Does anyone remember this from 2010? Here we are on the cusp of December 2011 and it looks like everything is right on schedule with respect to the Eurozone and those at the top look primed to cash in once again (click link below to view entire article) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1253791/Is-man-broke-Bank-England-George-Soros-centre-hedge-funds-betting-crisis-hit-euro.html

quote:..."A secretive group of Wall Street hedge fund bosses are said to be behind a plot to cash in on the decline of the euro. Representatives of George Soros's investment business were among an all-star line up of Wall Street investors at an 'ideas dinner' at a private townhouse in Manhattan, according to reports. A spokesman for Soros Fund Management said the legendary investor did not attend the dinner on February 8, but did not deny that his firm was represented. At the dinner, the speculators are said to have argued that the euro is likely to plunge in value to parity with the dollar. "

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

-John F. Kennedy