Forum Post: Background Check Compromise that could work
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 20, 2013, 2:36 p.m. EST by Shayneh
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There are those who want everyone who purchases a firearm regardless of who its from, to have a background check.
Then there are those who don't want private citizens to be required to have background checks when purchases are made in private.
There are those who say there are too many loop holes at gun shows for people to purchase firearms without detection from other private individuals selling them.
Well I say lets compromise - lets require that all purchaes at gun shows require background checks regardless of them being a private sale or a sale by a business.
In addition to that if a person is caught or noticed selling a firearm to another individual outside the doors of the gun show laws need to be inplace for an immediate arrest of both individuals.
That would solve the "gun show loop hole" that everyone is talking about. We already have enough laws on the books when it comes to the Feds being able to track registered firearms.
In addition to that all purchases of firearms through the internet need to be background check required.
So should a person in one state decide to sell a firearm to a person in another state - federal laws need to require that the receiving state the purchaser lives in take ownership of the firearm from a licensed firearms dealer who will do the background check on that individual, and charge a fee for it.
The ATF website has a wealth of info dealing with "gun running", ownership of firearms by children under 18", ownership of firearms by mentally deficient people. Here's a link to their web site should you decide to take the time to educate yourself with their laws:
In addition to that we have pages and pages of laws from all the states across the country.
So, I believe that would be a great first step towards stopping "straw purchases" and/or eliminating firearms being purchased without a background check.
The mental health issue with regard to firearms is another issue all on to its own.
usually, I favor compromise - but
we can do things the nra way or we can do things to save our children
some people want to be able to drive without a license
some people want to be able to drive without a registered car
some people want to be able to drive without insurance
we call them irresponsible
we call them juveniles
we call them criminals
we can compromise with the people who bribe our congressmen to vote their way - or not
We can do what Australia & England did and cut gun deaths or not
FYI Adam Lanza's mother was not nuts, or a gun nut.
her son was very mentally ill and she got him many people to provide mental health aid to him. A background check ( as the only new regulation ) on her gun purchases would not have stopped Sandy Hook.
The court has ruled that some gun restrictions are constitutional and I don't care if the paranoid gun crazies believe Obama will take their guns.
Would you compromise with your 12 year old - he can drive your car only on Mondays?
Here is my solution - I believe it would prevent thousands of deaths - but our purchased congressmen would never allow it:
learn as much as you can about the REAL numbers that prove the REAL solutions
demand a plan:
alex jones – without his straight jacket!
find your congresspeople
VP Joe Biden, Gun Panel, 1600 Pennsylvania Av, Washington DC 20006
Dear ............................:
[ Y.O.U.R...I.N.T.R.O...H.E.R.E ]
While some people may want to confiscate guns, here is a much more feasible approach. It will not solve all gun problems, but it will
reduce the number of guns
and that will reduce the number of dangerous people who have access to guns - and isn't THAT our real goal?
My proposal - for a NATIONAL gun law for all guns & owners:
My four points are SIMPLY based on seeing a logical parallel between cars & guns.
Please consider advocating these four steps below to help America with our gun disasters:
all gun owners must be licensed & tested with all guns they own and pass a written test.
every year, you must prove that you have gun liability insurance &
be background checked and prove that your gun is properly locked when not used.
as the owner of a gun, you are legally responsible for what is done with it.
every gun must be registered and tested & a sample fired bullet stored by the police
additionally -
Some real 2011 / 2012 gun statistics:
Americans own almost half of all civilian owned guns in the world.
Per 100,000: America: 88,880 guns owned ; 2.97 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: England.…: 6,200 guns owned ; 0.07 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: Austrailia: 15,000 guns owned ; 0.14 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: Canada…: 30,800 guns owned ; 0.51 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: France….: 31,000 guns owned ; 0.06 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: Japan……..: 1,000 guns owned ; 0.08 homicides Per 100,000
Per 100,000: Israel……..: 7,300 guns owned ; 0.90 homicides Per 100,000
The above link is to England police statistics - see table D19
Is the nra & its trolls claiming that we will fail, where England & Australia succeeded in reducing gun deaths substantially by legislation?
Statistics clearly prove that the number of guns adds to the risk of homicides.
More complex is the effect of gun laws and restrictions.
When Australia had a massacre in 1996 when 35 people were killed, gun laws were substantially strengthened and a major buy-back was instituted.
There has not been an incident in Australia since then.
Of course, they did not have the benefit of the nra.
In 2011, there were 11,000+ gun homicides in America
In 2011, there were 35 gun deaths in England
For 2011, the average Murder Rate in Death Penalty States was 4.7,
while the average Murder Rate of States without the Death Penalty was 3.1
For 2011, the murder rates were highest in red state regions:
Per 100,000: South 5.5 Midwest 4.5 West 4.2 Northeast 3.9
The 1994 gun "ban" did NOT ban assault weapons.
It banned the MANUFACTURE of assault weapons.
Scalia - yes that Scalia - has ruled the AR15s are NOT “protected” by Article 2
LBJ proposed a gun plan similar to the above 4 point plan
On the same day as the Sandy Hook massacre, a maniac entered a school in China and – WITHOUT A GUN – stabbed 22 innocent children.
No teacher had a gun. No security guards had guns.
no one died
destruction cannot be profitable
it only destroys goods, properties and people
war is used to take from others
it produces nothing on it's own
building bombs 'til bunkers boil
getting paid for shell filled toil
if I am to work tomorrow
lobe the load on foreign soil
yep US only pays 41% of the total world military budget
World Military budget in Billions (percent total) by Nation
Global Arms Sales By Supplier Nations
39% United States
18% Russia
8% France
7% United Kingdom
5% Germany
3% China
3% Italy
11% Other European
5% Others
TOP 10 Arms Produces
Notes: An S denotes a subsidiary company. A dash (–) indicates that the company did not rank among the SIPRI Top 100 for 2009
Widow Winchester's riffle wealth warped her house.
Stairs to ceilings. Windows to walls.
Always slept in a new room,
hiding from shot souls
OK now that you go that off your plate Matt, what do you think about what I posted?
the weapons industry drives the need and arguements for a gun market to sell to.
I don't own a gun and never plan to
I do own a car and licensing seems in order
If they are worried at gun running, they may want to take a look in the mirror.
I don’t think background checks will accomplish anything. But I’ll grudgingly go along with it if it’ll shut the anti-gun nuts up for a while. But that's as far as I will go.
Here's some more info on research that was initiated by the Feds.
Feds admit: Gun laws won't slow crime