Forum Post: Away from petroleum, Towards Hemp
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 2:56 p.m. EST by Oberon
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
the environment needs to be restored, while at the same time we need to have people back to work. A whole new toxic free economy is at hand. Legalize the growing of Industrial Hemp and advocate for it wherever possible to be used instead of petrochemicals.
Yeeeaaah maaaaan [/holding-breath voice]
I have an idea for a new form of solar but I need a chemist and electrical engineer who have equipment. My goal is to make a product that will use it, but also to put the idea out for those who can make their own power plant. It is solar dependent, so it comes with the same drawbacks of traditional panels that need sunlight. This is early stage idea, so I don't know if it produces enough power to be functional. this is what I need help to determine. On the plus side, even if it is not a big power producer, it might be an environmentally friendly way to reduce petrochemical power. Please PM if you are seriously interested in participating.
biofuels are not green. we need to go geothermal and solar, and just plain stop burning crap. i agree with legalizing hemp. but not burning it.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
when I encounter hostility from people around the idea of using Hemp, I know that they are either totally ignorant of this resource, or they have a hidden agenda. Don't ask to be educated the research yourself.
when i encounter useful idiots promoting BURNING things instead of stopping the pollution, i have to put my foot down and stop the madness. I am all for using hemp. I am all for legalizing it. But not as a fuel source, esp not when OTHER forms of energy are cheaper, greener, and in every manner smarter and better. This is not about hemp or not hemp. this is about what we use hemp for. it is NOT a good idea to do any kind of biofuels. period.
i have done the research. clearly you have not.
not only that, but you didn't bother to listen to what i said.
stop being a useful idiot, and bother to learn about geothermal and solar power.
gawdoftruth was the troll greatwhite that was talking about burning shit not me. greatwhite said those words my friend...he is a troll....prove it to me where I have spoken about burning anything. I expect an apology from you gawdoftruth..or I won't be bothering visiting your wiki.
"the environment needs to be restored, while at the same time we need to have people back to work. A whole new toxic free economy is at hand. Legalize the growing of Industrial Hemp and advocate for it wherever possible to be used instead of petrochemicals." uhm. wow. instead of petrochemicals. again. we do not need anything instead of petrochemicals. we need to stop all of that, and transform over to geothermal energy and solar energy and all electric cars. i support legalization of hemp. i will fight hard against biofuels.
I never said anything about using hemp seed oil for fuels ..I never said anything about burning anything either. gawdoftruth your right with what you say and what you know...but your getting confused between Industrial hemp and Cannabis. They are two completely different things.
riding a bike is good if you are able, but it would be better to make lightweight motorized vehicles that would not rust. they would last a lifetime if the car body were made of hemp plastics...which are also biodegradable. Hemp can stop deforestation over the Earth, hemp can make plastic nontoxic and can replace cotton, building materials, insulation, the list is big...we need the addition of this crop.
ride a bike=away from petroleum.
put a rack and panniers bags over the real wheel and use it to haul stiff.
buy used at thrift shops.
starve corps of profits and they will take notice.
spending less=being able to pay off debt.
ride a bike=away from petroleum.
put a rack and panniers bags over the real wheel and use it to haul stiff.
buy used at thrift shops.
starve corps of profits and they will take notice.
spending less=being able to pay off debt.