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Forum Post: At what point does OWS got from a protest

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:58 a.m. EST by Rob (881)
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to squatting?



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[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 12 years ago

http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ OWS: Ridiculous nonsense all day in the park II

Nobody owns truth. Saying, "It would be my truth," makes no sense. Most people say that and I take them at their word, they believe it. They believe complete nonsense. (The statement was made on the OWS forum.)

Making ridiculous comments to me insults my intelligence. Either I choose to ignore buffoons, or I might respond to their insult. Our society can choose to be politically correct or we can ridicule screwballs who are destroying our society.

Sitting in the park expecting utopia is crazy. OWS is a crazy protest because the OWS remedy for the "crime family" American government taking bribes in plan view is a worthless protest by lazy, ignorant people expecting utopia. I learned this first hand by making 7 trips to the park and listening to a large number of protesters.

I say there is water in the ocean. That is true. Its not my truth. Its true because God created the ocean by God's decision to put water in what would otherwise be dry holes such as God didn't create any water on other planets. Water is unique to earth as far as we know.

There may or may not be water on other planets, but there is no proof either way.