Forum Post: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 21, 2012, 4:27 p.m. EST by LaraLittletree
from Scarsdale, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"...the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God." JFK
God Bless America.
"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid" R.Reagan
Let's ask all the rich people who hide money in the Cayman islands what they can do for their country.
Let's ask all the corporations that don't pay taxes what they can do for their country.
Let's ask all the politicians who suck corporate dick for handouts what they can do for their country.
Let's ask the media that regurgitates press releases instead of doing investigative reporting what they can do for their country.
Fucking awesome comment.
Everyone that knows you must be so proud. (not)
Nine riposte 'nucleus' ! 'LaraLT' is just another 'Conservative, Reactionary, Agent Provocateur' on this forum and thus I'm provoked to re-post the following 10 links :
a) ""We the people," NOT "We the corporation." by Ralph Nader : ;
b) "Working and Poor in the USA", by Bill Quigley : &
c) "Ecology and the Pathology of Capitalism", by Charles Sullivan ; ;
d) "The Man Who Bought Washington : Jack Abramoff: 'Congress Corrupt To Core'" (Video) ; ;
e) "Romney Hiding Millions in Dozens of Secret Offshore Accounts : Report", by Stephen C. Webster ; ,
f.) "Massive File on Romney Hits Internet, Likely from 2008 McCain Campaign", by 'The Daily Caller' ; ,
g) "Romney’s Bain Capital Owns Media Giant Broadcasting Limbaugh, Hannity", by Alex Newman ; ,
h) REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years : &
i.) .
j.) The Indispensable Documentary Film, "INSIDE JOB" : ; 'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse.
fiat lux ...
Well done, shadz66.
That was not well done.. it's alot of boring...redundant propaganda...yawn. have a nice day.
reactionary? no I'm kind of nice conservative.
@ LLT : Perhaps you are only succeeding in putting the 'moron' into 'oxymoron' !!
She ( LLT ) likes digging holes. She has many sockpuppet friends who like to do the same. -41 and falling. Need a shovel LLT? Your fingertips look a little bloody.
You're a douche. Give it up. You have proven it over and over again.
What is up my bitter buddy? I know how to get rid of you...Talk about how we should all be responsible for ourselves, not look for hand outs, and pay our own way, lose the sense of entitlement... You don't like that stuff.
Oh, what a sad little creature you are. If I was 18 or 19 without responsibilities you might have a leg to stand on. The problem is that I already am responsible. Unlike you, a paid for troll.
so what? your lefty...documentary propaganda is meaningless.
To your empty head, of course it is !!! I bet that you think 'electricity' is the work of 'The Devil' !! LoL !
No that is Ben Franklin...and Thomas Edison...who said this, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Lets ask you what you are going to do for your country. Funny how you left that off your list.
Lets ask YOU what you are going to do for your country. Funny how you left that off your lost lol! Loser!
So extravagant are the patterns of thinking, behaving and relating that characterize the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche. The Liberal Mind reveals the madness of the modern liberal for what it is: a massive transference neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating effects on the institutions of liberty.
Wow. You must REALLY impress yourself! It's kinda cute though.
lets ask what nucleus is going to do for his country. funny how you left that off your list
What I have done: pay taxes on my income, and at a far higher rate than Mitt Romney, Warren Buffet or the 400 wealthiest people in the country.
What I will do: stand up for the rights supposedly guaranteed to citizens by the constitution in any way that I can, and fight tooth and nail the demagogues, robber barons, parasites and assorted sociopaths that oppose them.
What are you going to do, aside from screw everyone you can on the deluded theory of "rational self-interest", which is simply a justification for unbridled greed and avarice?
Pls visit This is something we can do. Need to do something to stop those greedy bastards screwing our country.
Any of those 400 have paid more in taxes in one year than you will pay in a lifetime. Let's look at it as a dollar figure as opposed to a percentage and your contribution is a pittance to the treasury compared to any 1 percenter.
Why do you defend the richest 400? What's in it for you? Do you not care about the position this country is in right now with 1 in 7 on food stamps, 22% of American children living in poverty, one-half of all Americans earning less than a meager $26,000 per year, etc. etc.? Corporate profits are at an all time high. CEO's, that 30 years ago earned around 40 times the wage of the average worker, today earn 343 times the wage of the average worker. Six members of the Walton family of Wal-Mart own wealth that equals the wealth of the bottom 30% of all Americans. Do you think that kind of income disparity is healthy for any of us?
It comes down to two things. Raise taxes or share the profits. One or the other.
Raising taxes wont help at all. If it did, UK or Belgium or Finlad would be the superpower not US. Read this 'dear'.. might help you understand
Thanks for the dense article, dear, just as I was about to sign off and take a nap. Laffer could use some work with his prose. He's difficult to understand, at least for me. Anyway, I agree with him about the gold standard and fractional reserve banking. Taxes, I'm not so sure. Also, I don't see why we need to be the superpower. I don't care about being a superpower. I want to live in a country where everyone is doing well.
I'm much more interested in the profits of corporations being shared with the workers than I am in taxing anyone, although I do think the capital gains rate should be the same as the earned income rate. It is work like any other work to call your broker, trade, explore stocks, whatever it is you people do.
Take a
Never took it. It was kind of late anyway, you were right.
Laffer and his infamous curve have been debunked so many times I have lost count.
well less intelligent people like me still consider the Laffer curve to hold whatever some of your democraticunderground writers might say.
because taxing the rich more than they already pay wont fix anything. All it will do is spitefully make you feel better.
I'd personally rather see all of the corporate profits shared more fairly with the workers. I'd like for labor to be valued in a way that makes more sense for humanity and for the economic system to work for the people and not vice versa. That, to me, is more important than the tax issue.
whats fair to the worker is they get paid what they agreed to work for when they accepted the offer of employment.
Some companies like mine give out bonus stock options, money to your 401K etc during good years. You dont need to transform the world to accomplish this lol
I disagree. Workers' rights have been diminished over the past 30 years and with high unemployment workers have very little power in determining their wages.
FALSE Taxing the rich more will increase tax revenue. Increased tax revenue reduces deficit spending.
prove it.
History proves it: 70-90% tax rates from 1945-1980, when the national debt was paid down from 1205 of GDP to 30% of GDP while we built a federally funded nationwide infrastructure and a thriving middle class during the longest period of stable economic growth this country has ever seen.
Then came Reagan ...
what was the revenue to the IRS before & after 1980's ?
By your argument, if John Paulson ($4.9 billion earnings in 2010) paid a single penny more than you or me in taxes, that would be perfectly fine.
Looking at it on a dollar basis is absurd unless the values are the same. If we both earn the same amount, we should both pay the same amount of tax. But if we earn vastly different amounts, the only possible way to compare them is proportionally - by percentage paid.
Yes - I support a flat tax for all.
Yes - I support a flat tax
Of course you do. It is regressive and rewards the rich at the expense of the working class.
how is it at the expense of the working class? How is everyone paying the same rate regressive?
You do not understand the difference between progressive and regressive.
Grow a brain, then a conscience, then maybe we can talk.
Thanks - you just proved me right. once you start with the name calling you've lost the argument. Flat is flat regressive is paying poor people who don't pay in the first place which we do plenty of already.
Let's ask all the preening, golf-playing, middle-America contemptuous, teleprompter-reading tools of the left what they can do for their country.
(Renouncing a 2nd term would be a good start!)
With All The Variations on the theme of 'Right-Wing' in The U$A (categorically and completely including 'Obomber'!) ; WTF do you think you know about "the left" ?! ad iudicium ...
Oh, O's right wing too? Oh, do tell who your ideal is. Che?
IF you think that the 'Banker's Puppet' ; Corporatist and 'Pro-Imperial War' Oblah-blah, is anything other than "Deeply Right-wing" by any internationally understood meaning of the term, then your empty head is so far up your reactionary (x) that your perspective is unlikely to ever reach beyond your own rectum !!!
It just goes to show what the level of political discourse is in The U$A, when Obummer is considered to be 'Left' !! Socially, he may be considered vaguely 'Liberal' but by All Other Criteria he is 'Right-Wing'. Those unable to see this, are so far to the 'Right' as to have fallen over the edge !!
Be wary of the 'Goose-Stepping, Corporatist' future that threatens The Good Citizens of The USA !
Caveat ...
It's funny how you make the vague reference to the Nazi's in your foolish little post, I guess you know that was a socialist movement....with all the accouterments of the modern socialists:
Free healthcare, changes in the education system to emphasize their opinions, insuring a minimum living standard, the urging of the government to use "programs" to help the needy, instead of encouraging citizens into doing it through direct charity, progressive environmentalism, animal rights, and state support of illegitimacy....
The just used the Jews as their "bankers" and "money changers"
Don't think that this modern incarnation of collectivism as supported by those involved in OWS is something new, or something warm and fuzzy....the anger of posters like yourself, Nucleus, zendog, modestcapitalist and many others is similar to the anger you see in the Nazi propaganda from the 30's and 40's......
It is YOU who don't understand what you are saying and advocating...because you cannot see past your own nose, and the hope that you will get some small piece of the plunder you support of the property of those who have performed more effectively than you.....
@ 'ScammersWorldisBleak' : With your "It's funny how you make the vague reference to the Nazi's in your foolish little post, I guess you know that was a socialist movement....with all the accouterments of the modern socialists:" - you parade for all to see, your utter deluded idiocy and ignorance and you expect what ?! To be taken seriously ?!! F*ck Off Troll and go read a book - any book !!!
I have read many books........your ignorance of the components of the National Socialist movement, the changes that led to the end of the Weimar Republic, the assumption of the Third Reich into power, and the principles which were at the forefront of the National Socialist Ideology demonstrate YOUR need to read a few books....
and you demonstrate the anger I spoke about in the comment before....those of you who are in support of such movements have to pretend they mean something more than the tyrannical force of others, with the potential of up to, and including, death and destruction to gain control and power over others....
any credible world history book can demonstrate the outcome of ALL popular collectivist movements throughout history, and also demonstrate the lack of ANY useful or improved development or advancement of the human condition...they instead tend to be regressive, equalizing and spreading misery, rather than expanding happiness....
OMG !!! IF you honestly think that I'm advocating Nazi Ideology (= Fascism = "Corporatism") then you're waay too schtoopid for me to engage with !! Dummkopf !
the Nazi's were not pure Fascists, hardly "fascist" at all beyond the nationalism......and to claim so is foolish and ignorant..
The Nazi Party "State" was the centralized control, there was no corporatist element to did not run or influence the government, the government controlled businesses and used them, by force, for its own purposes, and it pursued a radical ideology that punished those who's idea's were in conflict with those held by the collective, it sought more control over the lives of citizens by providing for their "needs" in exchange for absolute submission to the rule of the central power....
That providing for "needs" and punishment of those who disagree, first by confiscation, then by more unforgiving means, is exactly what you are advocating...and that is the beginning of all such movements that become the likes of the Third Reich, or Stalin's USSR, or Mao's China...and on and on....
Certainly there is more to the discussion, but the basic components are the same in the modern socialist movement as in ALL historic centralized is a shame that you are too blinded by your beliefs to see that....
'sc@mmer' : Re. your abject twaddle above, please consider that the extreme degree to which Hitler and Nazi Ideology abhorred and detested Marxism, Communism, Socialists and the erstwhile USSR is so well evidenced as to make any attempts to equate 'Nazism' with 'Socialism' almost comical, ahistorical and 'illiterate' !
Nazism was a race based ideology reliant on notions, fallacies, concepts and conceits such as Germanic / 'Aryan' Racial Supremacy ; "Blut und Eisen" ; "Der Heimat" ; "Lebensraum" and Extreme Militarism & Racism !!
Thus, please consider and reflect that trying to associate Communism, 'Lefist Idealism', Marxism, 'Fabian Universalism' and Egalitarian Socialism with the Utterly Abhorrent Racist Nazi Ideology is most unbecoming and only really reflects upon the accuser !
ad iudicium ...
no, in your little mind you must separate them, so as not to have to face the fact that ALL collectivist systems must rule by force, and that the force may begin benignly as simple angry "Disagreement" or "Dismissal" of counter idea's, but eventually and always leads to the elimination of those who hold counter idea's.......
Your inability to see that is a component of your ideological suppression....the same sort of suppression that has allowed people to do the most abominable things to their fellow human beings......and it's always because of the behavior or idea's of the "other" person, and reflective on their behavior or idea' order to diminish their existence to a sub-human level...
Every response you make is further evidence of the seeds of that mentality in's a shame, really......
bla blah. O's a tool, we can agree on that, but I asked for your ideal. Che? Or maybe it's Nancy Pelosi
Consider that individual people are the 'ideals' of and for, idiots !!! 'Ideas' are what matters !! Ad Iudicium !
And newt's got plenty of visionary ideas. glad you're on the bandwagon
"Chameleon : The long-buried liberal history of Newt Gingrich." ; ! 'ecce homo' !!
I thought you wanted to talk ideas and now you're back to attacking individual people. ad nauseum!
Given my response four replies up ; 'thinking' isn't really your strong suit, is it ?!
Oh, you're a Ron Paulian
How about I ask you what have you done for your country? As for corporations, they are not obligated to do anything. Besides, most corporations have global presence and do not belong to any country. As for the media, most of it is stupid. But then so are Occutards. They digest a lot of conspiracy crap and throw up BS.
No problem....keep asking. but two wrongs don't make a right. Your philosophy/attitude of fighting fire with fire .... using tactics to combat an evil or negative circumstance by reacting in kind. not efficacious.
It is really not so repulsive to see the poor asking for money as to see the rich asking for more money. And advertisement is the rich asking for more money.
-G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936), The New Jerusalem 1920
hear hear
agreed my fellow American. party on.
Ask what your country did TO you and the world despite what you did for your country.
I suppose that is what you were trying to convey,
You hit the nail on the head with your second statement, I guess you finally are endorsing the OWS good against the Evil. (By the way, can't imagine R. Reagan saying this, perhaps it was one of his script lines and you are quoting this from a movie.)
Just trying to understand...
I understand that during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. The truth provokes lemming like, bitter, anti-American vitriol... in abundance from proclaimed OWS supporters.... Why not endeavor to build....instead of employing vicious destructive words?
It should be noted by readers that the phrase "during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.", is a direct quotation from George Orwell (who was a democratic socialist!), used without quotation marks or accreditation.
One wonders just how many more of this posters offerings are similarly plagiarised and used out of context in order to give faux gravitas to posts that would otherwise have all the depth of a muddy puddle in the pavement ?!
fiat lux ...
shocking...borrowing and being inspired by others certainly does happen. imagine that
god DAMN america is an idea.
Lara and nazi-like right-wingers swear that all america has done is....good.
Good? For whom? Indians? Mexicans? Africans? Muslims? Or the horrible deeds done to little girls by american fireman in the 60's, (heroic); Or let's see... American citizens sleeping in alleyways; Astronomical prison statistics; Presidential candidates, (clowns), targeting the poor in order to further their financial agendas; Or... Our "god-given" right to possess firearms, most of which are purchased for use on fellow american citizens; Or maybe those triumphs you're speaking about would include the imprisonment of american citizens in internment camps based solely on race; Nagasaki... Hiroshima... Etc... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're speaking from a one-sided point of view usually promoted by "white" folk. Not surprising. Yeah, I'm putting my money on... god DAMN america!
Don't be shy tell us how you feel
Thanks Saydee!
It's good to see that there are others who keep an open-mind.
that is a really terrible thing to post. why are you so bitter? you are not going to attract empathy or kinship...w/ such vile rhetoric.
You are full of hate...get yourself together... Promoting evil...........Just like many lib's & Dem's, embracing every kind of filthy, anti - God cause... in a deal w/ the devil coalition to create a power base, now they can't take any moral positions because if they do they will offend a large part of their base.
Yeah that's it, keep pointing that finger of fault...christian.....ha.
"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism"....Is this the plan for the USA? Wake up people...
It's funny how you make the vague reference to the Nazi's in your foolish little post, I guess you know that was a socialist movement....with all the accouterments of the modern socialists:
Free healthcare, changes in the education system to emphasize their opinions, insuring a minimum living standard, the urging of the government to use "programs" to help the needy, instead of encouraging citizens into doing it through direct charity, progressive environmentalism, animal rights, and state support of illegitimacy....
The just used the Jews as their "bankers" and "money changers"
Don't think that this modern incarnation of collectivism as supported by those involved in OWS is something new, or something warm and fuzzy....the anger of posters like yourself, Nucleus, zendog, modestcapitalist and many others is similar to the anger you see in the Nazi propaganda from the 30's and 40's......
It is YOU who don't understand what you are saying and advocating...because you cannot see past your own nose, and the hope that you will get some small piece of the plunder you support of the property of those who have performed more effectively than you.....
Boy, I see someone has been reading up. Good for you.
You're right. When we have the power to get people like you engaged in conversation that you confess to despise....well, we're doing EXACTLY what we set-out to do.
It is only living in this great country that gives you the right to make your statements....Try going to another country and attempting such diatribe. Anti-Americanism sounds like a howl of hopeless fury... Wake up before it's too late.... You can always lose a little more..
Presumptuousness is beyond ignorance and leaning toward stupidity and insanity, thus the reason you don't understand most things.
I don't even live in your country.
"...the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God."
Yeah... but its the state taking away our rights and handing them to the banksters... so technically...OWS ers are carrying out Gods will? does that mean we can force Rick Santorum to endorse us?
"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid"
Who's afraid? Whos using cops and made up ordinances to harass protesters into submission? Who's hiding behind an army of security guards and concrete walls?
But evil is still not exactly powerless is it?
Could lara little Tree be newt Grin-Rich in drag?
"ask what you can do for your country"
...doesn't sound that libertarian to me.
well maybe it might's really cool and patriotic
"it's really cool and patriotic"
This is hilarious
party on dude...keep the faith
How do you know god doesn't DAMN america?
The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. Book of Genesis
Uh I said...insane.
Good triumphs.
For whom? Indians? Mexicans? Africans? Muslims?
Or the horrible deeds done to little girls by american fireman in the 60's, (heroic);
Or let's see...
American citizens sleeping in alleyways;
Astronomical prison statistics;
Presidential candidates, (clowns), targeting the poor in order to further their financial agendas;
Our "god-given" right to possess firearms, most of which are purchased for use on fellow american citizens;
Or maybe those triumphs you're speaking about would include the imprisonment of american citizens in internment camps based solely on race;
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're speaking from a one-sided point of view usually promoted by "white" folk. Not surprising.
Yeah, I'm putting my money on...
god DAMN america!
We can’t blame all this stuff on God.
The world is doing what the world does. Always has.
And, if any individual country goes belly up, the kingdom of God does not suffer loss.
Rome floundered, no loss to the kingdom of God. Mayan & Aztec civilizations perished, Christ’s kingdom managed to get along. The British empire, the Third Reich, The Confederate States Of America–all gone.
While I love America, vote in every election, display our flag, pray for our nation–if America falls this afternoon due to foreign forces or even if we fall from internal corruption–so what?
Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, He will not be harmed by the crumbling of just another petty earthly fiefdom. I’ll be sorry to see us go. But there’s more to His kingdom than you or me.
Only thing is, this kingdom you speak of doesn't exist. IT ISN'T REAL. And therein lies the problem. I don't expect you understand.
Yes..Good and great things. Your perspective is skewed...excellent things are happening.. Do not curse the ground you stand on.
Skewed perspective? Mm mm mmph. You ARE right about that! I refuse to go down the ROAD TO INSANITY that you extremists are following. Just like the germans who couldn't see how insane hitler was.....ya'll are following suit.
This is gonna make ONE HELL OF MOVIE! Thank you.
Perhaps then, God will cure the mass insanity of greed that has gripped our nation for the last 30 years. O that Thou wouldst!
How far, O rich, do you extend your senseless avarice? Do you intend to be the sole inhabitants of the earth? Why do you drive out the fellow sharers of nature, and claim it all for yourselves? The earth was made for all, rich and poor, in common. Why do you rich claim it as your exclusive right?
-Ambrose (339-397) Bishop of Milan
I think greed's been around a little longer than 30 yrs, but that's a nice prayer
You're correct, of course. Greed has been around since the beginning of time in all liklihood. Perhaps I should have written it as "pervasive greed."
A man can no more separate age and covetousness than a' can part young limbs and lechery.
this kind of question drives OWS wild. They want to know ,,,what's coning to them.. don;t natter if they did nuthin
Translation: "Ask not what the 1% can do for you, ask what you can do for the 1%?" JFK was one of them.
On the other hand, in all fairness, so was FDR, and he really was a great leader. Education, education, education. It's the only thing that can prevent people from pulling the wool over your eyes!
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. -- Thomas Jefferson
Exactly. We need to take back that "Freedom isn't free" slogan from the Big Corporate Fascist nutjobs who hijacked it in the first place.
thanks Ted V...I hope you are not a dopey lib. we need to try to convert some of them..
No I actually believe that Jesus was tortured and murdered for all, rather than the belief that he was tortured and murdered for a so-called chosen few..That some feel only them and not us....Equality for all...Sometimes it seems that our brothers and sisters forget what "all" means.. Occupy is the people performing tough love on a broken heart..and we all know that is a hard fix and fight...
thanks..these ows types are a rather scary mixed bag,, I'm with you on the Jesus belief.
Goyathlay ("one who yawns") Goyathlay was Bullet proof and that is what inspired his spanish name as he charged the spanish troops after they slaughter his wife, his mother and his three children...He reigned with 37 followers defied federal authority for 25 years...Goyathlay is his Apache name and Geronimo is his Spanish name and Jerome is his English name..
No shortage of heartbreaking history in this world about mans inhumanity. Do you have any political affiliation?
Morons like you contribute to the problem of religious campaigning. If you have credible ideas it shouldn't matter where you lean religiously but it does and that is a problem.
more appropriately - ask how much money and American blood you can give to the welfare state of Israel - if you enter the US Army you are fighting for Israel....The United States of Israel....not a democracy but a racist zionist commie nation hell bent on transferring the wealth from the Middle Class to Israel and the zionist financial terrorist bankers...
my country can share some of its acres, otherwise how is it my country?
Are you an American citizen? If so than it is your country. (Are you that materialistic that you interpret this statement so literally) if not... you are illegal..and not paying should work on that...and become legal.
all decendants since 1492 are illegal. This was my land before you arrived. I dont think anyone should pay any taxes unless they get to own some of the land outright, instead the majority of land is hogged up by greedy men, and due to the cost of living consuming all my income, me and my family have owned no land for three generations now My grandparents live in a trailer park.
Thank you!
It's pretty simple for us fair-minded people to understand what you said, but all you have to do is read some of the comments here to realize that we're not dealing with rational individuals.
Those hateful people that would argue your point probably wear or have worn their own brand of points...on their heads, (along with matching sheets-or they were taught by those that did). NO KIDDING!
It's ALMOST not there fault though. Insanity is crazy and very difficult to recognize while roaming the halls of the asylum. All we can do is continue to raise the issues and stay involved. Time is on our side and karma always has its way!
The fear and anger demonstrated by people like Lara is the only way they really have to lash out at the fact that they are no longer the majority. We SHOULD be sympathetic I suppose, but why? Her hurtful and insensitive comment below should help us all to recognize just how hypocritical folks that harbor that much hate can truly be.
The following is what SHE thinks is a blessing as she spouts: "god bless america"...(truly AMAZING that she sees no harm in it)
It's NICE that your grandparents live in a trailer park with no land to speak of while she boasts of owning a condo as a LEGAL citizen in a country your family has lived in for centuries! What is that?! Her version of love I guess.
Excuse my language, but those are the kinds of reasons I despise these so-called american christians..........hateful cunt.
An ugly person comes from UGLY PARENTS, but all three of them will be gone soon and eventually so will the likes of all vermin like Lara.
Wow...The universe owes you big didn't get yours. USA owes you to...I guess. You have a less than winning attitude. What is it that bothered you so much in the JFK quote? Look within for the answers...and endeavor to stop hating and blaming ... Own your failures...only then will you be able to begin to work on healing yourself..
Nobody owes me anything silly. Keep TRYING 4 an open-mind.
Why are you so angry? Why does the JFK quote bother you so much? Do you have appreciation of any world religion?...or do you just hate everybody?
Silly. It's not anger. It's
why are you so mad @ her? Your posts say some really offensive things. Are you trying to offend everyone who is striving for spirituality in their life?
Don't be so blind. Oh....I get it. You're one of those Indian-haters too.
I think that she might be related to native americans...although she has a russian first name. Maybe mixed blood.
Yeah...ok., and my last name is...BRIDGE. LOL
Come on....really?
you said all that horrible stuff about God and Country...just cuz you dont like her?
Have you even read how she responded to the post by freewriterguy? Your concern, (if you have so much "love" for god and country), should be with her snotty I don't give a fuck attitude.
And your idea of horrible is simply TRUTH to some.
Thought you would enjoy this little analysis; Strange and perverse are the patterns of thinking, emoting and behaving that characterize the liberal mind....That its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche..... The Liberal Mind reveals the madness of the modern liberal for what it is: a massive transference neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating effects on the institutions of liberty.
you fools think YOU are the majority? hahahaha.....I guess you don't do much interacting with the general public, huh?
"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism"....Is this the plan for the USA? Wake up people...
Taxes were away to share the wealth!! and not meant to screw us.. Taxes is how we are supposed to pay for Village Town County State and then Goes into a yes BIG bank called the federal reserve where people we are supposed to trust yes The IRS to distribute that equally Back to the states to help offset any or all programs/ facilities/ and pay for security..Turns out it has been used illegally..and it was only to those who could afford to pay!!! and was not recognized to be enforced cause of the size of the colonies! so who did not pay in cash paid in some type of Bartering..The programs that it is supposed to support today they robbed them..which is the main part of the problem..Being taxed is OK it is away to do the equal share so why the no on paying taxes? it should be if you cannot afford it and then different taxation for the different earned incomers, not give those with the most a tax shelter for the rich called Puerto Rico..and cause my mixture Im a legal illegal oh shit Im screwed what does ur new world order plan for me must be worse than what u are doing to ur selves/self? aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
No, you miss the point of history, unfortunately.....the aboriginal peoples of nearly ALL lands in the worlds were evolved out of power, and sometimes existence, they were conquered, or died of diseases, or were assimilated into new groups....
No land is owned except by idea that you sissy collectivist libtards will protest, is historical fact, unless you can defend "your" land(s) it won't remain yours.....see, we (As in the USA) created an environment where, within our protected borders, people are relatively free from forceful, or violent, removal from their property.....
You can call it "hogged" if you like, but the truth of the matter is something was exchanged for the ownership of property, it wasn't just assigned.....if you want more out of life than the trailer park, then DO something worthy of a high exchange rate...or suffer for not doing it....
It really is that simple.
interesting point about defending the land or losing it, still i believe that there is a better system than the one that says only those who go to college and sit on their asses deserve a nice home, while those who actually work in things that sustain our lives, doing things like cleaning our water so we dont have diarhea, building our homes so we get to live in one, etc... get to rent for much of their lives, or get a small piece of land.
that's nice. I live in a condo...I am grateful for that. I believe I'm a legal citizen have a nice night.
Lara why do you dress the little doggies ? Why do you carry them around like babies?Why do you let them on the furniture?
Let's ask ms. LaraLittleTree What has she done for america. Or if she prefers What have you done TO America
Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227). ...............................................
Charity or mandated church ten percent?
I vote, pay my taxes, work hard, Donate money and time to worthy causes when ever I can. Try to be charitable to my own family and friends. I try not to lie...I'm working on not gossiping too much...that's a tough one.
Occupy the little tree
"Try to be charitable to my own family and friends."
Yet not one random act of kindness...with no recognition expected...
Your own words indicate a lack of compassion.
That statement echoes fascism to me and Reagan's is black and white simplistic morality.
Oh ..Balderdash...An inspirational quote full of simplistic morality? You need to try to be a little more positive...maybe you'll lose the bitterness.
yeah..He was the best.
Excellent quote...we need politicians from all parties to live an promote these ideals...and citizens too. God Bless America.
Kennedy was basically a conservative, but he had to appeal to a primarily liberal base, so he offered symbols for the liberals while following a conservative course in foreign and domestic policy. After his death Kennedy's legacy was picked up by liberals.He was actually more of a conservative..
If Kennedy was a DINO, Reagan was a RINO.
Get a job. Really. One that doesn't require any cerebral function, because you have none.
the liberals can have him, along with the late Teddy, Congressboy Patrick, Oilman Joe, envirocreep Bobby Jr and whole ratty crew
I pretty much agree....But JFK did do some good stuff...And is inaugural address was awesome.
Personally, I didn't think very highly of President Kennedy. I was ten years of age when he was elected. He DID have some excellent speech writers and came across as a charasmatic and effective leader. He was the first president to fully understand television's powerful effect and was able to use it to his fullest advantage. The man had the morals of an alley cat.
Oh well. Nobody's perfect. I heard Teddy Kennedy finally quit drinking.
LOL That sounds a little harsh! ;-)
After Ted’s death, the Massachusetts liquor industry needed a bailout.
LOL (again) Now, that's gonna leave a MARK!
Party on dude ! have a great evening...God bless. keep the faith. God bless the USA. Love it or leave it.
Yeah, good stuff, like almost getting us into a war with USSR. I'll take Honest Abe's 2nd Inaugural any day.
I can get the lazy unfair, or laissez-faire, corporatists out of everyone's pocket. Now, that is a noble aspiration. The end of noblesse oblige.
I believe that phrase over there is quite wrong. Mom told when i was a child me no to bother God with prayers if i can act for something. So i'd say the rights of man come from their own struggle and fight. I don't like to say "thank God" or "God bless ...", because when i achieve something by my own effort, its quite disappointing to think that God was the one who actually did it, and not me. Americans bless America.
I still don’t get the whole uproar about saying,God Bless America. You pray for things you love. You’d ask God to bless your family or a new business venture or your church, so why not your country?
I just don’t get it.
Well, the "you" may actually be a generalization, but i wouldn't ask God to bless a business, church or country. Maybe my family and only if really needed. I wouldn't bother God asking this or that, but i do appreciate the good things that happen to me. I mean, you like when someone keeps asking you for help all the times? I'd rather see someone actually working for it rather than asking all the time. I don't like beggars, i don't think God does. If i know my country will suffer an earthquake, then i'd surely ask for blessings. So, right now, America isn't facing a humanly impossible situation, therefore, no need to ask for divine help. I hope i explained myself now. Have a nice day :)
Thanks friend... have a nice evening, appreciated your civilized thoughtful reply.
God Bless America.
This is a Fascist Orwellian statement.
If you say so... Just keep in mind that i don't even know what "fascist orwellian" is...
Occupy Hyannisport!!
I think it's too cold in the Cape this time of year... God Bless the USA
A Mythical Kindly Beardy Entity In The Sky is NOT going to be doing SH!T !!! Only The Good Citizens of The USA, motivated by love and compassion are going to save The USA - mainly from the likes of you !! Dork !
shadz is seriously loopy. deliri!
so sad...that you are so bitter...try to look within and work on your own self.. and maybe you will find what you need.
LoL !!! Don't be such a 'sour' puss now !! Tell me 'sweetie', which bit was "bitter" ?!
Damn!! I swear this sounds JUST LIKE NEWT! HA!
I have no idea re. what or who you are referring to.
Dogs in drag Why
oh thanks. what does that mean?
lara, keep up girl. that was a comment on shadz. I's continuing your list of his de-merits. you losing a step
oh..sorry ..I'm doing like ten things here @ once. I'm so tired of these nasty insults...These people are so immature and bitter. I get your previous post now...I thought shad was a girl. Thanks for your support..have a nice night..You r up late.. I'm in NY it's after 12:30...where r u?
"I'm so tired of these nasty insults...These people are so immature and bitter".
Hmmm. Do you even know how HYPOCRITICAL that is?
You DON'T . Do you?
Unbelievable! Like sheep over a cliff.
i's in NY too, but it's 1:00 in the morning by me
I think you'll find that it's all a question of taste !
It's amusing, interesting and revealing that you think that your persistent, reactionary, unsubtle trolling on this forum, should remain unchallenged and that you are owed grace where you have shown none !!
"All the best..I hope you are taught and corrected." ;-)
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." hey Lara, word up....this is another great Reagan quote.
the repelican party is DONE
[-] 0 points by Kirby (25) 0 minutes ago
You have deluded yourself.
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That is not very likely. I've been engaged in revolt of the social construct for quite some time - and only articulated a case for revolt in 2009.
Here we are. On the cusp of revolution.
The repelican party has lied - repeatedly - reganonomics is a failure, blue dress stains do not trump issues of national security like terrorism, and Global Warming is here.
Holding up the budget debate with brinkmanship, creating market uncertainty that drove jobs and market numbers down six weeks into that debate, and all for the purpose of political gain - these are all issues of very serious national concern. We cannot keep kicking the can down the road when it comes to our national debt - and we cannot balance the budget on the backs of middle class America.
Repelican policy of economic deregulation has brought us to the brink of economic collapse.
It is inevitable, given both the sum of the lies and the sweeping policy failures - the people will vote these repelican fools out of office.
It's just a matter of time.
It's also a matter of national security.
You will see this become quite apparent over the course of the next six years.
What is uncertain is whether there will be ice caps left at either pole by that time.
we will see.
Your writings are way too biased and partisan. What have the Dem's done for the USA ? They are corrupt also. wake up Vermont doggy.