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Forum Post: Arrest and stop major corporations for trade violations

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 12:28 p.m. EST by RKA (0) from Greensboro, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

hey are the ones who run Wall Street, THEY are the ones who ravage the world and pay people subwages in which they cannot make a living. They are the ones that are making the decisions as to the direction our country takes, NOT our GOVT. Although out govt walks hand in hand with these corp. I say was take back what is OURS, what is the WORLDS, and do it NOW. If we don't, they will end up jailing us, and forcing us back to slave labor. Anyone in NC who wants to start an Occupy demonstration, feel free to contact me. Would love to have some help. Peace and Love will conquer all, but we must be rid of the rats in our midst!!!



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[-] 1 points by 0815 (58) 12 years ago

Oh, but they are not violating any trade laws... I suggest we take a good long look at those laws, and balance them out.