Forum Post: Are you fighting against the incoming tide?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10:42 a.m. EST by Arachnofoil
from Charlotte, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In all truth, the sun is just setting on another empire.
America will be relegated to the pages of history, just like ancient Greece, Rome byzantium, Persia.
What is going on now is really the death gargle of a once great nation. No nation has ever changed its ways when it is this far gone, history can be a bitch when you don't listen to her......
this is what we must do. WE, the 99% can change this, but it requires cooperation with as all. We need to put a hold to political ideology and create a new upheavel. From there, we can move on to ideology, but as of now, we must fight the few people destroying the country for all of us. take a look at what we need to do.
In the U.S.A., once upon a time honest citizens could enter into fair agreements and purchase (and keep) their homes.
Today, the people that screwed them on the loan terms---housing or student loans---are bailed out and screwing this economy.
Frankly, my suggestion is : R E S I S T
No one is dragging down my country without my resistance. I will shout, march, vote - everything in my power to legally invoke my rights, whether in housing, speech, politics, etc. End banking/finance/defense domination of our domestic and foreign policies.
Good post.
It used to be a requirement of 20% down to get a mortgage. I think we should go back to that too.
True, but in history, the citizens of the fallen empires didn't simply vanish. The citizenry coped and, in some cases, even thrived.
I hope they do, no one wants to see good people downtrodden. I just think its a shame it's come to this.
I wrote about about the shift of Rome from Republic to a dictatorship. to the tune of Bad Romance
The Opening sets the stage with Julius Ceaser's assassination. The Senate's struggle to remain of the people of the earth contrasted against the military soldier.
Bad Romans
Et tu - , Brute
Carpe Diem
Adscriptus Glebae
Fluked Plumed Helmet!
hing banded armor!
Gla-adius !
the roman soldier
The first 5 verses describe a senator more interested in placating his supporters with bread, circuses and Gladiator fights. It speaks of the slave culture and how less than 100 years before 6000 slaves were crucified.
I want your vote in exchange for this bread
I'll join the Senate and soon will be head
I want your lot
lot lot lot
cast me your lot
judge our slave warriors with the thumb of your hand
watch fools get eaten by vicious lions
divert your thoughts
oh oh oh
forget your lot
you know that they had slaves
one third of the people
you know that they had ways
to keep them in shackles
' vent your frustration in the coliseum
leave the power to the other men
I give you panem et circenses.
you and me could write on Bad Romans
grizzled scarecrows all along road (Wo-0h---oh oh oh)
from Roma down to Capua
so the slave were shown the terrible toll (Wo ho ho ho ho- oh oh oh)
if they disobeyed the ruler.
The next verse talks about soldiers returning from conquest and pushing the senate around
returning warriors
saw the senate decline
people were cynical
on who held the reigns
Senators were shoved
Senators were shoved
This is were Octavius comes on as an heir to Julius He offers the Senate protection and support with his legions but enviably talks behind the scene control of the Senate and has dissenters killed while away from Rome.
offered protection
by Octavius.
who killed dissenters
while out in the sticks.
he wrote their laws
laws - laws-laws
their power lost
Once Octavious is the sole general in Rome, Marc Anthony is his only Rival, So Octavius rallies Rome against Marc because Marc had willed his inheritance to non-Romans, his Egypt born children. And that is how Octavius became sole Emperor of Rome.
you know Antony lost it
while loving in Egypt
('Cause Rome was fascist baby!)
the cost for su-icide romance
He read Mark's will to the public forum
Antony's heirs were born foreign
Octavius used this as a means to an end
to preside over all Rome province
so control of Rome would now be honed
by one Emperor's hands
Octavius alone would own the shores
on the Mediterranean
The song then backs Up and tells of the Roman Military system
Wield, right, cohorts flank
reserves move up, fill the ranks
Walk, attack in formation
feeding off the conquered nations
Vercingetorix wrought starvation (pronounced [werkiŋˈɡetoriks]
Cross la Loire, refresh the Legion (French pronunciation: [lwaʁ])
(That took Gaul! baby)
The song recalls the Punic Wars and how when they ended
they left Rome as the Ruler of the Mediterranean and a large slave population.
We attacked Carthage
We broke their shields
We enslaved their men
and we salted their fields
ave atque vale - (Hail and farewell!)
ad bellum Punicus - (to the Punic Wars)
Carthago delenda est - (Carthage must be destroyed)
so we salted their fields
Over a hundred ago,
Rome warded her shores
from the Carthaginians
Rome had room to grow
once they were gone
with colonial expansion
After Octavius become sole Emperor, the question of Succession of Roman Emperors afterword lead to corrupt politics
Empire Rulers (yelling)
the questions of
made Emperors paranoid men
issued death orders
on mothers and friends
You and me could write a bad romans
Rome was a successful empire far after the fall of the Republic
at one point in time, the british empire extended across africa, caribbean, china, malaya, india, australia, canada
now it's just a tiny island full of chavs
I disagree. America has massive economic, political, social, clout that it still will be ascendant for quite some time.
Yes your mic is on.... Go
Agreed. Have you read Reinventing Collapse? It compares the fall of the Soviet Union point on point to what is/has been happening here.
Roman, Greek, American, there is nothing special about a certain race per se, it's the adherence to just and fair principles that make a nation great, and a keep a nation great. I would hate to think the USA was only the world leader for 70 years. That's too short a time In the sun for me!
That would be a good read, I don't think people understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, we can't just MEAN well, we need to DO well. There are so many past empires to learn from, why can't we take a deep breath and take a step back from the precipice? In this globalised world, we will drag the rest down too? Back to the principles that made us great!
We are an empire, but we are here to stop it and change it.
Thankfully, the left that thinks like you is dying out. Idealism is back. Either go with it or go away.
I'm the very opposite what what you think, serious times though? Let's hope you succeed in stopping the US foreign empre and startnlooking after our own people
I get you. It's not like there is ample leftist media there in NC. We do need Americans to be more intellectually curious, like they were in the 19th century, where even farmers read shakespeare while they plowed.
The empire is the worst kind of big government, but ironically, the right wing doesn't even use that term to describe it, like the money falls from heaven.
Donald Rumsfeld even admitted that 2.3 trillion dollars was unaccounted for in the Pentagon budget.
Both parties should be blamed equally. People care more about Kim Kardashians butt than they do real issues.
Actually I have been trying to tell people about this, but no one seems to care and no one seems to listen. Chindia it is, but not together, they are each capable of ruling the world and so they will, while they compete with each other.
The solution, scrap WTO, GATT, free trade. Build a paradigm of strategic trade and EU type Unions, as cooperative of nation states, to match the size of China and India.
EU need to be expanded to include US, Canada, Oceania and Russian speaking countries. African Union, Latin American Union, East Asian Union (expanded ASEAN including neighbor countries near China and India), expanded GCC, Central Asian Union (Turkey, Azerbaijan, 7 stans, Mongolia) and Iran/Iraq. By grouping together nations and helping their Unions and leading these nations with market access and technology cooperation and putting a brake on trade and tech transfer to China and India and relegating trade with these two giants as the last priority, is the only way a fall can be averted. Other wise we are doomed, and the responsibility lies with us the people as well as the 1% who has partnered with China and India and led us like lemmings to the precipice. If we do not wake up now, we will wake up only when we are air borne, and it will be too late then.
Yes lets do that, especially because the EU experiment is working out really well.
All things come to an end....both good and bad. These are the times when the wolves are silent and the moon howls.
Maybe its a struggling gasp for air which will breathe life into our country again.
The history you reference - did not have a Representative Republic based on democratic principles as we do. It is that which will save us.
Oh a few of them did- America didn't invent those things, it copied them. I wrote this as a challenge, I want to see us become the country that rights itself, I desperately do
Really? I wasn't aware of that, but I'm no history expert !
So do you think we can save ourselves? And not repeat history?
I hope to god we can, because the world is a lot more linked than it was 200 years ago. We need to stop thinking the same way we did when we created the problems. We need to despise fraud in all it's forms, stop the burdening of working people with heavy taxes, sending our young to die in immoral wars, and get back to personal liberty and responsibility, that allow people to display their inherent goodness.
I feel much the same way. I think so many of the problems is the result of corruption in government and our diminished representation.
I feel greed is a serious issue and must be dealt with through strict government regulation.
In some ways, our society has lost its moral compass. Certain "industries" more than others. But it is something we must all think about!
But I too, believe in the inherent goodness of people! I am very hopeful! More hopeful than one month ago for sure.
Can't legislate against human nature
You' re right. But we can change legislation to improve things. We can striclty legislate those industries that have a history or greed and destruction. Like re-enacting Glass-Stegall. We can impose stricter legislation on the environmental industry to limit the harm to our environment. We can strengthen Anti-Trust laws to limit big corporations from getting too BIG. I think whatever percieved benefits there are from big corporations are now outweighed by a greater cost to society. I'm not sure what happened, but I think our Anti-trust laws have eroded over time.
We can support this new legislation in Congress to overturn Citizens United.
It's 18 days later. Are you more hopeful or less?
Don't worry. That is the reason we have a plan in the works for a war with Iran.
Hahaha, yes dying empires always try to maintain control by invasions, it's like clockwork
The Netherlands was once an empire, France was once an empire, England was once an empire. All these countries survived and most of their citizens are doing relatively well.
Not being #1 is not necessarily bad.
I would agree, England's moved from number one to number two, France from 5 to 4, the Netherlands got flooded coz all their people were to busy picking tulips to block the dykes. I think the next 20 years will see the rise of chindia
Good for them. I bet in a couple of decades the US will do great as world power #2 or #3. Maybe by then it the US will even rise on some indicators where it is now #40 or #50 (health care, infant mortality rate, equal opportunities)
I think maybe I AM the incoming tide.
You can call me Pink0™
you probably right. but doing nothing is not an option.
we will see for sure if you are right ...i think the inner circle of politics listening.