Forum Post: Are You Better Off Today?
Posted 12 years ago on April 29, 2012, 7:57 a.m. EST by toonces
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
... Than you were three years ago? Are food and gas prices lower? Are you able to work enough to enjoy vacations and getaways? Are your friends able to work and enjoy life, or has making ends meet become harder?
Are you really considering voting for Obama again?
Hell no, I'm not voting for Obama. No, I'm moving to Greece so I can enjoy some deep austerity cuts. Oh wait, isn't that Mitt's plan. Heck, I guess I'll stick around and vote for Mitt, I can't wait for him to put in effect the Ryan budget so I can enjoy my very own austerity measures here in my beloved America. Romney is so cool. I really look up to him. I know someday I'm going to be filthy rich too. And as soon as I get as rich as him, I will only have to pay a low 13.9% tax rate just like Mitt does. Heck, with Romney as my president, all my current worries about food and gas prices will be gone. Unemployment will skyrocket just like in Greece and I won't even have to worry about eating anymore, seeing as my food stamps will get cut from the budget under the Mitt/Ryan plan. Woo Hoo! Let's hear it for Mitt. I'm so enthusiastic about him, I literally can't wait to vote for that rich bastard.
I'm wearing grey of austerity
Greece doesn't have austerity, They have government cuts and increased unemployment
What does wearing grey mean? I'm not familiar with the colloquialism.
austerity is about living in a minimalist simplicity
using efficiency to serve human need without decoration
and having nothing to do with Greece cutting government jobs
government jobs by all right would be an efficient means to serve the people
Would it be pretentious of me to ask a favor, could you throw in a third line once in while to break the monotony.
HAHHahhahahahaheehehehooo....... give the troll a break.... tell it that your comment was sarcasm or it won't have a clue. It will be all misty eyed for the perceived support...could be funny to see it's expression though I mean if it figures it out. {:-D
I'm like a mockingbird. I'll only fly away. I'll only fly away.
Such wickedly good humor in attendance today.
When Chatman asks some deep thought provoking questions, I'll respond with some deep thoughtful answers. Until then, mock engine on full throttle!
Well in that case you will be absolutely flying down the road. I don't think I have seen a comment or question such as you describe.
I wrongly attributed this thread to chatman when it was toonces. If they would all quit saying the same things, I might be able to tell them apart.
Well - tootes - huh. Hope it's not a mach engine - you could end-up with a really nasty case of wind burns - possible 3rd degree.
OH - that would be very hard to do without usernames - handbook - talking points - lost without.
Oh, I see how you manage to keep them apart - nicknames. Tootes. Good call.
Thank you thank you very severally functioning synapses do seem to kick in once in a while. Nice to hear someone else confirm it though.
No problem Elvis.
I'm sorry I'm de......Elvis is dead.
Legends never die.
I sure hope so. The venom spewed recently was getting a little out of hand.
trolls watcha gonna do? They are seeing the awakening of Humanity happening and it has them scared confused and feeling cornered.
I expect it from them. It's our regulars and semi-regulars that are getting a little too steamed. I won't mention any names, they know who they are.
But then, the old saying, "Never discuss religion or politics" was coined for a reason, I guess. Religion, not so much anymore, but politics, well, . . . it's obviously still a touchy subject.
Passions run high when you are fighting corruption greed and crime the big three that flushed our economy - and then to put up with the deniers of reality - well - just be glad they are not in the same room.
Passions do run high, don't they? That's why I haven't made much of a deal about it; you kind of expect things to occasionally get out of hand.
I am pleasantly pleased that things have stayed so peaceful and law abiding to this point in time.
Indeed. Let's hope it stays that way.
It is in my prayers. I would really like to see the cops tone it down.
You have a choice of austerity now, or later. I see no reason to do it now, and neither do the politicians.
Ryan's budget is just more wars, more spending. It doesnt come close to meaningful change. Its a typical DC budget.
That sounds about right, but I can't help myself when it comes to mockery, I get carried away.
and Obama's plan is? I'm still waiting after 3 + years. No budget - no plan. Just class war fair soak the rich business is evil, banks are evil, oil is evil GOP is evil, Insurance companies are evil. 1% are evil - Thats not a plan.
Neither side has a viable plan, because there is no getting out of this. The amount of cuts needed to shrink the debt (lets not even get into 5 years from now when we get into the heart of the boomers gen) would level the country. Riots everywhere.
They want a welfare/warfare society, with little choices. The country is the way it is because THEY (both of them) want it that way.
When the spending is in the trillions, I really dont think a budget is necessary, they arent trying to be modest anyways.
the ryan plan is a viable plan. Simpson Bowles is a viable plan
Simpson Bowles was a pathetic attempt at anything.
The Ryan plan is a total joke, just slightly cuts the increases, there is no net cut. Its a total sell out job as usual, and I like Ryan. No leadership on the issue in either party, because neither wants to stop the spending.
I cant say that if I had printing press in my office, and no one cared, I would give it up.
Neither side will do what it takes, they don't have the balls.
so - still - you offer no plan of your own. just like the president & the dems - just criticize with no plan of their own. what is YOUR plan?
A) Dont compare me to these clowns in DC. I actually work.
B) My plan- end the wars. Scrap the tax code, start over. Monetary policy- all decisions by the fed are run through congress with a vote. It would at least help with transparency.
ok - so why dont you share your plan with me. Why is it like pulling teeth Geezz! So far - no plan!
the current debt is unsustainable, if there are not cuts in spending ( we dont have)the country will go under. is that what you want?
It is certainly appearing to be total financial collapse being the only outcome possible. A global monetary rescue fund will probably emerge, along with a new global currency for everyone.
Socialism will look like a picnic in the park compared to what is in store for everyone below middle class.
The push clearly needs to be, bring 90 % of your troops home, and set them to work repairing roads and bridges and other infrastructure, and get all the medics out on the street treating the homeless for free.
Quit pretending to be the policemen of the world, and tell the 0.01% to fund their own invasions and political coups. Isn't Blackwater now big enough to do their own dirty work?
Forget buying oil from the Arab nations. Pump your own wells, and send those nations broke.
And enough with making food and water commodities to play around with on the stockmarket. They are essentials, just like medicines. Make it a crime to play the insider stockmarket, like all your criminal congress is currently doing. The world is watching.
Stupidity should be unsustainable also, and yet.
We are past the days when Darwin would cull much of that - still there are dangers still in the modern world for the terminally stupid.
Deep. I need a smoke now.
Exotic (?) or disappointingly decaffeinated ?
huh? come again?
I need a smoke now
Exotic (?) or disappointingly non-herbal (?)
Just kidding you know. Though I do think it should be legal. One less criminal activity making black market money and trouble.
Obama has already brought us those problems.
Fact-checker says big fat lie, he inherited those problems. If you want to attack Obama, there are plenty of things I would agree with you on, but let's keep it real now.
obama has spent more in his term than all the other presidents combined.
Show me the facts. Even better would be a side by side comparison of Obama and Bush spending. Bush spent for two wars he did not pay for, and I know wars ain't cheap.
so does that mean you are better off than you were 3 years ago or not lol? That was the question remember?
Short-term planning has strengths and weaknesses. In the case of casting a vote, it is better to take a broader approach, rather than the narrow question you are asking, for example, I could ask, at what point in my life was I best off, what policies were in effect, what kind of leadership, etc. Life is not as simple as you would like people to believe.
life is as simple of difficult as you make it for yourself. In your case you are having a difficult time because you are a miserable, self loathing, envious child who has joined a collective temper tantrum of people of the same thinking.
Quite the short-shit answer, my friend. You make little effort to further your argument by resorting to a blatantly obvious stereotype.
Actually, you should look at real wages for the past several decades; you would find that real income for workers has stayed about the same, except for the least-educated, lowest-paid workers, who have lost in real income.
Since 1980 Republicans have controlled the White House twenty years, while the Democrats twelve. Are you really considering supporting a Republican again. Considering your posts, you should probably reconsider.
I will take my chances. I have seen how the Dems have run thins since 2006.
That is consistent with your posts.
Brainwashed into lesser of two thinking
Neither major political party has any real interest in helping workers. That can only be accomplished by the workers.
Bills are lower because I refused to pay banks anymore money I cut them up and shut down the accounts Gas prices all chores on weekends in one shot ..make up the cash by cutting coupons Vacations..look for deals off season Friends are wiped out I hate my job and would love to leave but economy is shot Vote? Not Obama....
No, let us vote for Mittington Romulus the 3rd! As he helped build a chain of box stores that sell office supplies, (and he likes to talk about it like he did something other than provide some of daddy's money to do the start-up!) With such skills as that and his magic underwear, and high rank (biship!) in the mormon cult I am sure he can rebuild america. LOL (more like re-shape america)
Every sane person should vote for Obama, realizing that doing so is just a stop gap, till we can finally brake the back of this hopelessly corrupted 2 party debacle the 0.1% tell us is a democracy. Obama is clearly the lesser of the two evils.
I am personally but not because of Obama. I don't care who wins the presidential election, they're both virtually identical anyway.
Romney is not a communist.
Another cartoonces post, followed by this choice comment above clearly and hilariously displaying that 'cartoonces' regards 'Obomber' as being a Communist !!!
The reality is that 'cartoonces' is waaay to the right of The GOP of old and desperately attempts to sanitise and render his posts and comments innocuous and anodyne until and unless 'the mask' slips, like with his bizarre comment above !!
'Obummer' is as much a 'communist' as 'cartoonces' (who represents The Republicans) is a thoughtful, sane and rational poster !
So lets take a few minutes in order to see just where 'cartoonces and ilk' are coming from :
"Joseph McCarthy Reborn : GOP Rep. Allen West told supporters that 78 to 81 Democrats in Congress are "members of the Communist Party !" ; by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship : &
"GOP congressman claims Democrats are communists" [Video] ;,0,1492342.story .
The reality is that shit has moved so 'effing far' to the Political Right in The U$A that calling 'Oblah-blah' a communist can actually get purchase with people like cartoonces and ilk who'd regard Mother Teresa's 'Sisters of Mercy' as a Revolutionary Maoist Cadre !!! Sheeesh !! Who'd have thunk it ?!
ad iudicium ...
Good One.
Obama Shares Values With Communist Congressman:
Good thing I was sitting down!
Why are you dumping your shit here and d'you usually stand up when you do so ?!
More importantly - do you represent the average Republican, d'you think ?!!
gnothi seauton ...
I don't know if I represent the "average" Republican. I hope that there will be a much more conservative government post Jan 2013
Do you have the smallest grasp of just how "Conservative" The US Government is Right Now ?!!!
ad iudicium ...
This gov is neither liberal or conservative. Its a fascist, war mongering police state, that is choking out free thinkers and the little guy.
Not very.
It wont be. Your side is getting fucked into corportism just like the left.
Keep hoping. Just dont hold your breath.
I will do what I can.
You realize the Tea people's main thing was cut spending right?
After one short year, 32 of the 60 in the caucus voted for the largest credit card the world has ever seen.
In only one year over half were sold out. Working within the party is for those who dont want to really get involved. Its the easy way out.
Communist Party endorses Barack Obama for re-election:
I wonder why?
Do you have an actual link?
The one provided, leads to WND, not exactly a paragon of journalist integrity.
It worked when I tried it. Try googling the headline.
@ cartoonces : Re. Mittens Romulan, try these links :
"Mitt Romney, American Parasite, His years at Bain represent everything you hate about capitalism", By Pete Kotz : ,
"How Did Mitt Make So Much Money And Pay So Little in Taxes ?", by Robert Reich : &
"Romney’s Bain Capital Owns Media Giant Broadcasting Limbaugh, Hannity", by Alex Newman : .
Enough already of fawning forelock tugging to Oligarchical 0.01% Pluto/Klepto/Auto - crats !!! Get Real !!
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas !
Copy... Paste... Personal attack
Copy... Paste... Personal attack
Copy... Paste... Personal attack
Too bad facts aren't on your side or you would be able to argue your opinions on their merits.
Mao worship tree in White House...
Here you go cartoonces - from your linked article :
"In a political era when the lunatic fringe has relentlessly caricatured the president of the United States as a pinko, an ornament-maker somewhere in America apparently thought a satirical painting of a socialist was an ideal "favorite local landmark." I can't say as I blame him or her." &
"But still another layer of unwitting comedy percolates beneath the Great Christmas Ornament Scandal, which was immediately picked up by a host of hyperventilating right-wing Internet sites and blogs & then dutifully flogged into total incoherence by 'fair-and-balanced' Fox News."
fiat lux ...
Mao worship is Mao worship
Keep Digging Replicant ... I'll always be happy to hand you a shovel !!! pax et lux ...
I understand your frustration trying to defend the indefensible. It must be so discouraging to keep having the truth presented to you such that the only answer you can offer is a personal attack.
So what "indefensible" do you think that I am defending ?
Face it cartoonces - you really do NOT "understand" Shit !!!
I will wager that you think 'Electricity is the work of The Devil' !!
As I once asked, "so long here yet so little learnt - How Come" ?!
fiat lux ...
I have learnt (sic) plenty. I have learned that there is very little wisdom to be exhibited by those who seem to support the OWS mob.
Nope cartoonces, you've learnt 'jack' and thus : !
verum ex absurdum(b) ...
This is not representative of what it was in the beginning. If you are intelligent politically, it would be hard to not enjoy the conversations at the beginning.
Its been infiltrated by the mainstream d/R hacks, just like the Tea is.
tootes These things you spout in public? Did you intend to share (?) or do your fingers get carried away while you talk to yourself?
Redistributing wealth (communism)...
I strongly encourage readers to watch this 'You-Tube' clip provided courtesy of our resident forum-Republican, in order to get a true insight into the depths of the retardation that The US Right-Wing can plummet to !!!
In this CNN clip above, Oblah-blah pays lip service to saccharine notions of 'fairness' and 'equality of opportunity' using the example of a waitress trying to survive and maintain a roof over her head ... and what do 'cartoonces and ilk' do ? Go apoplectic with rage at 'all this socialism' (see comments on You-Tube clip) !!
So perhaps folks, by this above measure FDR was the 'Greatest American Socialist' who ever lived ; single handedly laying the foundations for and enabling the halcyon days of 'The USA - 1945-70', when blue & white collar Americans were at their most prosperous. Thus cartoonces : Dude, you need to get A Grip !
et temet nosce ...
OH - that one has gotta hurt.
Heh heh heh. Checkmate . . . . . mate!
Glad to see your video-card is working again & laying this down again to insure against a later cheeky edit : .
Also, a tune for you : The Voices Of East Harlem - "March Across This Land" : ;-)
pax et lux ...
So, just how extensive is your music collection?
"pay a little bit more"
The name of the bill is "30% on a million or more"
No, he was the one who said he sought out the communists and marxists...
@ cartoonces : Stop jerking off to 'You-Tube' clips, dude - because you'll go Even Blinder !!!
nosce te ipsum ...
Go fuck yourself toonces.
Well yes of course, I'll vote for Obama again. But not because I'm doing so well, or because the economy is so good, or that the government getting out of all those wars they were never supposed to be in, or that our troops are coming home any time soon......... But only because seeing Obama in the White House for a second term is going to really piss all those racist bigots off.
You are correct, the Left has really been on a bigoted tear.
please no one vote for Mitt or Obama, they're both puppets of the special interests and support the same ideas! including killing American citizens!!!
I am much better off today than I was 3 years ago. What changed? Me! I do things different and it has paid off in my life and my families life. Obama and Bush did not have one thing to do with the good that I have experienced. Now both have claims to making things more difficult, but I adapted, improvised and overcame. Piss on them both and the congress that drives them around!
Fucking Bush his tax cuts and wars, deregulation of WallStreet - economic fucking meltdown. What a perfect SHIT STORM!!!!!!! Yeah he and his cronys sure have fucked us over. Not just for the last three years but for quite some time to come. Should be tried and shot for treason. Asshole.
You forget who really started all of this, Ronald Reagan.
Yes - the Actor - perfect puppet. They just handed him a script and let him go. They loved that Guy.
Fuck him and his "Trickle Down(not)" economics.
There was the lie - trickle down - what utter and complete BS - the only thing that was trickling was the urine down the greedy corrupts legs as they excitedly contemplated their new windfall.
See my post about it:
Clinton and the D/R Congress are the ones that allowed for CDS and Glass Steagall repeal. Along with NAFTA, the biggest slap to the auto union ever.
We, the people, have allowed all of this to happen. We are suppose to govern ourselves here. This is what happens when we dont.
Which is exactly why it is a good thing that the public is starting to gather in places like this and in protests all across the country and around the world. The Government OF The People By The People FOR The People. It is not just a saying it is the law of the land. Now the people need to wake-up and take charge.
Im all for any type of activism. While I harrass a few here for their hard core D/R Duopoly loyalty, if the majority of the people were as engaged as they are, we wouldnt have these problems.
I think they are being led in circles, but its better than nothing.
Difference here is the fact that ownership of the democratic process by the people is being pushed and then there are actions like booting Walker and scum in Wis-sconny. Things are beginning to happen.
They are Obamas tax cuts and wars (two new ones as we speak). Obama has increase the debt 5 times the debt GW Bush did in only his first three years.
Whatever tootes - are you always high?
I may be high, but you would be wrong...
Democrat majority in the House and Senate and Obama signs the bill sent to him to extend the cuts... Obama Signs Bill To Extend Bush Tax Cuts:
They are the Obama and Democrat tax cuts, now.
Signs bill to extend BUSH tax cuts..........Hhmmmmmmmm...interesting.
You see the connection that you made there - Right?
OH - BTW - before those cuts were extended - did anyone want to change them a little (?) you know drop the wealthy off of the bill and extend it for the needy (?) Hhmmmm who were those guys standing in the way .........Hhmmmmmmmmmmmm.............
[-] 1 points by toonces (60) 1 minute ago
I may be high, but you would be wrong...
Democrat majority in the House and Senate and Obama signs the bill sent to him to extend the cuts... Obama Signs Bill To Extend Bush Tax Cuts:
They are the Obama and Democrat tax cuts, now. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
Does not change the fact that those tax cuts are now written and approved by Obama and the Democrats. They may have been Bush cuts, but they are now Obama cuts.
Whatever tootes.
OH - BTW - are you a republican?
I only ask because know......they seem to be flushing the party down the toilet and all....I figured if you were a republican ....well that you might be pretty depressed and all....tearing out your hair wondering just WTF they were up to. Sorry if you are ..>I mean it has been a very very long time since I've seen such a determined drive to self destruct...........sad really sad............suicidal party(?) that has got to be a new one in medical journals. Huh.
No, I consider myself a conservative.
"a conservative" - what? Because It just seems that you are soooo stuck on the repubs and their concerned in fact that you like to push the blame/consequences for their mistakes off onto's OK I wouldn't want to be publicly associated with them either.
A conservative American.
tootes tootes tootes it is ok if you admit you were hoodwinked by the repubs. I mean you are not alone there are many repub supporters who are absolutely mystified at WTF their party is up to.
Conservatives are working to get the more conservative party (republicans) to support and respect a much more conservative agenda. Democrats are supporting an agenda that will lead to a socialist/ communist government.
Luck with that thought - I believe you almost made sense. Nope I was mistaken - I just felt sorry for you for a moment.
Conse(R)vative, (R)epelican't.........same difference.
Would be if the Republican had a majority of conservatives.
Same difference, until you can describe it..
Teabaggers raised my taxes, so no I'm not.
Let me guess, you think the Republicans can fix the mess that they and the Democrats have created the last 100 years?
I don't know, but I do know that both parties have taken the country in the wrong direction. It is my opinion that the Republicans are not as far off course as the Democrats, and would be easier to change direction. If the Dems were to come out and say they were for getting back to the original intent of the Constitution as written, and I could believe them, I would vote for that candidate.
They are both so far gone its useless trying to bring them back. People have been trying to do that for 30 years. Its gotten them nowhere.
It wouldnt have mattered if it were Obama or McCain, this thing is going down. And it doesnt matter if its Obama or Romney, they are both puppets, thats why they got the nominations. Expect more of the same,.
We need to make sure they reduce taxes and spending. We must hold their feet to the fire.
If both are reduced, it just makes a deeper hole to dig out of.
So, we really need to make sure that very deep cuts are made and everyone is doing as much as they can to support themselves.
Ask Europe how austerity is working out for them. I believe they just dug a deeper hole and are really coming to regret having done what they did.
Their crisis is due to corrupted over spending, just like every other western country.
They are turning us into debt slaves. Austerity sucks. More debt sucks. THere is no getting out of this the same as we went in.
End the wars, and we could actually get these children in DC to sit down and focus.
If we dont have the decency to demand an end to this senseless killing, then we deserve every bit of bullshit we get.
I agree bring the troops home. I just hate to see it all done for nothing and leave the afghans unready to take care of business.
You can't help those that dont want it.
We have a ton of problems here, but Im certainly not in the mood for outside countries to start coming in and telling us how it should be done.
The crisis, was caused by profiteering on WallStreet.
That's why we're here.
And what do you think the banksters want?
Financial slaves, at every level. More wars. More corportism.
(we are all still waiting for your occupy, are you hiding something?)
The more pertinent question, is why do constantly move attention away from Wallstreet?
Where I live is irreverent.
You're lack of investigative prowess is.
People who only type and dont participate are a problem, because (as you prove regularly) they tend to not understand whats up, want to make sure you arent one of those people...Typical Dem voters tend to give a bad name to the movement.
One word shooz- city?
The camp I donated some money to at the ox roast.
Lot's of dems and union members there.
Unlike you, they are well aware of what (R)epelican'ts are doing to our State.
One question.
Why do you call the 99% asses?
I asked this question some time ago, and as is usual for you, you didn't respond.
You DID start that thread.
The reason I say that is that, their apathy has contributed to this mess.
Hence DA's like these:
How many people eating at Outback even went and looked this up afterwards?
Or this:
Look at these fuckin idiots spending all their hard earned money on useless shit, when the entire planet is on financial lifesupport.
That's still no excuse for calling them asses and fucking idiots.
It shows a decided lack of empathy.
You need to start aiming at the neolibe(R)tarians that made it so.
Yet, you don't.
You need to start figuring out that the problems here are much deeper than the idiotic letter after someone's name.
I know you've voted D for a long time. And in some aspects its better than R. But the problems are deeper. Thats what we like to talk about. There are always old hoots that have one mission- beat the Republicans. Its old. It hasnt worked. And it never will. Theres a reason its structured like it is.
I had a post a little while ago that talked about solutions, real solutions. You didnt post there at all.
Im sure occupy Detroit thanks you for your donation.
That letter isn't so idiotic in my State, nor in yours.
You just don't notice.
You need to understand that it's structured the way it is, because the Neolibe(R)tarians have structured it that way.
I have suggested that voting out anyone who supports or is supported by ALEC.
The solutions will come in time, but steps need to be taken.
They did thank me, and I them.
zzzzz.... Sorry but no one in my state caused the financial bubble, they dont print money, they dont bomb people, they dont start wars, they dont pass bullshit fascist health policy, they dont write the national tax code or the loops, they dont write the foreign policy, nor the trade policy.
Zzzzzzzzzz.........You're repeating yourself, yet again.
I explained that to you too.
You ignored it when I did.
Plus it wasn't a response to what I said.
Why don't they just spend more money?
I shit....I believe that is exactly what they are asking themselves right now..........
The answer is because they don't have the money.
Sure they do. Funny how so many are in desperate shape....and yet.....and yet there are all of those of considerable wealth just lovin what a beautiful day it is and are so happy and content that they just can't help themselves but whistle and sing and dance.
Open your eye's tootes - we have all been screwed by the unspeakably rich and corrupt. They are having a very fine time indeed. ( insane assholes ).
I have not been screwed by the rich, and the likelihood is, that you haven't been either.
Yeah and that's why the economy is so healthy and booming right now. The assholes have screwed the world in a very nasty and premeditated way. It is OK if you don't want to face reality - it is a pretty ugly thing right now - tell you go on pretending that everything is just fine and dandy in your little make believe world and go right back to bed.
You should not torture yourself with facing the truth that you can not handle by being on this forum. Go watch TV maybe there is a good sit-com or the bright and shiny MSM news or something.
You are your own worst enemy.
WHY? Do you think that the powers that be are gonna be miffed at the spreading of truth and will come after me?
Is that why you are so determined to deny reality? Are you afraid that they won't like you? That they would put you on a list?
No, but you are what you eat, and you are eating self defeating mind fare. If you believe you will fail, you will. If you believe you will succeed, you will. Try to be positive in your outlook as it will help you improve your circumstances.
Well thank you for that - but you see I am feeling really good and really positive - more so every day as the movements against corruption greed and crime make progress. You should consider following your own advice.
Ooops I mean don't follow your own advice - at least not until you get in touch with reality. Do you have any friends (?) perhaps they can help, do they know that you are on a non-stop magical mystery tour?
Never heard of WallStreet?
They screw everybody can in as many ways as they can.
It's what they do. It's in their charter.
I thought it was their fight song? OMG I am gonna die laughing. You may be the death of me but it will be smiling. HAHHahahahaheeheehe.
Barack Obama has collected nearly twice as much money as John McCain:
Looks like their support has paid off for them.
Yeah and we paid for all of it.
Ain't this boogie a mess?
I would tend to agree.
You have to have a good paying job to do that.
Cuts won't provide them. spending will.
The egg comes before the chicken.
You're right, there is no way you can take money from citizens who are not able to earn.
Il stick with voting for Ron Paul, ty bye!