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Forum Post: Are We Truly The 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:47 p.m. EST by LosHombres (31)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Because many in the 99% are gentrifying inner city communities, never a second thought to how they got there in the first place. First come the artists and hipsters with their dogs, dogs they groom like Cesar on a Roman holiday retreat, and then come the coffee shops and bars. The residents that were there are trampled upon; God only knows what other shitty neighborhoods they move into. Of course the hipsters and artists make themselves feel good by saying I live in a mixed community, but the community is only in transition not mixed.

While I support political actions like The Billionaire's Tour, I’m wondering when this 99% going to have a Gentrified Community Tour? Part of the problem I see with the AWS is that many have the morality of the people they are protesting against. Same Eurocentric values, me first outlook on the world. In fact, lip service isn’t even paid to the black community many live next to or in the process of gentrifying. I often wonder if they would be protesting if they were getting theirs, basically bought off by their bourgeoisie. Some of the demands I see don’t even have the interest of workers overseas. I would actually like to see a breakdown of the 99%, where so called minorities fit in the 99%. Many in the 99% represent an upper strata of fat workers, only wield into action because their existence is being threatened by their own government. When the dust clears, they will integrate into the system. Same slurs being tossed at them now by the right, things like get a job and stop begging; will be reserve by them for black, Latino, and even poor white community.

I’m sure many will be upset by what I am saying, but someone has to keep it real with you. We can’t deny reality because we’re on a high. Just don’t ask the man to change; you need to change as well. Get rid of your white, Eurocentric outlook on the world; otherwise, you’re no better than the people you’re fighting against.




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[-] 1 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

We are the 1% of the global population that lives above the poverty line.

If you think unemployment benefits are poor, go to china and work in a sweat shop for 50 cents per 12 hour day.

People have no idea how good our society has it.

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

China: the free-trade/free-market community's goal for American labor (and the environment). Once we get there, what false comparisons will you use to make your point?