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Are we there yet to arrest 1% US War Criminals before they war-murder again in Syria?

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 2, 2013, 12:38 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt (1) from Plainfield, NJ

1% “leaders” lust and lie for more unlawful War of Aggression on Syria, and perhaps for World War 3.

Their lies and crimes only escalate, and will only end from their lawful arrests from authorized agents who reject unlawful orders and arrest those who issue them.

The 99% will cause these arrests by command of simple facts. Although there are perhaps 100 areas of interest, I see these three as easiest.

War Crimes Fraudulently creating debt while calling it “money” Corporate media lying in “coverage” of the crimes

Unlawful wars: US armed attacks, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. Two treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter, make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. It’s icing on the legal cake that all “reasons” given for war to Americans, our military, and the world are now disclosed by our own official documents as known to be false as they were told. Moreover, such US wars have killed 20-30 million since WW2. All of our families sacrificed through two world wars: if there’s one law that Americans should know as least as well as rules of their favorite sport, it’s war law.

Fraud is the crime of misrepresentation that causes harm. The US bankster economy uses fraud to transfer trillions annually from We the People to them. This criminal “1%” represent our “debt-supply” as a “money supply,” represent bank debt that they made out of nothing as “loans,” and represent escalating government debts as having no solutions except our austerity rather than presenting obvious solutions in money and through public banking. This fraud costs Americans increasing work for less pay (if they can get work), increasing debt, inflation, deprivation of public services, and a transfer of wealth to a criminal-colluding 1% that hide ~$20 to $30 trillion in protected tax havens. About one million children die from preventable poverty every month from “developed” nations’ reneged promises for annual investment equal to one-half of one percent of this tax-free wealth for about ten years. Ending poverty reduces population growth in all historical cases, and according to the CIA is the best way to end terrorism. For “leaders” to withhold this option is fraud from people with legal fiduciary responsibility for comprehensively accurate information to those they represent. Corporate media lies: You recognize the objective facts prove that these crimes from US Presidents and “leadership” of both parties in Congress are only possible because they’re “covered” by corporate media to lie for the worst crimes imaginable for a nation to commit. They do so relentlessly and increasingly. In case you consider state-level “leadership” of our Left and Right arms of fascism any better, they lie and hoard literal billions and trillions in surplus taxpayer accounts while demanding our austerity. This is what the CAFR scam is about.

Although we say the above points often, I don’t see much else to say beyond helping to make the choice clear between competent American citizenship that recognizes and ends obvious crimes, versus thoughtless obedience to criminal “leadership” that annually kills millions, harms billions, and loots trillions.

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[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8336) from Phoenix, AZ 11 years ago

Very well laid out piece. I would like to add that a trend often spoke of here, the remote killing of human beings through technology creates the possibly of the 1% to kill more and take more control over all aspects. I have never seen a technology successfully suppressed so the solution must be political, I strongly believe a key and early step is to remove the power of private wealth from public decisions.