Forum Post: Are the vast majority of OWSers Mentally Ill?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 11:15 p.m. EST by oldfatrobby
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do," he says. "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do."
Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:
•creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization; •satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
•augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
•rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government. "The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."
Read more: Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
Politically partisan doctors and psychiatrists have no credibility.
The imaginary villains don't seem very imaginary
Lets see a crazy person by definition must think different from the normal persons. If the normal persons are sheep. Then I think you are right.
Of course the homeless showed up. In America mental institutions don't keep the mentally ill locked up unless they think they are a danger to themselves or others. They give out meds for a small fee to handle requesting them free from drug companies. Those people are always out in the street anyway. Protest or no, they are out there and they will be out there until something changes.
From what I have seen, a lot of OWS people are not liberals at all, but patriots, people you would normally consider conservative.
I am a Social Democrat, not a Liberal Democrat. I don't think that a focus on a high standard of living, equity in the distribution of wealth and income and responsive political representation, is a sign of mental illness; as in, living like they do in Denmark and Norway, does not look too crazy to me. Now, with regard to the Cadillac Liberal phonies, spewing loon-ie stuff about how unemployed, so called, privileged White middle class Americans maintain a culture of dominance, through explicit and implicit codes of communication, political correctness, being discriminated against is a privilege and all that jazz... yeah, Liberals can be batsh-t crazy, no doubt about it. [giggle]
Equity can only be enforced through the working end of a gun. A willingness to engage in violence to enforce one's "ethics" is a sign of a disturbed mind.
Denmark and Norway are not run in a violent manner. They are not Utopias, mind you, but their citizens tend to be better off, relative to Americans, in a great number of ways.
They are a herd of sheep-people or sheople.
How so?
i dont quite know how to respond to this. i guess i'll just respond to the title of the post. No. liberals are not mentally ill... and neither are conservatives. This kind of rhetoric is damaging to healthy debate and democracy, it discredits an entire group of people's opinions simply for being different than yours. No opinion is so invalid that it shouldn't be at least shared. Thanks for posting.
No Autopsies of die hard republicans show they have enlarged fear centers in their brains. Bet you thought I made that up? Enjoy! BOO!
I take back the autopsy part, this one refers to a study with brain scans. One part of their brain is also smaller. BOO! sorry its sooo much more FUN in RL!
I do not wear a label of democrat nor republican...they both wear black hats and ride brown horses...
Democrats ride brown horses, yes, in the sexual sense of riding.
The problem with the occupy people is they do not exercise their second amendment rights. Just imagine, what will the police do when five thousand armed citizens say we are not going to be assulted by you today? Start a war? There are 300 million citizens in the U.S. and sheep as they are allow them selves to be hearded by a few sheep dogs. Pathetic!
The OWSers would be mowed down like grass.
In the future there will be no such thing as "Liberal" or "Conservative." There will be Humans who look out for each other with Love, and Humans who look out only for themselves with Greed.
You make fun of me for wanting a world with no pain, corruption, crime or war... Why? Isn't that something we should be trying to achieve?
We used to Crucify people for fun. We don't anymore. I'd say we're moving in the right direction.
Why are people inherently corrupt?
free will
Free Will doesn't mean Corrupt. It means we have the capacity for Corruption, but, in and of itself, is not Corrupt.
Don't you feel that's the heart of our current situation?
What I mean is, shouldn't we be asking what causes Corruption?
The desire for personal advancement (disparaged as greed by the mentally ill) is the engine of societal advancement.
I agree with that statement, with the exclusion of the parenthesis. There's nothing wrong with seeking personal advancement. But when it is done at the detriment of others, it is Greed. That is what we are seeing today.
I don't agree
the engine of social advancement is working together
I'd agree with that as well. Can't it be both, really?
a human is more able to help another if it is able to help itself
Aaaaaah! Mr. Gordon Gekko, I presume???? "GREED IS GOOD" - yeah sure, even if it destroys this nation, it's goooooooooooooood. OK, Gordie, back into your padded cell, now!
OWSers afraid of being properly diagnosed
OWSers are mentally ill and victimizers of the mentally ill:
As Occupy Wall Street has grown, it has attracted its fair share of the chronically homeless who want to take part in the protests or who crave the food and camaraderie that hundreds of occupiers have brought to the park. Among that number are also many with special psychiatric, emotional or medical needs, Kennedy said. Some within the movement view them as troublemakers. These people, who have been marginalized in mainstream life, are being marginalized again here, Kennedy and others claim. This, she quipped, in a movement that purports to represent the 99 percent who have been victimized by American greed and all manner of corporate meanness.
This movement is nothing more than Obama supporters engaging in groupthink to stifle decent
You've already used that copypasta in the other thread
"This movement is nothing more than Obama supporters engaging in groupthink to stifle decent"
Astonishing. The logic of a pretzel. I hope you're on acid at this moment. If not, I'm sorry for your victimness.
I haven't voted for that man yet. I've been ticked since I voted for Clinton and he went and passed NAFTA. Obama and his bankers have not impressed me. All the politicians are corrupt, if they do the right thing, their careers are OVER.
oh my fucking god!
beat me with the dsm IV!!
beat me! beat me some more!!
Okay, if you insist! Spank! Have you been a bad boy? Why yes you have! Spank! Spank! Spank! Here, I'll let you borrow 80mgs of Geodon, now go to bed!
Sadomasochism is a mental disorder too
So? Do you know how boring the world would be without its crazy people?
Yes, in fact I do. Enjoy your S-M activities!
I see three themes here: the obnoxious, the whining, and the selfish.
Ah, gotta love the positive progressive (an entirely oxymoronic phrase). The glass never half full nor half empty; rather, your glass will never be as shrewd as mine.
Homelessness, addiction, mental illness and Occupy Portland
An inside look at Occupy Portland's struggle with mental health problems
Jenny Westberg , Portland Mental Health Examiner November 4, 2011
Nat Holder, of Occupy Portland’s Safety Team, has a request.
“What we’d like,” said Holder, “is for someone to come onsite and do training” to help them deal with problems of mental health and addiction.
Holder is one of the points of contact for the team, which is onsite every day at Occupy Portland's campground at Lownsdale and Chapman squares in downtown Portland. The Safety Team has primary responsibility for resolving crisis situations.
In a phone interview Monday, Holder talked about the kinds of situations the team encounters and their efforts to respond. He emphasized he was speaking only from his own perspective, not on behalf of Occupy Portland in any official way. But what he shared offers a unique view of some of the challenges of day-to-day life for the hundreds of people who have filled two city blocks in downtown Portland since October 6.
Unexpected Influx
Mental health problems came front and center for Occupy Portland early on. Large numbers of Portland’s homeless population were drawn to the site by the temporary moratorium on enforcing anti-camping laws, Occupy’s open-gate policy, and four free meals a day.
The surge of homeless people was unexpected, Holder said. “We had no idea.”
They’ve brought positive contributions, not just problems. “Some people have been homeless and have been involved [in Occupy Portland] from the beginning," he said. "Others come into our camp, perhaps just looking for a place to stay, but they end up getting involved in the committees and really doing work."
Still, people coming off the street often struggle with mental illness and addiction. Most crisis situations Holder has seen result from people being intoxicated.
Although Occupy Portland has a policy against onsite drug and alcohol use, Holder said they haven’t been able to enforce it. The open gates mean they can’t prevent people from using off-site and returning drunk or high.
Defusing Crisis
Mental health situations aren’t always critical. For example, Holder said, “a person might decide to reorganize the clothing area. Or they have an idea to move everything around in the coffee café.”
In a case like this, he said, “we’ll have member of the team sit with them. We try to minimize the amount of damage, but also join them in their effort to be helpful.”
Other situations are more severe.
“If a person has pushed over a table, or there’s serious damage or violence to another person, we use minimal force to get them off the park. If that doesn’t work, we will call the police,” said Holder.
“We don’t tolerate violence.”
Holder said a serious crisis might happen once every two or three days -- “more than we’d like” – but mental health problems are a daily occurrence.
Dealing With Extremes
Holder, who is a student at the Process Work Institute in Northwest Portland and provides individual therapy at River’s Way Clinic, said his process work training has been crucial in understanding and resolving mental health crises for Occupy Portland.
He’s learned “extreme states are valid. And just because a person’s behavior might seem illogical to an outside observer, to the person going through it, their actions are completely logical."
Also, Holder said, "there’s a meaning to it. That needs to be validated. Disregarding the meaning for that person isolates them in their own world. When we join them, often they feel their needs are being met without having to resort to violence, and we’re doing that successfully in the vast majority of situations.”
Occupy Portland has emergency medical and wellness services, but they do not dispense prescription drugs or have a medical doctor onsite, and Holder said sometimes a person needs resources they just don't offer.
Right now, he said, what they need is for someone to come to the Plaza Blocks and provide training on mental health problems, substance abuse and additional ways to deal with crisis.
Can you help? If you can organize a training, or you know someone else who can, contact Nat Holder at ..
Continue reading on An inside look at Occupy Portland's struggle with mental health problems - Portland Mental Health |
Liberals Differ from Conservatives
On average, adults who describe themselves as "mostly liberal" on sociopolitical issues were twice as likely as those who describe themselves as "mostly conservative" to participate in activities that conflict with traditional moral perspectives. In particular, liberals were five times more likely to participate in unmarried sex (20% vs. 4%), more than three times as likely to view pornography (30% vs. 8%), more than twice as likely to lie (21% vs. 8) and to get drunk (17% vs. 7%), and twice as likely to engage in retaliation (13% vs. 6%) and gossip (17% vs. 9%).
Well, I know your comment about porn is not accurate. There have been several studies done that show conservatives use porn more frequently than those who identify as liberal.
Here's one that simply analyzed credit card data and didn't rely on people reporting on behavior that is taboo and that they might not admit to:
Red and religious Utah had the most porn consumers per 1000 people.
Your attempts at slander reveal your hateful character.
After a few weeks of participating on this forum, I have to ask "Are the majority of conservatives sociopaths?"
A lack of caring about others is also a diagnosable mental disorder, it is called sociopathy.
Tell that to WorldNetDaily (lovely, biased, crackpot news source you read, there).
The data are skewed by Mormon perverts
Well, I can see who won't be voting for Mitt Romney.
Unless you secretly do dig perverts, like the rest of the conservative phonies.
Liberals are drunk and retaliatory by nature. Think about it.
Camp a magnet for addicts, mentally ill
By IAN GILLESPIE, The London Free Press
Last Updated: November 9, 2011 7:10am It's one thing to organize a peaceful protest in a public park. But it's quite another to operate an unsupervised shelter for people struggling with mental illness, addiction and homelessness.
And sadly -- perhaps inevitably -- that's what the Occupy London site in Victoria Park was turning into. And that's why moving those protesters out is the right thing to do.
It's true many of the protesters are smart, savvy, articulate people genuinely trying to grapple with some vexing social problems. But after visiting the site half a dozen times, it was becoming apparent, at least to me, that the protest site was becoming a magnet for some deeply vulnerable people.
During one chat, a protester pointed out a troubled soul who was, he said, struggling with schizophrenia. There also was a woman who, according to this protester, had been physically assaulted by her boyfriend the night before. (The woman was pacing slowly around the park pathway with a woefully vacant look.) During a noontime meeting Tuesday -- a meeting, by the way, whose only real accomplishment was to set up another meeting four hours later -- a bloodied man, who seemed drunk or stoned, pedalled into the site aboard a bicycle yelling, "I need a medic." (He was quickly hustled away from the assembled reporters.) Last week, one protester told me most of "the partiers" were departing. But you didn't need a degree in social work to notice that the camp was drawing a growing group of marginalized people whose biggest challenge was presented by their own personal demons, and not the so-called floundering corporate state.
London man Xiv Achtavalir struck me as one of the most eloquent of the protesters. And when I asked him about the presence of these vulnerable folks, he argued they were "the symptoms of the problems, not the roots themselves."
"If our elected officials had come up with solutions to these problems in the first place, (and) if we didn't have issues like drug addiction and homelessness, then we wouldn't need to be here," he said. "We need to start facing these issues and talking about them. And that's all we're doing here."
Unfortunately, the very nature of the camp -- with its emphasis on open dialogue -- seemed to almost guarantee that nothing much would be accomplished.
As one man quipped during a spirited discussion at the park Tuesday afternoon, "the grass (beneath the tents) is going to be dead before you get one single idea."
Of course, a dearth of practical ideas and solutions doesn't justify the shutdown of a protest. But safety -- of both participants and passersby -- does.
The Occupy London protesters spoke frequently about the camp's welcoming sense of community. But as we've already seen with the apparent overdose death of a 23-year-old Occupy Vancouver protester, open-air camps aren't conducive to the safety and security of anyone, let alone those battling booze, drugs and mental illness.
Ian Gillespie is the Free Press city columnist.
Kind of goes without saying. Don't need a psychiatrist to know these people are mentally unbalanced.
Sweet reply. Should they be committed to mental institutions? I believe they are dangerous and violent creatures, witness the violence at Zucatti and Oakland.
NO just get volunteer psychiatrist to set up a tent and table in the parks. Pretty soon, as they clear up each person's delusions they will eventually all go back to trying to provide for their own lives like the other 312,000,000 Americans.
I find it is difficult to rehabilitate liberals, but many do morph into conservatives as they age and if they breed. But their offspring tend to be liberals too.
Many they should be sterilized.