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Forum Post: Are the Black Panthers, or the Very Black Panthers a Racist group?

Posted 12 years ago on April 22, 2012, 3:50 p.m. EST by ImperialWizard (-15)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When I was coming up, to get in, you had to be BLACK, of course, and was it raping a white woman or killing a white man a pre-req?



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[-] 0 points by Spring12 (25) 12 years ago

They are extremists and that is it.

[-] -1 points by ImperialWizard (-15) 12 years ago

Of course, supported and condoned by many here.


[-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 54 minutes ago

Let's see, the admin inexplicably deleted a open and reasonable exchange between myself and another padded user, on the topic of minimum/living wages and the difference between POLITICS and actual government between myself and another forum all star hate monger..... and you flail about trying to paint me racist?

Odd, I haven't seen any of you publicly attacking any of the black panther monickers here. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] 1 points by DKAtoday (6215) from Coon Rapids, MN 44 minutes ago

Big difference in Black panther and KKK for one thing. I go after anyone who is out of line "anyone". The difference may be in my approach to some who are not so obviously sick and demented.

Wonder why admin would bother to block a post you made unless it was truly nasty. Many trolls post on this site and get their asses burned by good people calling them out. I wonder why "you" are so "special" to have been blocked?

Huh. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 33 minutes ago

And I've posted what to convince you, or anyone, I'm a racist?

Not one thing.

In fact, the only plausible explanation for what was deleted being deleted is there were some really good questions, completely unanswered, as well as some ridiculious assertions made by some of your all star team.

For example....'Politics and government are one and the same by definition'............

my response was a very nasty, 'not even close'

So... what was cleaned up was the all star team painting themselves stupid and admitting not having answers to very valid questions. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] 1 points by shooz (6430) 24 minutes ago

That wasn't a valid response to the statement.

Then there is your "choice" for a username. Are we supposed to pretend we don't know what the term represents?

You never said what you think you are the wizard of. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 20 minutes ago

I'll make a deal with you, when you register and post with your real and verifiable name, I will too. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] 1 points by shooz (6430) 3 minutes ago

That wasn't a valid response either.

Besides I like this username, it feels homey.

That's an issue you should take up with the WC3.

I chose this name for it's innocuousness.

Why did you "choose" yours? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 1 points by DKAtoday (6215) from Coon Rapids, MN 30 minutes ago

Well I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

Anyone seen the salt? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 25 minutes ago

So according to you, it's ok for black people to have a racist organization, and only black people?

"Big difference in Black panther and KKK for one thing."



Still, regardless of how much a racist you are, I'm not at all. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] 1 points by DKAtoday (6215) from Coon Rapids, MN 20 minutes ago

Where's the salt? Anyone?

Sorry I just have a bit more sympathy for what brought the BP's into existence and for why they felt they had to go in that direction. It is to the KKK's credit that they exist. The KKK and all supremacist Shit Heads like them caused the fertile soil for their birth and growth. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 1 points by ImperialWizard (0) 18 minutes ago

So you condone and approve of a group whose membership requirements included raping a woman or killing another man. Ok, I gotcha. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] 2 points by DKAtoday (6215) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 minutes ago

There you go putting words in someones mouth.

Ancient troll tactic #1 (?).

Twist what has been said - ancient troll tactic #2 (?)

Geeze a lot of these tactics sound like ancient political tactics.


Do you guy's really get a talking point tactic handbook to operate out of?

Are you part of Iron Butt's PR group?

Boy I wonder just how much money the greedy corrupt are flushing away there? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 7 minutes ago

"I just have a bit more sympathy for what brought the BP's into existence and for why they felt they had to go in that direction."

You don't deny this group is indeed racist and advocated, still does? violence, rape and murder.

This does make you a vile racist and a deplorable human being. Just like supporting the DC gangs non-stop murder of persons in other lands who have never posed a single threat to any citizen of America, much less our nation's sold out Sovereignty.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Shit for Brains can't defend himself in the original post so takes selected excerpts and posts his own show.

Hmmm is that like taking out of context?

I mean why bother repeating things already being said in a public access post as these things are still going on ... unless of coarse you feel the need to pitch a slant?


[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

This is an excerpt from a BP leader here in Tampa, has gotten a lot of headlines lately. This lady is disgusting.


[-] -1 points by ImperialWizard (-15) 12 years ago

You've brought nothing of substance to defend and in the process of slinging un-based allegations, have shown yourself to be exactly what you inexplicably attempt painting me to be.

Why do you support and condone any group which advocates raping and murder?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Who ever said that I supported or condoned.................... OH wait a minute............ Yeah..... That was you SFB.

Another ancient troll tactic again being displayed folkes I believe #3 (?) Mittens and other's like like him like to do this too - Make a conjecture and try to pin it on someone.

Huh. Old news - stale tactic.

[-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (0) 5 minutes ago

You've brought nothing of substance to defend and in the process of slinging un-based allegations, have shown yourself to be exactly what you inexplicably attempt painting me to be.

Why do you support and condone any group which advocates raping and murder? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink

[-] -2 points by ImperialWizard (-15) 12 years ago

The reason why you are having this conversation is you made conjecture and have insisted on pinning.

Of course it's been clearly established that you do condone and support them, by your very words and also by the fact you've never called out anyone posting with a black panther monicker here.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

No and You can refresh your apparent defective memory by rereading the post you collected your copies of snipits of conversation from. I asked you a very polite ( I thought question on a private message so as not to cause any mis-perception by others ) question about your username - and you went off on me. So the conversation I thought should be shared for the benefit of all - to read and draw their own conclusion. Your entry to the post has caused all sorts of things to come up regarding "you're" character.

Too Bad - So Sad.

[-] 1 points by ImperialWizard (0) 1 minute ago

The reason why you are having this conversation is you made conjecture and have insisted on pinning.

Of course it's been clearly established that you do condone and support them, by your very words and also by the fact you've never called out anyone posting with a black panther monicker here. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink

[-] -2 points by ImperialWizard (-15) 12 years ago

Wow, you need to be a gang member for protection purposes if my reply to your needless query was perceived by your 'wall flower delicate' sensibilities as me 'going off on you'.

Grab ya a crying towel at goodwill.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

What ever SFB.

[-] -1 points by Spring12 (25) 12 years ago

The BP'S are racist pieces of shit just like the KKK, same motives just different colors.

[-] 0 points by ImperialWizard (-15) 12 years ago

Agreed, 100%.
