Forum Post: are ten pages from a Pultzer prize winner enough ?
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 16, 2012, 7:52 p.m. EST by bensdad
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for voters with open minds - it is
ALSO from politifact
"Redistribution" has "never been a characteristic of America." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
The tour that never was Barack Obama began his presidency "with an apology tour." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Inflaming old resentments "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
The evidence is not even close President Barack Obama is "ending Medicare as we know it." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Reagan did many things; this wasn't one of them Ronald Reagan’s philosophy of "peace through strength" is why "the Iranians released the hostages on the same day and at the same hour that Reagan was sworn in." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
No mentions? Try six. Says in the 2012 State of the Union address, President Obama "didn't even mention the deficit or debt." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Our horse cavalry ain't what it used to be, either The U.S. military is at risk of losing its "military superiority" because "our Navy is smaller than it's been since 1917. Our Air Force is smaller and older than any time since 1947." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Pants on Fire once, Pants on Fire twice ... "We're only inches away from no longer being a free economy." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Words taken way out of context Says Barack Obama said, "If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Repeating false charge doesn't make it true President Obama "went around the world and apologized for America." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Comparing apples and oranges The Massachusetts health care plan "dealt with 8 percent of our population," far less than the "100 percent of American people" affected by President Barack Obama’s health care law. Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Pants on Fire in June, Pants on fire now "We're inches away from no longer having a free economy." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Wrong before, and even more wrong now "A few months into office, (President Barack Obama) traveled around the globe to apologize for America." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Marx wouldn't be happy with the U.S., circa 2011 "We are only inches away from ceasing to be a free market economy." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
The claim lives on President Obama’s health care law "represents a government takeover of health care." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
Amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, amnesty! "I don't describe your plan as amnesty in my ad. I don't call it amnesty." Mitt Romney Pants on Fire!
What a great resource for fact checking the critics of the Pres
This clown of a republican cartoonist (I know you like cartoons) won a pulitzer too.
The pulitzer for this site is about as relevant at the nobel prize for Obama, Arafat or the EU.
Core campaign issues were bring all the troops home, end the Bush cuts, hold wall st accountable, and repeal the patriot act.
replace war mongering conservatives w/ peace loving progressives, & protest all war & rights violations.
Better not vote for the Dem and Rep parties, because banking cartel and war mongers run them. The individual is powerless in those two parties.
Whatever you say boss.
vote the pols spewing fear.!