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Forum Post: Apple, Corporate Greed Enabled by Politicians

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 8:35 p.m. EST by genesis (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been looking at the Forum and Chat of the OWS website, and I see that a lot of the people participating in OWS are all over the place. PEOPLE, keep your focus on the big Wall Street corporations, like Apple, Bank of America, Citigroup, and the rest of them. Keep your focus on the ENABLER Politicians that enable corporate greed......Below is my take on just one such corporation.

Why do so many people worship Apple and Steve Jobs? To see these people you would think that Steve Jobs was Jesus Christ Incarnated. Don't they know that Steve Jobs was a tyrant who didn't care about keeping jobs in America. Don't they know that Apple has been fleecing America. Don't they know Apple has been exporting jobs to Asia, that the iPhone is made in Asia.

Some will tell you that if the iPhone were not made in Asia it would cost Americans more. But it does not have to be, if Apple were a good corporate citizen and not so greedy. While the Asians work under slavery conditions to make the iPhone, Apple sits on $76,000,000,000 in cash. $45,000,000,000 is kept out of the USA so that they do not have to pay taxes.

Apple is fleecing America, exporting the jobs, while enjoying the freedoms and security our country provides. Apple, Inc. is the Poster Child for all these American corporations that are abusing our country, our citizens, and have bought our government. So, I ask: "Why Are All These People Idolizing Apple, Inc, Apple's Founder, and The iPhone



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[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 12 years ago

I give Steve Jobs credit for only two things: Being a technological innovator, and getting up in Microsoft's face.

But for being a slave driver, shipping a big part of iGadget manufacturing to China, using opensource software in his products then spitting on opensource, running a mini-monopoly with tying iPads to iTunes, starting hostile patent wars with Droid phone makers, and a whole host of obnoxious shit, a big loud


I'm a Linux user and proud of it, and I don't own an iGadget of any kind.