Forum Post: Anybody bought the OWS Buttons?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:47 a.m. EST by Cuwen
from Clarinda, IA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was thinking about buying the OWS button on ebay. The link was listed here in the forums by 99percent. It's great the proceeds will go to the movement, but... $7.50 for shipping and handling? That seems a little excessive. Has anyone ordered these buttons, yet? If so, comments?
Who made them, where were they made, who is selling them? Your solidarity is in your voices and your you need a button to feel connected or legitimate?
But I'm not talking just about buttons. That won't really get us anywhere. A massive nonviolent protest/march on Washington is needed here, I believe. New members need to be in Congress, term limits need to be implemented, and they need to take a MASSIVE pay cut. Getting into Congress was never supposed to be about getting rich. In the past, many Congress members held other jobs on the side so that they could earn a living. That also kept them more in touch with the common need. We need to go back to this. But how can everyone be organized and be convinced to get off of their butts and do this?
Corporation arethe problem, They control the pols. No pol get's rich on their patcheck. It's the corp bribes. End money in politics.
end term limits yourself. Vote 'em out.!!!
Protest all pols in DC and at home.
But also protest the corporate plutocrats that have stolen our govt and held doen the 99%.
replace all pro 1% conservatives w/ pro 99% progressives.
I live in Key west where we held an Occupy march last Saturday. I would like to be able to make a statement daily, and I thought of buttons we could wear everyday. 500 for $200 or about 40cents each. They are selling on-line at various places for $2.50 & up plus ridiculous shipping fees. I wish a group would make this a reasonably priced fundraiser for the cause. Even more supporters for the cause could be recruited. Anyone at occupy or interested?
But has anybody actually ordered a button from them? If so, comments, please.
buy a blank button
take a sharpie
and write OWS on the button
lol. Cool idea. :) But that doesn't help financially support the movement. I just don't want to pay THAT much for the button on shipping and handling.
money is exchanged for goods and services
one does a service for OWS
by increasing awareness by wearing a button
I like it!
That eye on the button is the same as on US currency...why is it there?
I think to represent the US dollar, indicating greed. That's just my assumption, anyway.
Love it. OWS morons getting bilked, by their fellow morons. $7.50 shipping and handling. That's called PROFIT, you dumb fucks. Buy some more buttons...CHUMP!