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Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 8:56 p.m. EST by ILRielove (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJj9zivc3Ic beltmusic.net

Dystopian Lullaby

Dark the hour of man, and still you smile, still you laugh away Empire rising high and still no care for the price we’ll pay People with no money do not matter any longer Not that we ever have, or ever will anytime soon

Some say elites are trying to wipe us out It wouldn’t be a big surprise amidst the cover of said lies “Feed the rich, decrease the poor” Whatdja think the war was for? And that’s why healthcare sucks - Cause they want you to die (die…)

You think I’m kidding
Still you go to work and do their bidding Turn the wheel, pay the bill So some rich fuck can meet his fill It’s time to tear it down and start again Take control away from all these wild and crazy white men

Hate and fear have made of you a slave to their capital If we broke it down and organized we could have it all There’s enough to share if people all pitched in Not that we ever have, or ever will any time soon

…Oo yeah…



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[-] 1 points by IDK (21) 12 years ago

If I was going to have a protest anthem for something like this, I'd go with Queen's "Under Pressure". Seems to fit the message you guys are going for pretty well.

Just Sayin'