Forum Post: Another Proposed List of Demands -- Part 1
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 10:19 a.m. EST by Alan8
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This proposed list of demands was compiled by "DIMOJABE" (Disqus name) (with some of my suggestions), who was sick of the media and pundits saying "the Occupy people don't know what they want".
This forum complained that the content was too long, so I've split the list into two parts.
Suggestions and comments are needed to expand & refine the list, and to achieve consensus! Let's hear from you!
Combining other independently-developed lists will help insure we haven't left anything out.
1) The Minimum Wage - Increase it to restore it's original purchasing power - $20.00/hour(a) 2) Eliminate The Poverty Level - Establish a real living wage for everyone by removing the premise that some people must live in poverty even if they work. 3) A Natl Labor Relations Board - Staff it with real (nationally elected every 4 years), working people, employment attorneys who represent them, and labor rights activists. 4) Repeal The Taft Hartley Act - Unions must have the right to strike at all times. 5) Worker Taxation - The removal of ALL taxes on worker pay less than $60,000 a year [(as it was when the Federal Personal Income Tax was first implemented in 1921 ($3K in 1921 dollars)]. 6) Health Care - Expand Medicare to create a Public Option/Single Payer system and remove the profit motive from this basic human right. 7) Rebuild the Social Safety Net - All public programs, private-public partnerships, etc. that promote the general welfare must be sufficiently funded to perform their mandate. 8) Insurance & Benefits - Let all businesses of any size create and participate in their own benefit programs with pre-tax income. 9) Credit Cards - Restore the 11% Usury Cap on Credit Card Interest. 10) Rental Tax Deduction - Restore the "Renter's Tax Credit" that existed to balance out the homeowner's mortgage interest deduction. 11) Cease all military (and other forms) of foreign intervention by the US Government on behalf of US corporate and general business interests. 12) Stop all foreclosures and return property to those who were victims of mortgage fraud or illegal seizures and eviction offenses. 13) Publicly funded elections at every single level of government. 14) A national communication forum/system (as an alternative to our failed media industry) that includes an internet discussion clearinghouse on broad based referendums, televised discussions for policymakers to field questions from average people. 15) Term Limits - Let voters decide by referendum what term limits should be for every elected and appointed public and judicial office. 16) Judicial System Funding - Restore it to levels where the Rule of Law can exist in the US again. 17) Department of Justice - Start prosecuting those who have broken the law. The list grows longer every day and it must include those who have committed felonies by covering up the illegal acts of others. 18) Supreme Court Conflicts of Interest - An independent judicial auditor must conduct a review of each justice on the Supreme Court. Recommendations for impeachment should follow any conflicts of interest that are surfaced. 19) Civil & Voter Rights - Restore and rebuild the regulations that preserve these fundamental concepts that make up the basis for life in the United States by rescinding all legislation that would seek to control the US population in ways that defy the Constitution. 20) Repeal The Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act - And any other legislation that infringes on the basic civil rights of Americans. 21) US Voting Processes - Design new transparent systems with a panel of computer scientists using open-source software that cannot be hacked or manipulated. Begin the evolution of a national on-line voting system. Remind Congress that their role could be greatly reduced if citizens voted directly on legislation instead of them. 22) Campaign Finance & Conduct - Eliminate private campaign funding. TV ad time must be equal for all candidates. Rule breakers will forfeit their candidacy. 23) 9/11 Investigation - Remedy the failed 9/11 Commission with a real investigation that includes subpoena powers and independent media coverage of the on-going investigation. 24) Congress will receive merit pay based on weighted metrics: 1) # of successful bills authored, 2) # of legislative efforts participated in, 3) Constituent Customer Satisfaction Surveys, 4) Penalties for failure to satisfactorily resolve constituent casework, ... (suggestions welcome:) 25) Congressional Health Care - Congress will utilize the VA system for their healthcare benefits. 26) Congressional Committee Assignments - NO more selling committee seats. Redefine the committee assignment process to eliminate cronyism and seniority dependent allocation. 27) Corporate Taxation - Corporate tax levels will be restored to 1950 levels: an effective rate of 52% of net revenue assessed in 1950 --> when there was no crisis. 28) Personal Federal Taxation on Hedge Fund Managers - Removal of the 15% Capital Gains Rate cap on all earnings by hedge fund managers. They are working people so they can pay their fair share. 29) Corporations are NOT People - A constitutional amendment must be passed to forever prevent corporations from manipulating any US governmental and/or judicial systems to acquire the rights of human beings. 30) Corporate Tax Avoidance - Removal of ALL corporate tax avoidance loopholes and off-shoring of income by subsidiaries (IRS Letters, re-domiciling, off-shore accounts, etc.).
-- Continued in Part 2...
I would certainly quibble with some points, but overall, that's a great list.
HOWEVER, it is too much. I believe the focus has to be singular, one single issue. Get the money out of politics.
All of the other issues flow from that: universal health care, ending wars, a living wage, etc. Disincentivizing politicians from hewing to the corporate line makes all other reforms possible.
That doesn't mean not having a list of legislative agendas. It only means limiting, and thereby effectively focussing, them on that one, single issue. Killing a toxic plant requires pulling it up by the roots, not plucking off one leaf at a time, and the root is money.
For those people who still, somehow, don't know what the occupy movement wants, the answer can be simple, understandable and able to be shouted from the rooftops:
"What do we want? DEMOCRACY! When do we want it? NOW!"
I still want to know how you expect to get any GA to actually approve this set of demands, much less the movement as a whole.
Since most items on the list remove a way the 1% are ripping off the 99%, I suspect most people in the Occupy Movement would approve of most items on the list.
For example, the Taft-Hartley Act (AKA the "slave labor" law) cripples unions by ridiculous restrictions on how and when they can strike. No European country has such a law, and their unions have gotten them ALL a living wage and 6-8 weeks a year of vacation. This corporate-written restriction on unions in America must be repealed.
The problem is they've been "polluting" our legal system with these corrupt laws for so long, there's no simple fix. The beast has many heads.
Actually most GAs and the NYC GA in particular, has taken the position that it is opposed to making any demands at all.
That being the case, in a very practical way, how do you expect to get any GA, most of which oppose demands in principle, much less the movement as a whole, to approve your particular demands.
There is a Demands Working Group in the NYC GA and it can't even agree among itself on a list of demands, much less convince a skeptical GA.
The key, as always, is in finding the consensus. It's there, we just have to go through the process of finding it.
Just create a group with a unique brand around a list of demands. E.g. the 99Group with 99demands. Then get as many OWS people to sign up to the plan. Elaborate further on the demands. Don't wait for formal endorsement, simply fork and finish first.
However, there has never been any consensus in the NYC GA (or anywhere else yet) on whether to have any demands at all, much less a particular set of demands, nor is there likely to be in the forseeable future given the relationship of forces in the GA
Baby steps. There is no way all these would ever be passed at once.
We need reform, but list like this discredit the purpose of this movement. KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!!! We need the US Govt to prosecute the Wall Street yahoos, especially the RATING AGENCIES who LIED about the AAA rating of Mortgage backed securieies. If the ratings were correct (D-), the money to fund these stupid loans would not exist, and corruption would not have ensued. Wall Street LIED to the WORLD about the ratings of these mortgage backed securities...and continued to loosen the underwriting standards. It turned into a FREE-FOR-ALL to write LIAR LOANS, and rake in MILLIONS! Focus on the issue, get petitions to force the House and Senate to enact regulation, or we RECALL them ALL!
The corruption has been going on for so long, and is so widespread and deep, that there are many, many outrages that are unacceptable and need to be addressed.
WE have the numbers and the power. Squandering this moment by limited and timid demands will let down all who have contributed and sacrificed to the Occupy movement.
We may pare down and streamline the list at a future date, but the first step is to accumulate ALL the reforms so we don't leave out anything that's crucial.
Your points are valid, but mean nothing if our corporate-controlled government can shut down progressive media (like this website), export our jobs, cut social spending to starve the population, and arrest & detain people without charges, for example.
To use a metaphor, the beast has many heads.
FYI Part 2 has been posted here:
Have any of the so-called demands ever been taken up by the NYCGA?
This list was just posted, so they haven't seen it yet. I expect all the lists will be combined and reorganized at some point. The important thing at this point is to identify the problems and tentative solutions, which will evolve into official demands accepted by a consensus.
Some problems still don't have and concrete demand/solutions yet, e.g. government agencies "captured" by the corporations they were created to regulate.
You "expect" something will happen. I suspect nothing will happen. Just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that etc etc.
But ok, I'll play along - How about add this :
ITEM # 31) We the good people of the United States of America - wish to abolish our Representative Form of Government in favor of Direct Democracy.
We wish to do ALL of our voting ourselves over the Internet. We do not need the services of our politicians any longer. We really don't like our politicians any longer. But we LOVE our computers and the Internet. So - this is definately the WAY to go!
ITEM # 32) We the good people of the United States of America - wish to next abolish our entire government. Thats right - we want NO government, we want complete ANARCHY.
We shall build an Utopic Egalitarian Society which works really well in THEORY. We will figure out the PRACTICAL realities as we go. The 307,006,550 people that we subject to this will have to have a little patience as we work through the snags. Probably around 50 -70 years or so. It might be a little bumpy. But - we will think POSITIVE and have much perseverance. Because - WE KNOW - it all WORKS in THEORY!
Can we take a Direct Democracy Vote on this already or what??
Ah ah! Personally, I don't want direct democracy as I think it's a horrible solution. Let's keep the republic and correct the laws so that money and politics are separated. That will already be a huge improvement.
Isn't this the same guy who wanted all debt everywhere to be erased?
And world peace...
Wrong, you want whirled peas.....
Exactly how do you propose to get these adopted?
The min wage is now 20$ it now costs 10$ to buy a loaf of bread.
If we print more money everyone is rich YAY.
Can you add white chocolate Reese eggs to the list of demands?
This explains his mindset......
You dopes need to get jobs. I mean, really, you have too much time. Everytime I think I've seen the dumbest on this board, another with the IQ of a rock pops up. Why the hell don't you just get jobs and earn your own money instead of trying to take somone else's?
You do know we have a govt (good or bad) in place here don't you? Wow.