Forum Post: Anon - Just For Fun
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 26, 2011, 11:02 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The HackerZ Anonymous should write a script, using assembly language, to replace every single instance of the word Republican [or republican*] with the word Repelican, where ever it appears on the
world wide web.
suck Koch.
Oh, wait. If they did that, then they might really believe they are a part of the Occupy Movement, rather than an anarchist group sympathetic to its cause.
: \
Scratch that.
Bad Idea.
Yeah - I don't give a shit. And do you know why?
Because - even as various organizations strategize the various means of crushing the extremism bred of today's social discontent, yet they must recognize, just as other individuals in other organizations of power and influence in America must and do realize -
that these instances of extremism are nothing more than a symptom, an outgrowth, an expression, of a deep and abiding unrest among the people of this nation.
They must recognize this, for it is true.
And what is the cause of this discontent?
Repelicans who grab for ever more power, tell ever bigger lies, even as they steadfastly, obstinately, refuse, any and all sensible measures to pay for the wars begun under their rule, or the destruction wrought on our economy at the hands of their policy of deregulation.
I have caught myself accidentally reading the word Republican as Repelican at least 5 times over the last week or so in books and stuff. Keep it up.
pretty cool, aint' it
a BETTER term or name = republiCANT$ & demoCANT$ .....neither party CAN do what is best for the country because of the influence of $.
We can only hope that, finally, when people start paying attention, attend to the truth, they will see a clear path forward away from our ill gotten shit storm that has been a slow crawl from the dark daze of Reagan. Reagan fed us the trickle down theory lie and it has been proven conclusively after 3 decades to be flat out wrong!
"Trickle-down theorists are quick to object that higher taxes would cause top earners to work less and take fewer risks, thereby stifling economic growth. In their familiar rhetorical flourish, they insist that a more progressive tax system would kill the geese that lay the golden eggs. On close examination, however, this claim is supported neither by economic theory nor by empirical evidence."
Hear! Hear!
the fuckers
YOu fucking trolls know it's true - the goddamned repelicans insisted they had the will of the people going into the budget debate - and therefore justify not ending corporate welfare despite a fifteen trillion dollar deficit
you fukin nimrods
Granma gonna pay that with her social security? right.
Repelicans do not have the will of the people - over 70% of the public disagrees with their policy of corporate welfare and polls have been consistent for over six months on that.
Repelicans do not have the will of the people - unless of course, corporations are people too . . . .
We are returned to a state of Nature!!
ZenDick - I like your butthurt rant. Make coffee not rants.
William Findley of Philadelphia sayz calls for a new convention is a dissolution of the social contract. He says the United States has returned to a 'State of Nature'; one that is outside the law
Hugh Brackenridge of Princeton agrees.
And that is just what people are calling for.
Make it a double Carmel latte please.
get it yourself
I'm not your waiter
Ahhhhh, ya you are. Get back behind the counter. Add some whip cream.
not happenin
guess that means you'll just hafta go without.
This loser refuses to make coffee? Can he sink lower?
I don't refuse to make coffee - I make coffee all the time.
Just not yours
Please. Help yourself.
Your fired piss boy.
I never worked for you.
I never would work for you.
And in fact, I've been fired by much better than you.
but that's alright.
Ha, fired before? Ha, loser!
ZenDog it is people like you that is causing the Country to further divide. If we want to take on all the corruption that is currently going on, it is only going to happen if we all do it together, regardless of our political affiliation
That simply ignores the facts.
What facts?
These facts
and These facts
Your rants will never get you anywhere
yeah? Maybe not - but I have to do something between now and . . . .
. . . .you know . . . . the day they kill me
They must be really scared.
But, even in this fear, they are like children with a toy.
I think somehow they perceive themselves as being immune. We're all stuck in this shit hole together - I don't know what they are thinking.
I hope they aren't immune. In fact, I am counting on it.
Once they really get it, it will, I am sure, come as a shock.
I hope they fucking lose their homes, their families, their jobs. Every goddamned thing.
Cheney shot friend in face with gun.
We'll see . . . .
The bitches are quaking.
and every single one of you sock puppets knows it's true.