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Forum Post: An American Revolution No.2 is where we must stand and fight!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 12:13 a.m. EST by AllianceForPeace (40)
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Our enemy from within are still foreign and have power! Are you aware that the United States as we know it, had signed for its Independence from Britain under certain conditions which most American people are not aware or do not want to believe.

The conditions are that America will always be a corporation which Britain still owns under the income tax law!

Firstly, Americans whom earn monies and receive salaries must pay in the matter of income tax. This income tax does not go back into The American government system instead it goes straight to Britain, to its monarch because this is the dues America must pay every year for keeping its independence. Secondly, America was signed-off as a "corporation" not a country, that is why there are (3) three city States in the World. First is London, second is the Vatican, and last, Washington,D.C. Therefore, there are no honest politicians, only liars who want to make lots of money by the hardworking sweat of the American people and pocketing all those bribes and greenbacks and lobbying support funds. In fact these politicians work for the Brits monarch not for our country. Why do you think the Brits never interfere with whatever America does but must acknowledge and stand up with America's conquering of other countries for their resources. The Brits still rule but under a stealth manner in disguise so as to let America do all of its dirty work like they had done before in history. A true American Revolution No.2 is where it must start and end and it might take American peoples' lives to accomplish a better future for the American society, its children and its future! It is our rights, freedom of speech and freedom to bear arms to defend ourselves from those who harm us.



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