Forum Post: American diplomats murdered. Our cowardly president shrugs
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 12, 2012, 4:27 p.m. EST by oneandone
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey...I thought they hated Bush...not Barack Hussein. Maybe if he goes on another world apology tour he can fix this.
I thought the 911 attack was on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
Really you are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears
bis this thread banned ?
Disregard this obvious partisan anti dem political campaigning!
Your obvious partisanship and disregard for FACTS gets in the way of you either seeing or accepting them.
So does the President's apparently. The war on terror is NOT over, Al Qaeda is NOT gone and the Muslim Brotherhood is snuggling up to this administration.
I'm only responding to your obvious anti Obama partisan Campaigning.
Pres Obama has not claimed the war on terror is over! He knows Al Qaeda is not gone, he just killed the number 2 guy recently, And these attacks against the US on 9/11 anniversary were a result of the drone killing of Al libby (Libyan previous #2).
Muslim Brotherhood was freely elected in Egypt. We gotta deal with them even though the neo cons don't like them.
Pres Obama said yesterday they arenot our Allies. He knows what he's doing.
You're just too anti Obama to support your fellow citizens when they are attacked by religious extremists.
Be an American! Be a patriot.
I said this administration has claimed the war on terror is over, I didn't say the President said that. Remember when that "Senior State Department Official" said that it was. Oh wait...that sounds an awful lot like someone taking a phone call from an un-named source saying that Romney hasn't paid his taxes in 10 years and the media running with it as if that constitutes proof of something...oh well!
"Freely elected" Egypt? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
President Obama said they are not our Allies, he also said they are not our enemies.
I'm all about supporting our fellow citizens when they are attacked by religious extremists. I don't think Americans should be anywhere NEAR Islamic extremists. I don't think American tax dollars should be GOING to Islamic extremists. I don't Americans should be meeting with, making deals with, or HELPING Islamic extremists. And if our President "knows what he's doing" why the HELL is he doing/allowing/supporting ALL of those things???
And if you think he's not, you're a moron. If you agree with what he's doing, YOU are the traitor.
"moron"? name calling=weak arguments. Please refrain!
This admin has not declared the war on terror is over! Everytime you claim that you are lying. Anti Obama partisan campaigning!
Egypt. Yes freely elected. They elected the muslim brotherhood. You think we wanted that? we have to deal with all govt around the world. whoeverthey elect. We must stop imposing the govts of our choice in the ME. That is the new approach this admin is attempting. The 99% in these ME countries want moderate dem govts. We must support that effort.
We MUST sit down and negotiate with all govt especially extremists. We cannot make peace with our allies.
The money we send to Egypt is up in the air. After the attacks yesterday and ourPres wise statement that Egypt is not our Ally the muslim Bro govt made a more conciliatory statement.
We''ll see how it all plays out but of course I will support peace, and mod dem govts in ME.
Can't let the extremists ruin that with this new 9/11 attack right. That's what they want.
Would you like to join Thrasymaque's team to fight against Partisan Powers?
Recruiting for Trashy ? After being here for only a week apparently ! Hmmm ...
multum in parvo ....
Guess its always been a one sided war.....
These atrocities have nothing to do with Religion, Just like the Crusades....religion is the fake reason of a war cry, of those who need any and every reason to murder, rape, condemn and crucify. Get your facts straight. Mohammed might have been a warlord who "deflowered" his 9 year old bride, but that type of Mohammed (a common name given to males in the East) didn't come into existence until the Pale skin Europeans amalgamated with the Arabians, Berbers, and Moorish (after the Crusades) and re-wrote the true Holy Koran..turning it into the Quran.. Now, understand that the Prophet Mohammed is thusly....Mohammed and Mohammedism - Mohammed, 'the Praised One', the prophet of Islam and the founder of Mohammedanism, was born at Mecca (20 August?) A.D. 570
So, the Crusades, like the pales skin conquerors here in America and its history, rewrote the Koran, turning it into the Quran, and likewise defamed the true teachings of Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. Now, if you want to point the finger at those who created such a f* up mess over in the East, Africa, Asia, Turkey, India, and all the other global atrocities that are taking place....remember the albino race that came down out of the mountains of Europe and overran and pulverized these once beautiful civilizations....and then go look in the mirror....who do you think those people were or where they came from? Those too, are your people over there fool!! Regardless of what their religion is... . "It has been customary to describe the Crusades as eight in number:
Ignorance is not is a damned sin!
Don't you realize that you are all looking at the "SEEDS OF CHUCKIE"?? .
Sounds like someone needs a few more FACTS too:
There was murder, rape, condemnation and crucifying going on in the middle east LONG before the Christian crusades.
Egypt, Assyria, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Israelites, the Macedonians and the Romans ALL fought each other for control of the region and it's people LONG before 1095.
If all of us descend from the "cradle of civilization" my friend, then "your people" are "our people".
Do you even have a clue regarding who you are, or your beginnings on this planet? That is the age old problem and question, not about who first committed murder, rape and mayhem.... After all....who actually started this mythical racial divide if we are all one in the same people and why does it continue? Riddle me this....who are the mothers and fathers of the human race? Now, answer it with the truth and you will show that you understand exactly what I am saying and realize that your obligations are no more or no less than those of the President of the United States. Hey, if we all started this shyt, then we should all correct it....right? Otherwise, you are just blowing hot air and faking it just the way those in power do everyone of you!
So this whole thing is the fault of the white race?
There is no such thing as a race of whites. It is what most choose to call themselves to make themselves (and others) believe there is some type of superiority or purity that exists in such a label...It does not!
Humans either have a strong melanin factor, or a weak mutant melanin factor. I'd prefer it if my genetics fell into the former.... yet, there has been so much amalgamation and mixing of these two factors that most don't know who or what they are, or even have the nerve to tell how they got here...correct? Recall what I wrote..."remember the albino race that came down out of the mountains of Europe and overran and pulverized these once beautiful civilizations" So...what are your theories on whose fault it is? Trust can only spout theories, unless you are willing to trace the roots and history of this whole global mess!
You are funny!
Look in the mirror, then you will understand how the alleged minority feel !! We Also....LOL!!
White if!! Now that is hilarious!!
Who birthed your nation pal? No....seriously....where do you all come from? Other than a European background, what was before that?
No one seems to be able to give me any answers...
If I knew the truth, then perhaps I wouldn't hold the belief that the pale skins from the European Caucasoid mountains were the barbarians that history proclaims are your ancestors.
I like learning new can you help us out on that info?
archeologists suggests humans came from africa
I rest my case....
Now, stop blaspheming the nations of people over in the Middle East. Just like here in America, there are those who have a heart and are not perpetrators of genocide, annihilation and destruction. It is the heart of a man that rules, not a religious belief!
As for Obama.....once again....the lesser of the two evils!
then we need greater political change than this election
Perhaps you can explain why the people's that migrated out of Africa ascended to civilisation while black Africa banged on drums and lived in grass huts. No system of writing till given one by others. Just one of the things. The great wall of china. The beginnings of science. The flowering of philosophy. And yet, the people that stayed: banging on drums. You are a poor, deluded fool.
Dude, you need a history lesson, stat. You realize if it was not for the middle eastern people, our greatest ancient philosophers, Plato, Socrates and the like, would have been lost to us. Ow yeah, and it would have been hard for are mathematicians to create great theorems without a zero. Ethnocentricity is a sure sign of stupidity.
Really? And how did the Bubonic Plague over take Europe?
By the filth and barbarianism from a people who had no underground plumbing, or a water filtration system, or even where to put their excrement and waste, other than throwing it out the open portals of their hut homes? Remember Marco Polo? He brought back soap to the pale skin nations of Europe from the Asian civilizations......ever hear of it? So wash your mouth out why don't ya? Spare us the bigoted rhetorhic, everything was learned when your forefathers entered the land of Canaan and saw the great civilizations. Then took nearly 2000 years to destroy these civilizations, bring them to their knees after taking everything from them and sending them out into the wilds..... Now, tell us....what is the real reason you believe the dark skinned nations should be exterminated? Because they gave birth to you and your kind? How long did you think it would take the world to find out? LOL!!!
the equator is baking with all sorts of competing life forms
Brainwashed. Self hating white. Pity....
What the hell is a self hating white pray tell?
If you are referring to family "allegedly" came from Nigeria, originally and the rest is history....You know...Like the land of Canaan?
That seems to be the general message these days. It's always Whitey's fault, Sigh,
according to obama,......yes.
Then you are setting yourself up for failure if you believe what you are saying. Obama is our President, no more, no less.
You cannot continue to place all your sins on the back of one man, crucify him and then replace him with another scapegoat or pale Judas, or can you? What in hells name is wrong with you people? Your fate is in your hands, no one else has that power over your life, unless you continue to fork it over to them!
You are duped, because like sheep, you want to be duped and remain in captivity and eaten alive!
he has a title, but offers no leadership.
Ha....depends on what you are trying to follow.... The basics on which this country was founded.... the path that corporate would dictate... or his decisions that are keeping this country from crumbling like the Roman Empire?
Actually, unless he creates more Executive Orders, there isn't much the Senate, Congress or any other opposing parties are going to let him lead you to...except the poor house.... His decisions are not all his to make alone... Understand the process before you start judging and making assumptions.
bam is complicite in destroying this country.
Sorry to burst your bubble.....the country was in trouble once the pale skin set foot here and continued the migration without thought of humility or saving existing humanity as a whole. Now all are suffering....and I do mean ALL.
Now, back to the present reality....what tools do you have, or are you prepared to utilize in order to get things back on course without relying on the President, or the government, or corporate america, or politicians?
You all have to stop acting like children in a sand box and realize that you must comprehend the history of this country in order to understand why things are moving the way they are for everyone..and why the future will not be what you think it should be...Nothing will ever be the same here, just as the middle east and europe. Nations are being incinerated and so are the ruling class there.. If you have no answers, then once again, you are all subject to failure..
bam is deliberately destoying the USA, its been his ( and his owners ) plan all along.
I thought the founding fathers set that shyt in motion...don't you?
the constitution is the greatest document ever written. if you dont think so, you've been brainwashed by the haters of the USA.
You brought up the subject of the constitution...not I...
If you feel it is the greatest ever written, why aren't you adhering to it?
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
So, are you saying your voice is greater than that of this document and to blasphemy, degrade, oppress, disrespect, or annihilate any religious belief you so choose, here in America (or even abroad) that you have an unalienable right to do so? Then you pal are a BONA FIDE HYPOCRITE and useless to the progress of this society as a whole!
by referring to the founding fathers , you refer to the consitution. i did NOT say my voice was greater blah blah etc. have you ever thought of a career in writing fiction?
Sure, but why should I write it when I can read yours?
I see here our agent provocateurs. Agitating for a response in defense of the target political figure. It will no doubt be met with force by "those who defend the party". Then we can all rejoice once the forum has again descended into the depths of mediocrity.
I'm not defending any party. The parties are both a crock. But I am defending the rights of individuals who can see into the future of a nation that has lived its life through lies and manipulation and is on the verge of collapse..
Going backwards would mean the death and destruction of 75% of this society and its people. There are no more good ole days, never was and never will be unless ignoramus mental slavery advocates are put to rest forever!
Let me put it this way....I'll gladly take the lesser of the two evils.
name calling is the first sign of dementia
please see your doctor
so is stupidity.......tell your doc i said hi!
says the guy who constantly denigrates corporate/banker republicans for attacking his corporate/banker democrats
Seriously... you aren't surprised by Libya's uprising recently? I'd thought they'd love America and Obama for all that freedom those bombs gave them. You'd think they could get past a movie that had nothing to do with the government.
Saying Barack Hussein is no different than saying G Dubs or repelicants.
give it up your guy has lost
It was a small group of extremists in Libya. There was a huge demonstration in favor of America and apologizing for the Assassination of American diplomats.
Most of the Libyan people do love the US.
So there. Only you & the Al Qaeda extremists seem to hate America
LOL you're so ridiculous you're comparing me to Al Qaeda?
You are such a fucking moron.
Next you'll tell me that bombing innocent civilians isn't a war crime.
Politics isnt his forte. He is much more comfortable being shot out of a cannon and into a big pile of pillows. All while juggling bowling pins.
Welcome to the land of the Forum Mascot. Up is down. Left is right. Day is night. ....
"fucking moron" ? "ridiculous"? name calling = weak arguments.
You are so anti war but you haven't complained about the decent honorable American diplomats working for a peaceful govt being assassinated.
Why not?. Let';s hear you complain about Al Qaeda like you complain about America.
It was a small group of extremists in Libya who actually killed the people inside. But there was a large group of people outside chanting "death to America" and "death to Israel" who IS our ally.
There is a large group in Cairo (ongoing now for three days)
And Yemen? "In Yemen, hundreds of protesters chanting "Death to America!" stormed the U.S. Embassy compound in the capital, Sanaa, and burned the American flag."
"In Dhaka, Bangladesh, police stopped a march by about 400 people who burned a U.S. flag several miles (kilometers) from the U.S. Embassy, where higher security was evident."
Seems to me that the "majority" of warm, fuzzy, USA supporters you speak of needs to step up and show these "small" groups how outnumbered they are.....
Other muslim countries as well. Surprised.? Naive? It's 9/11 there is a concerted effort to kill americans, to incite muslims to violence.
Every country, Every muslim country has extremists. We do not run. We know that most of the people are moderate and support moderate dem govt.
We support mod dem govt. If we run as a result of this last gasp effort we will be doing exactly what they want.
If we stand firm we will prevail.
Have courage. We stand for righteous freedom. Democratic non violent change.
Believe it. Embrace it. Support it. Be it. Support you country against religious extremists. Put the election aside. Support democratic change for the 99% in these countries. Do not let the small extremist groups scare you away.
" We stand at a precipice of a new world we can see. The ruins to the right of me, will soon have lost sight of me. Love, rescue me"
im sorry small group my ass, sorry but that is just wrong
Small groups in many countries. No more than a couple of thousand (most countries under 1000) in a country of millions.
Who is so naive that they would deny that our Al Qaeda enemies are not fomenting their cells in all these nations.
Egypt just called off the fri protests against the American embassy for a symbolic protest in Tahrir sq and is now saying they are our Ally.
Libya claims to have arrested 4 suspects in the assassination of American diplomats.
This is a concerted attempt on the anniversary of 9/11 to misuse religion and use a right wing created film to incite violence. We must not retreat. We must stand firm with Moderate muslims who are struggling to create moderate dem govts.
We cannot let this attempt at a power grab by religious extremists succeed.
Haha... funny, right? Barack has done four (?) world peace tours... intended to schmooze the Muslims.; when he took office 85% of them hated us, today it's even higher (86% according to our world polls).
Houston, we have a problem... despite all efforts to kiss their asses they still want our heads (literally).
Are you getting it yet? Because if not, a lot of innocent Americans - including perhaps even your own family members - are going to die in the future.
Most muslims in these countries are moderate and support the US actions in their respective countries (Libya, Egypt, Iran)
There was a larger demonstration in support of the US in Libya yesterday in support of the embassy staff killed.
You don't sound like you what you are talkin about.
That's because I don't know what I'm talking about.
But I do understand those polls. And I do understand that the US is less popular now than they were before all of Obama's efforts... they hate us more now than they did then.
I disagree!
The embassy in Egypt issued an apology for that film even before they were attacked. Didn't do them any good.
No apology was issued. That is an anti dem parisan lie!
Sorry VQkag-the President himself admitted that there WAS an apology:
"During a CBS interview last night President Obama distanced himself from the “apology” issued by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, suggesting that it was merely an effort by the staff to “cool the situation down.”
“It didn’t come from me. It didn’t come from Secretary Clinton,” Obama said. “It came from folks on the ground who are potentially in danger. And my tendency is to cut those folks a little bit of slack when they’re in that circumstance rather than try to question their judgment from the comfort of a campaign office.”
But isn't this the administration that proclaimed that 'the war on terror is over"??
They haven't declared the war on terror over, But they are ending it. Thank god. If your repubs were in power (or get power) thewar on terror would just escalate.
You quotes regarding the embassy statement show that cbs called it an apology, and that the Pres did not call it so. I've read the statement, and I don't see an "apology for our values" like your candidate Romney claimed.
Um...again...your facts are out of sync-
Romney's statement about "apology for our values" came AFTER the attacks on the embassies in Egypt and Libya and was addressed to the statements by the President and the Administration DURING those attacks that only attempted to distance themselves from the Cairo "apology" and did NOTHING to condemn the ongoing and escalating violence taking place.
Sorry, but America's values are all written in the wind. They look great on paper, but do not operate that way in the real world except for the few in power, behind closed doors, sitting around the round table.
You all are still living in 1776 and refuse to see how the founding fathers F* up your future, while destroying everyone for their selfish gains.
Do you actually believe this system cares about any of you? All I can say is, watch, listen, and then "duck and cover"!
Where is this government for the people by the people anyway?.
If the alleged rulers of America had such great values, then the world would be a better place to live in! Good Grief!!!
right out of the communist list of how to take down the usa,.......... talk up how the constitution ir irrelevant
Your thoughts dearie, not mine...
fact, not opinion.
Facts can be have not done so.
Look at what is taking place in the Middle East now, today, past present and future... Fact.....oppression of the masses created its own monster and that monster is now biting off the tails of the oppressors. What makes you all think this is something that can be squashed in a matter of nanoseconds? .
Just imagine.....this will be coming to a city near you, here, today and in the future.. FACT, it will be YOUR OWN KIND!
my own kind? im not muslim.
Trust me pale skin, I can see that...LOL!!!
so explain " your own kind".
[-] 1 points by alva (-29) 4 minutes ago
give it a shot, baby. explain what " my own kind " is. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
I'll tell you this much.....I know it ain't this...."the first religious creed on this planet, the first nation of people, the first civilization"
[-] 0 points by alva (-16) 6 days ago
you wont because you cant. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
My reply to you:
Alva baby......what would be the point. You have not the ability to comprehend anyway. It is apparent in your answers.
Riddle me this....what was the first religious creed on this planet, the first nation of people, the first civilization?. If you know. and have that proof, then we can move forward and I can link you to everything you want to know and then some..and we can have an intelligent discussion. Other wise your comments to me remain the same.. that of a child.
give it a shot, baby. explain what " my own kind " is.
Why should I? Don't you profess to know every damn thing there is about anything and everything in life, this nation and the world?
you wont because you cant.
Your boy Romney was addressing the embassy statement that was seeking to calm the situation. No breach had occurred, therefore Romney criticism that we should have condemned a breach was wrong.
And that the embassy statement was an "apology for our values" is ridiculous.
He took the advise of GWB's foreign policy cabal and fell flat on his oligarchic face.
He should have stood with America during this new 9/11 attack like the other Repub leaders instead of trying to score political points. The independent undecideds know the truth and Romneys failure is complete.
Your continued support betrays your pro repub partisanship and your political tone deafness.
Give it up. He's fallen and he can't get up!
The statement about the "apology for our values" comes directly from the Romney press conference held Wednesday MORNING to clarify what he had said Tuesday night.
THIS is the statement Romney issued Tuesday night-(the attacks took place Tuesday night)
“I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”
Since the original statement from the Cairo embassy was released as an "official" statement-and was the only "official statement" out there at ALL at the time that Romney mad his comment, AND the President of the US IS responsible for all "official statements" made by US Foreign Embassies, Romney's response is perfectly logical. It was only HOURS later, after hearing what Romney said, that the White House even MADE an official statement about the Cairo release.
That he did NOT react like "other Repub leaders"-whom you constantly malign and attack, should be a GOOD thing to you. It is to me.
Your boy Romney screwed up!
You can spin as fast as you can but it is unlikely he will ever recover.
Crass, insensitive, disrespectful of the 9/11 anniversary. A lower disgusting, leacherous, traitorous, more despicable act I cannot fathom.
How dare you support any anti American political one upmanship on the hallowed day of 9/11. I live in NYC. I breathed it in for a month!
To use these additional attacks on that anniversary is unbelievable.
Good day.
To NOT remove every single American official from every single embassy in every single country that has been KNOWN to "celebrate" the 9/11 horror with MORE death and destruction every freaking year since it happened is IRRESPONSIBLE and completely out of touch with the political atmospheres in those places. So who screwed up?
The Ambassador to Egypt was SAFE here in the States that night, but those who worked under her were NOT.
To clarify-I am NOT supporting political one upmanship you idiot-I'm refusing to support a weak, tepid, apathetic, and LATE response to ANY acts of terror by the President of the United States AND those he has responsibility for.
"idiot"? name calling = weak arguments.
AMERICA does not run and hide.
Our brave diplomatic corps knows there is great danger around the world. Especially in the ME. Certainly on that hallowed day.
What kind of weak and worthless worm would suggest we should slink way until the coast is clear?.
NO! Not my America. Maybe that's what your republican America would look like. I rather face the enemy. Not submit to terrorist threats. If I did. I would be giving them a lever they could use at will to make our American representatives, AMERICA, run whenever they wanted.
You must be joking. We stand and fight for freedom. We don't run from threats.
We would rather die on our feet! Than live on our knees.
You don't appear to understand what America, freedom, & Liberty is all about.
We don't run. You and your republican cowards run, or attack your own countryman. You have no honor. You bring shame to the great American Betsy Ross. All flags should weep when you speak in her name.
Good day again!
[Removed]'s the liberal progressives that want to scream and run, or play nice, or placate and "win over" their enemies. Not Republicans. There are just as many Republican/conservative soldiers serving as there are Democrats.
You're damn right Americans don't run and hide. We also don't try to appease other countries, ESPECIALLY people who are KNOWN to attack and kill and destroy others simply because someone "offends" them!
Tell me how our President is handling things in Iran? A country that has been vowing to blow us off the map for decades-if not a century? How long is this President going to "submit" to those terrorists? Until they respond with nuclear weapons? Until the blow Israel off the map?
Obama slinks away from EVERY SINGLE tough crisis he's had-on vacation or golfing or for example yesterday-to a fundraiser-until the coast is clear!! There's historical PROOF of his worm like ability to disappear when something hard is happening. They freaking attacked and burned and terrorized and he went "fundraising". Bravo Mr Tough Guy!!! BRAVO!!!
YOU said we should have pulled our people out of every embassy. You and your repubs are therefore the cowards.
This Pres has confronted and killed more terrorists leaders in 3 1/2 years than your repubs did in 8.
we're doin fine in Iran. when the time comes I'm sure the drones will fly.
We got an election. Maybe after that.
You have no honor!
I only said that when you said that it's a "dangerous F* place" AND for the anniversary dates.
But hey, you're the one who said it was stupid for me to make the President accountable for what happened on the ground in Libya. Which makes it ridiculous to give him credit for the military soldiers on the ground who gathered the intel and killed OBL and the other AlQaeda leaders. You can't have credit for the deaths you LIKE and not take responsibility for the ones you don't. More soldiers have also DIED under "This Pres" than did under the repubs in 8 years:
"Under former President George W. Bush, 575 American soldiers died and fewer than 3,000 were wounded in Afghanistan. This means under Obama, at least 1,405 soldiers have died and nearly 15,000 additional soldiers have been wounded, which means 70% of the deaths and nearly 80% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under Obama’s watch."
It's your administration too!, Your diplomats as well.! there was a time when people had enough honor to set aside partisan ship at the border.
Americans were attacked on the anniversary of 9/11! Now is the time to come together in support of the country.
I already heard we were put on a high state of alert the day before. There is great danger in the diplomatic corp. To Blame the Pres for every attack is just simplistic partisan attacks.
Enough already.
You have no honor. You are sickening.
the world trade center and the pentagon were attacked on 911
My partisanship is clear? No shit! I believe all our problems have their roots in conservative policies.
I am more disappointed and angry with corrupt dems because they continually betray progressive principles and vote for conservative 1% policies.
But I know the dems can be dragged back from the right and made to serve the 99% if we protest in large numbers.
My partisanship is clear? Of course it is. I am proud to be a strong progressive. I may be registered independent but I support the dem platform and would never again vote for repubs. They have been taken over by extremist religious right wing wackos, and war mongering tools of 1% plutocrats.
And you are just the opposite. And worst of all you have no honor!
"America was warned of Embassy attack and did nothing"
Congrats on the administration you continue to defend.
You leave out Iraq because you are a republican partisan.
This Pres has ended Bushs illegal Oil war in Iraq, And has signed an agreement to end Bushs Afghan war.
Pres Obama has thus far succeeded at resisting the republican war mongerers pressure to invade Iraq and hopefully will continue.
This Pres has reduced US military killings from 1 million+ to thousands.
We must protest against the continueing drone strikes and the republican created constitution violations.
And most of all keep the war mongering repubs out of power.!
You mean this war?:
"Nearly 4,500 U.S. servicemembers were killed in more than eight years of war and about 30,000 wounded. Tens of thousands of Iraqis died, troops and civilians, as the U.S. deposed Saddam's regime and beat down an insurgency backed by al-Qaeda terrorists and sectarian revenge killings that threatened to destroy the country."
"Iraq has seen several free elections, and its government, while fractious, is a democratic coalition of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds who lived under a brutal dictatorship for decades."
"You will leave with great pride — lasting pride," Panetta told the troops. "Secure in knowing that your sacrifice has helped the Iraqi people to begin a new chapter in history."
Is the freedom now being experienced in Iraq is LESS important than the "freedom" you want to establish in Libya and Egypt? If "your Dems" had been in charge the whole time, would you be patting them on the back or vilifying them? Your partisanship is clear.
Well, who in the hell is stopping any of you bigots against "muslims" from getting off your own asses, enlisting or forming your own militias....and taking off with your loyal political asses over there to protect your 'OWN KIND'?
Your lack of balls?
Try to get a handle on what will take place if civil-religious-racial unrest takes place here. Many of you bigots will perish. gotta get rid of all that hate if we are to survive and flourish as a diverse nation! Forewarned is to be forearmed....and I don't mean with guns, etc. Learn to start thinking for yourselves in order to understand why this is taking place. Knowledge is the greatest weapon on the face of the earth, and unfortunately the masses here are lacking in that area..
Did anyone watch Hilary Clinton yesterday... This thing is not going away people..... WAKE THE F* UP!!
Um. The White House said they did. They tried to distance themselves from it.
I heard the White House distance themselves from the statement but I didn't hear the White House call it an apology. I read the statement and didn't see anything the looked like an apology for our values".
I think we should give our American embassy staff under attack a break. Have a little compassion for you fellow citizens being attacked on the anniversary of 9/11.
I hav compassion for those killed in Libya. Those in Egypt were just inconvenienced.
Oh, life threatened, bullets flying, fires set, hundreds angry people surrounding you is the same as the cable going out on us?
ambassador is a hard and dangerous job
its even harder when you're in a hostile country.
Very true.
you guys better be careful or the OWS self proclaimed leaders will ban you that kind of talk. Remember they are the ones who preached "solidarity" with the spring.........that spring water didnt take long to turn red.
Too true....
Islam, the religion of peace? Insult Islam and they riot and kill the first American they can find. They insult America and we give them more aid? A billion $ to Egypt for submarines? WTF! Why are we buying anybody submarines? Mohamed was a warlord who "deflowered" his 9 year old bride. Insulted by the truth?
Seems like all those "crack pot" conservatives who have been warning/predicting the current events in Egypt and Libya etc were right.
The crackpot conservatives ignored the intelligence warnings about an AlQaeda strike on continental US soil because they said the 'real' threat was Iraq. Tragically stupid on so many levels.
These killings also happened on "US soil". Embassies are considered literally the soil and ground of the country they represent.
Intelligence briefings, which the President apparently attends less than half of, most likely contained intelligence of the sort linked to above. Seems like it's obvious that some crackpot somewhere "ignored" all the signs that we either should have been beefing up security at the embassy or removing US officials like they did in other embassies.
This administration declared that the "war on terror is over". Tragically, they are equally stupid on so many levels.
Earth to Betsy. Come in Betsy. The administration never said that. LMAO. It was a quote by an anonymous person in the State Dept. So cut the crap.
Quotes from Pres. Obama and his Administration -
Pres. Obama, "Our Fight Is Focused On Defeating Al Qaeda And Its Extremist Allies. In That Effort, We Will Not Relent."
Pres. Obama, "We Are At War," And "Negotiations Cannot Convince Al Qaeda's Leaders To Lay Down Their Arms."
Sec. Clinton, "We Feel Very Strongly ... That The Extremists And The Terrorists Who Deploy Violence Have To Be Defeated Wherever They Are."
Sec. Clinton, "U.S. And Pakistan "Are Working Closely Together With Governments Around The World ... To Eliminate Terrorism."
But I'm gonna nominate your post for 'Silly Quote of the Day'!
Libya has a fledgling fragile trying to be democratic government with radical extremists opposing it. It's a dangerous fucking place. Which I'm sure anybody working at that Embassy is well aware of. Any loss of life is equally tragic. But I'm not sure how you can rationally compare that to the events of 9/11. Wow. Just wow.
I'll edit: 'continental US soil'.
"Libya has a fledgling fragile trying to be democratic government with radical extremists opposing it. It's a dangerous fucking place. Which I'm sure anybody working at that Embassy is well aware of. "
REALLY? And yet this:
If the President/Administration is SO concerned about terrorists and radical extremists, ESPECIALLY in such "dangerous fucking places", please explain the conditions in the Libyan consulate as of Tuesday night to me.....
Because a consulate office is for routine business and is not the same thing as an Embassy. Jeesh.
For you to even imply that the Pres is not serious about terrorism - you're out of your mind lady. He killed OBL. He's killed or captured 20 or so AlQaeda top leaders you twit. Don't let the facts get in the way of your 'beliefs' though now! lol.
No, he sent military soldiers in to kill OBL and the other AlQaeda leaders.
But here's some facts the media keeps ignoring for some odd reason-
Under former President George W. Bush, 575 American soldiers died and fewer than 3,000 were wounded in Afghanistan. This means under Obama, at least 1,405 soldiers have died and nearly 15,000 additional soldiers have been wounded, which means 70% of the deaths and nearly 80% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under Obama’s watch.
Again, since VQkag already informed us that everyone knows that Libya is "dangerous as hell" right now-why on earth was the Ambassador to Libya working in a regular ol consulate office?
It's math. He increased the amount of troops from 34k to 95k. In order to stabilize the ground situation. It's known as the Powell Doctrine. As in General Colin Powell. The idea that military operations should have large enough troop deployments to achieve their objectives. Pres. Obama didn't get us in that mess. He's only getting us out.
I suspect that the Ambassador was traveling. It's not unheard of. But I'm just guessing.
This has been fun but I'm sorry, I'm starting to get bored now.
I agree!. Part of Betsys confusion is that Pres Obama has stopped using the term "war on Terror" because it is silly to have war on a tactic and it was always used as part of the republican fear mongering endless war they so wanted.
This Pres intends to end this endless "war on terror" and he WILL declare it over because it is the best way to repeal all the civil rights violations and stop all the military actions that come with an endless war.
That is what Betsy and the right wing wackos really fear from this President. he is even trying to eliminate all nuclear weapons. They need him gone because he threatens their MIC/SIC boondoggle.
Yeah like the 'axis of evil'. Code for 'we're gonna invade sovereign nations that we don't like now'. Next up for your war mongering pleasure - Iran. Or Romney, breaking with convention - Russia. Boondoggle indeed!
"make the scary republican go away"!
Well Romney screwed hopefully enough to prevent them from taking power again. With that I expect that we will see the end of the war on terror.
But not the steal theelection!
And not if we go to sleep and stop protesting. We must keep growing a movement that will pressure for the change that will benefit the 99%
They have not declared that the war terror was over! What are you talkin about.?
She's talkin smack. Koo-koo! Koo-koo! Check out my reply above.
I saw it. Very good. I'm with you.
I for one cannot understand it either...
What exactly is the war on terror? How can it be over, or declared over when TSA is still on post? SWAT, military, etc. is still being engaged in bombings, "terrorists" murders and plots right here in America against religious orders as well as in main stream public places, schools, organizations also?
Terrorism is man made, always has been, and will continue to be initiated by anybody, or group, or nationality, or religion, or ideology for any retarded reason..
That's right. When we finally declare the end of the "war on terror" we must acknowledge that we will always have terrorist attacks. people will continue to be killed in suicide bombings.
But we cannot elevate these attacks to existential threats. Al Qaeda never posed an existential threat. To raise them that high gives them too much credit. And serves the elements in our society who want to increase military spending/activity and control the peoples dissent.
We MUST end this "war on terror" in order to repeal the patriot act, and NDAA, and stop the drone bombings.
1st things 1st.
"It's the only way to be sure"
I concur...
Yeah it took a real conservative 'genius' to predict violence in Egypt in Libya! lol. You're making me laugh so hard I nearly pee'd my panties!
the marines in cairo , by order of the state dept , are not allowed to have live ammo.
I disagree!
you can disagree all you want BUT the marines in cairo , by order of the state dept. were not allowed to have live ammo. another fact, the ambassador in libya was sodomized by the dear gentle muslims before he was murdered.
Have a little respect for our honorable fallen American diplomats.
Unbelievable, Like a middle school child.
i have respect, the muslims dont and never will.
Most muslims are decent moderate people.
Religious extremists are always dangerous. Whether they are here (like Klein, & Pastor Terry Jones who worked with the filmmaker) or the Al Qaeda extremists who used that film and misuse religion to foment violence.
We should be against extremsts, not every muslim. There's an ism in there. Not very American. Certainly not honorable.
if you're muslim you follow the koran, if you follow the koran you have no tolerance for anyone and anything that s not islamic.
How do you know? Are you muslim, how often have you attended a Mosque, or a Temple? How many Muslim's have you had discussions with? How many Muslim families do you know? How do you get all your dumb ass information? From a Muslim or just hearsay? If you believe you are getting the truth about what a Muslim (Moslem) believes then you my friend are still in the dark ages and like most bigots, are useless and cumbersome to the progress of the worlds inhabitants.
read the koran
You read it fool.....obviously, since you are not a muslim, you have not!
Now, on that note, remember there are more than different versions of the Koran, Holy Koran, and Quran, written by different men, but only one written by the Prophet Mohammed....SO.... Which one are you referring to? The one in Arabic, English, Hebrew, or the one the Roman Catholic Pope keeps in his library?
you can go to any library and check it out, bring it home and read it. most muslims learn the koran by rote, they cant read. they learn it in madrassas.
Oh, I see sister theresa here has been traveling overseas, in the thick and thin of the middle east....good for you..
What about the christian bible? Will I be going to hell if I am not a believer?
there was an art exhibit in the usa that included a crucifix immersed in urine and a painting og the virgin mary with elephant dung on it. the only reason people ( of all faiths ) were bothered by it was because it was funded with taxpayer $, christians did NOT riot and murder over it. they did NOT burn down buildings. they peacefully expressed their opinions and that was it.
I'm guessing this is to reference to the report (most likely british)
that the muslims wee rioting about a film
this is being used as propaganda to lower our respect of the islam people
and to obfuscate the real reasons the US is not respected in the middle east
the film was a cover for a coordinated attack on the embassies and the murders. the reason the usa is not respected is obama and his weak ( ( non existant) policies. obama is pro muslim brotherhood ( they've been to the white house). bam hates america and the muslims know it.
I won't play the blame religion game
further most would rather the US leave them alone
they don't hate america
I have heard they don't like being bombed by the Pentagon
they hate america. was cairo bombed by the pentagon? NO.
was bagdad was tripolli?
bill maher made a film " religulous" the last 20 min. are devoted to defaming islam. he donated 1 mil. to bam campaign, but billy is a dem.
God...not only are you are are ignorant.
Hey folks, let alva go back to work.... That's probably all he/she has going for trollin?
What a waste of brain matter....that is if any really exists in there!
you're projecting.
Perhaps, perhaps not....
Yet, it is obvious that your attempts at disrupting any reasonable, rationale and sensible thoughts on here is only being stifled by your inability to get your corporate message across. What are you all afraid of?
Ya, ya, sure, sure....who is gonna protest against the gay community when 75% of Corporate america, the government officials, our leaders, etc,....except the Pres..... is gay?
Get real......swat would have had a field day kicking ass! Literally!
So, what's in your pockets?? LOL!!
You all know we can't take this one seriously...don't you?
Yeah that was here in brooklym and it was forced to close.
A small percent of islamic religious extremists are living in the dark ages. They have a serious problem. But they do not represent the vast majority of muslims around the world.
We must not attack the entire faith or all who call themselves muslim for the actions of a few.
We aren't bigots are we.?
no, we are not bigots but muslims have been to be. islam is nit a rreligion , its a political system. there is no tolerance for non muslims, if act they dont even tolerate their own. muslims have killed more muslims than they have killed non muslims.
You all know we can't take this one seriously...don't you?
what cant you take seriously? the web site? visit it and read and read, and read.
How old are you?
No, old are you really?
Then, maybe.....when we understand that you have had a full life of experience and education and learning, then and only then, might we be able to truly take what you post seriously!
Muslim extremists (small percentage) have misused and misinterpreted Islam and in fact have killed more muslims than they have non muslims.
Most muslims do not interpret their religion in an intolerant way. And of course ALL religion includes intolerant tenets, and many have been misused for killings throughout history.
Can't label all muslms Killers or the entire religion bad. There would be an ism in there.
while not all muslims are terrorists, most terrorists are muslim.
Deluded Bigot !!! Ever heard of 'The School of The Americas' at Fort Benning, Georgia or know what went on there ?!! Ever read a book ?! Try this one for free & 4 other articles :
'Killing Hope', by William Blum : ;
"Monopolizing War ? What America Knows How to Do Best", by Tom Engelhardt : ;
"Al-Qaeda Now a US Ally in Syria", by Joseph Wakim : ;
"The United States of Terrorism", by Sibel Edmonds : &
"U.S. Refuses to Extradite Bolivia's Ex-president to Face Genocide Charges", by Glen Greenwald : .
Read 'em and weep bigot & good luck with getting your empty head outta your probably, fat (x) !!!
e tenebris, lux ...
We've had more terrorist attacks by right wing wackos in the US in the last 20 years than muslims.
Is that important to you?
You can disagree all you like. The facts will eventually come out.
We have been waiting for your "alleged" facts for a while now....
So where are they?
There out. You're just pretending not to see them.
So far US Officials have decline to confirm or deny the reports regarding live ammo in Cairo. Where does your "intel" come from?
At least the Cairo embassy had marines stationed there. The Libyan consulate did not. At all. I thought this President knew what he was doing...
I heard there was a hightened warning the day before. You're gonna blame this on Pres Obama.?
Please. That's a stretch. The religious right here in America created the film the religious right in the ME is using it to incite a violent riot.
Those are the people who are to blame for the assassination of our Anerican diplomats.
The Pres handled it fine. The right wing religious extremists candidate Romney handled it like an dangerous, ignorant, amature.
Oh I'm sorry....I thought that EVERY FREAKING BAD THING that ever happens can and should be blamed directly on the shoulders of the sitting President at the time.
Which is it?
That's kinda simplistic.
Besides how would we blame Bush for the collapsed economy and muslim hatred if we had to adhere to that ridiculous rule.
C'mon. Get with the program!
Nope. Neo cons are wrong again. They advised their pres candidate and he's been beaten up ever since over his amateurish effort to score political points off the religious inspired assassination of four great American diplomats.
You mean the same way that in July of 2008, Obama (then Senator Obama) used the death of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to score political points against his Presidential opponent and President Bush for their support of the Iraq War? Yep. Obama is no different.
On another note:
"It is especially tragic that Chris Stevens died in Benghazi because it is a city that he helped save," Obama said Wednesday. Benghazi had been the cradle of the anti-Gaddafi revolt.
"He risked his own life to lend the Libyan people a helping hand to build the foundation for a new, free nation," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement.
Chris Stevens was killed by the very citizens he was supposedly helping establish a Democracy. Did you REALLY think ANY radical Islamist (I make a distinction between moderate and peaceful practitioners of Islam and the savages who embrace radical Islam) groups were going to let that actually happen? Welcome to your Arab Winter.
Obama never tried to score any political points as you accused. That is just anti Obama partisan political campaigning.
Well clearly the extremist are desperately fighting against the majority 99% in Libya who are attempting to establish a moderate govt.
The christian religious extremists here (hmmm which party embraces them?) have served the Islamic religious extremists in the Middle east by creating the disgusting film that has been spread by Coptic Christians in Egypt, embraced by Al Qaeda all over the ME to rile up violent protests.
We must recognized that the 99% moderates do exist & they are struggling against religious extremists to establish moderate dem govt in the Middle East.
Religious extremists (and the parties they are affiliated with) on both sides of the world want to see moderate dem govt in ME fail.
Some extremists in the US want to see that failure for political reasons because they can't resist partisan attacks on Pres Obama.
Is that where you're at?
Obama trying to score political points during his campaign using the deaths of 9 soldiers "after the liberation" of those countries:
I'm not saying I want to see it fail. I'm saying it WILL fail because "some people" in the US fail to recognize and accept that the forces that oppose that change can and WILL do anything to stop it. They HATE "the west" and "America" and they do not want a Democracy. They want a Caliphate.
I certainly don't embrace extremists of ANY sort-but they have the right to align themselves with whomever they choose to. Which party is it that SOME people might say embraces Islamic religious extremists?
Your anti Obama partisan political attacks are hollow because of your dishonor.
Why don't you attack the religious right wing wacko involvement in the film that was used to incite the assassination of honorable American diplomats.?
Steve Klein, militia trainer, founder of courageous Christians (abortion/moosque protesters) He was a consultant for Christian extremist director.
Pastor Terry Jones hateful right wing wacko Koran burner. Also admitted advising the right wing director regarding promoting the film.
These dishonorable people have contributed to this atrocity and you remain silent. Perhaps your religious right wing republican wackos have even more to do with it.
Seems to my Romney was ready pretty quick to attack. Did he know before hand?
Freedom of speech is a protected RIGHT in the US-one that OWS has fought in court to protect. What the group did might be incredibly disgusting, and I certainly do not embrace or accept their message or intention-but I will fight to protect their right to say it just as much as I will anything that others might say that I agree with. It's called not being a hypocrite.
Al Qaeda doesn't NEED a reason or excuse to attack those they consider to be heathens. Hell, they kill their OWN people when they do not comply with their authority.
And you know what...Romney was actually up and watching the crisis and staying informed. Which is why he was shocked that the ONLY comment made by anyone of "official US authority" on the matter so far was the statement made by the embassy itself. Hell, the twitter feeds coming out of the embassy itself can be found online!
The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES either did not KNOW it was happening, or did not CARE because HE WENT TO BED and SLEPT ALL NIGHT before he even made a comment about any of it. And after making a brief statement in the Rose Garden-he LEFT Washington DC for a fundraiser rather than going to an INTEL briefing meeting he'd skipped in order to make the Rose Garden statement.
You can say anything you want. You can believe anything you want. But the American people are watching this Pres and his administration closely and they are VERY unhappy with what they are seeing.
You don't know that Romney stayed up watching the crises! And you don't know the Pres went to sleep. In fact I heard he was up all night and didn't need the briefing.
Bottom line the Pres knew and Romney didn't. Romney played a political card. The Pres had our people best intersts in mond.
Romney screwed up. And the American religious right is wrapped up in this. That story has yet to take hold. But it should. And hopefully it will damage that extremist American Taliban group.
You do know you are using the word partisan backwards from it's definition, right? To be partisan is to be for something particular.
What are you? The fuckin word police?
Betsy Ross is a republican partisan. Understand that? She is clearly excercizing her republican partsianship by by attacking Pres Obama.
that makes her also anti Obama! Clear?
Now don't make me explain these simple things to you again. Next time ask mommy 1st.
Dictionary boy!
well that certainly was a mouthful. You know me, I don't want to hear anything about any politician or party, for or against. It's more recognition than they deserve.
I was just saying hello. :D
I won't pretend there is no election in 53 days. I can respect your right to not want to hear. But I must call things as I see it because I know 1 Party can be dragged back from the right and made to serve the 99%.
I support working outside the system. But will not surrender to the right wing wackos without a fight!
replace pro 1% conservative with pro 99% progressives, & protest for the change that will benefit the 99%.