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Forum Post: All Media is Right Wing

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 12:10 a.m. EST by MayFrock (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

By virtue of the fact that all media is owned by multi-billion dollar multinational commercial enterprise, all media is right wing. 90% of the 6 largest media outlets are owned by notorious right-wing corporations including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox. MSNBC is right wing all day long. Andrea Mitchell is a far rightwinger who is married to Alan Greenspan. David Gregory of Meet the Press is a far rightwinger who is married to the CEO of Fannie Mae. Despite these facts, our country is still progressive and voting for change, IMAGINE that.



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[-] 2 points by anon123 (23) 12 years ago

wrong...all MSM is corporate... right and left. you are making a huge mistake of you think the media in this country is right. They are different sides of the same coin.

OWS needs to stand outside of the left and right stand on your own two feet to make this happen.

some of you want to stand for Obama and some of you want to stand for the Repubs.....

you will lose America the power of your voice is anti political USE IT.

at election time you can vote for whoever you want. At the moment this is about solving problems not politics

[-] 1 points by formul8 (16) from Ixelles, Brussels 12 years ago

i believe the change the movement hopes for will only occur with the creation and voting-in of a new political party, with the right appropriate moral agenda, who govern for the collective (and in my mind this is not just people, but all of nature as we know it) without conflict of interest (i.e. as today, with business). I also cannot see how real can take effect without a global movement i.e. in this case, political representation in all countries in the world.

[-] 1 points by spinucci (6) 12 years ago

Please help me spread the "Voices from Occupy Wall Street" video. While exposing police brutality is indeed important. It is also important to show the world the faces of reasonable, articulate and intelligent people. The real messages of the movement are not getting out. They are captured in this video. Won't you help me share and spread this video? I'll see you Saturday.


[-] 1 points by trose23 (3) 12 years ago

everything is right wing when is comes to the government and wall street!! if wall street is all about bankers and big wigg corp. we need to start talking about boycotting what is all involved with the fed, government and wall street..we need to start looking to alternative goods, and everything along that line--small business all of that sort..is we are purchasing these wall street influenced goods and they are taking out tax money as well..driving health care and education up..we are only fueling their means of a good life by..purchesing main stream--go to alternatives!! spread the word..the way the economy is now..wall street and the big wiggs cant afford the people not buying their goods!! Which is poisoning us anyway or brain washing us! look what the government allows into our food! fast food common!! processed foods!! our water! Arsenic in Apple Juice http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/dr-oz-investigates-arsenic-apple-juice--go there

[-] 1 points by formul8 (16) from Ixelles, Brussels 12 years ago

disagree, but I understand your position I think. The media is already increasingly being created by the people for the people i.e. personal video, vlog etc upoloads to youtube etc. Personally I am not concerned about a biased media anymore

[-] 1 points by ReyMostaza (11) from Decatur, GA 12 years ago

Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the MSM, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. (Apologies to George Orwell.)


[-] 1 points by sdkeller72 (26) 12 years ago

Right wing / left wing is a myth that exists only in the minds of the voters, all media is pro-corporate first and foremost. They choose to slant to one side of the myth solely for ratings, but they stand in lockstep when it comes to defending the multinational banks and corporations. All of the mainstream media today is nothing more than a propagandist front for a much larger criminal organization. It's nothing more than a show to keep the majority blinded and misinformed about what's going on in the world around them.

[-] 1 points by shinyheart (27) 12 years ago

Agreed. There's no one in the media calling for an immediate end to the bullshit wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite that they have no clear objectives, have cost trillions of dollars, and we're in a depression. Virtually no one called the Tea Party out on this during the whole deficit reduction debacle.

Freedom of the press my ass, they're either corporate shills or idiots, probably both.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

yes, this is true.