Forum Post: ALEC Protests, First Reports
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 8, 2013, 4:14 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 8, 2013, 4:14 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is amazing how MSM suppresses this stuff. Thanks, shooz.
Not a word in the Chicago Tribune.
Sometimes it's like the Koch's bought it anyway...........................:)
So I find news, where I can.
Without a free press, we are not
"Without a free press, we are not really..... free"
I agree whole-heartedly. It is only by knowing the truth can we become better
TPTB knew this too, and that is why for the first time in our history our MSM is over-whelming controlled by the corrupt elite
It is up to the people to take back their government, their economy and their lives, quite frankly.
"It is up to the people to take back their government......."
What do you believe is the best way to do that? Prioritize please, thanks
Educate and empower people so they know 1. that change is needed and 2. that they can effectuate the change on their own.
In compliment to that comment. I am reading a trilogy of sci-fi about 4,000 pages. I just came across these comments in the story:
You mean the argument against divine intervention is forever unbreakable?
Yep, free will means we have to make our own choices. Without that life is meaningless; we'd be insects grubbing along the way our instincts tell us. Sentience has to count for something.
What will we end up doing with our sentience?
We are feeling people, that is why it is people who must overcome an economic system that works like a machine placing profit over our needs. Only sentient people can see those wrongs and make the necessary changes.
It does come back to mental health - sane and insane - the insane are the greedy - the sane need to develop some backbone.
they have numbers in their favor
Well, they don't tell you much about these things either, yet there they are.
That's a great link, shooz. So much good info there.
Shooz's article says it all in the first paragraph, the media is more concerned about making money. The press is "free" to say anything they want, but publishing the news isn't "free" in the economic sense.
It seems to be a case of reaching out to the public for support but then letting the ignorant masses dumb down the news instead of loosing money by taking the risk to educate them.
I think, in summary, what we have is a media run by corporations much like the government which includes the education system, the military, the healthcare system, etc. Corporations rule in America and profit is all that matters.
That's likely how it's going to remain as long as the population in general stays ignorant and prefers entertainment to knowledge.
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams
This is why education is the most important thing to do. People need to have knowledge in order to see that change is needed.
entertainment is leisure
They love showing you the "slum porn", but the truth is,
It was planned a long time ago.
The saddest part?
No one cares what happens to Detroit.
They won't care until it happens to their city, or town.
Six companies run the media, just like six banks run the money.
These companies are running the government too.
profit moves the goal outside the human need
It doesn't have to be that way. Profits can be secondary to human need.
We can have a different economic system with different priorities than the one we have right now.
The conclusion.
"What to make of this:
If the media were "liberal," it would serve the public interest and shine a light on issues like the ones above.
More people would also have a better understanding of global warming, peak oil, population growth, political lobbying, government's role in a functioning economy, how much we spend on the military, and countless other issues.
What you’re more likely to see in the media, however, are stories designed to get you to buy their paper, or watch their show, or listen to their radio station. If it bleeds, it leads. This is why the media is concerned with scandal, celebrities, gossip, and fear.
If anything, our news consists of paid advertisements and outlets too scared of offending anyone to publish much of substance. Investigative journalism is also expensive; entertainment is cheap.
The way this corporate media behaves may not be surprising. I apologize if you feel any of this is beating you over the head.
This Buzzfeed-style list wasn't intended to introduce this idea as new ( others have done a much better job), but rather to highlight the sheer absurdity of a "liberal media" for an audience who may not see it.
One way to approach the topic is to simply ask: If we have a "liberal media," where are the liberal stories? "
The article actually did a disservice by NOT asking............
Why so many conservative stories?
I don't feel you're beating me over the head at all. I think we're pretty much in agreement. The media as an institution is a business and as such is concerned more with profit then ideology. This leads to all the ills mentioned by you and pointed out in the link. I don't think there is much question that the majority of reporters lean to the left. That's a long way from having a liberal media however.
I find it to be very fascist.
The media companies you mean? I suppose every corporation is run on principles that are close to fascism. It would seem to be the nature of the corporate beast.
I was just providing clarification from the article itself.
It never answered the question I asked, at the end.
Reporters answer to editors, who answer to CEOs, and editors, edit to the desires of those CEOs.
I find the message of the MSM to be overwhelmingly conse(R)vative, with few exceptions.
without free money
There is a reason that the Tribune ran into trouble a long time ago. They became an irrelevant news source. Outsourcing journalism
Kinda like puppets writing the news...............................:(
That is exactly what it is. But, equally importantly, it is the complete destruction of a career.
To control the message, they have to control the messenger.
Silly Americans want to write about what they see, and that's bad for the message..
Yep. Regulars at the local rag are good at ferreting out information obtained by someone that is not local. This is part of the reason that I think the Koch heads that decide to purchase any newspaper are not going to fare well. I also think that if more attention was spotlighted on this issue that those remaining newspapers might pull their heads out of their asses.
It's not unlike the puppets here.
Always driving the message away from the importance of actual local issues, while swearing fealty to community.
Yep. After awhile though, you can see right through them.
Did you notice the "don't vote" crowd is spreading it's wings early?
It's no wonder they don't post stuff like this.........they are in agreement.
I'm terrible at popularity games
Is that why you don't run for office?
ever see
Conan can't stop
the man is an ass
Hey......It's a job.................................:)
I'm not much of a fan though.
he tweets funny
handles some news
Like that one? Yep.
'Zactly, if not the purpose of the thread itself.
I suppose I'll be a bad boy and post this on Snyder.
After all, to the truly paranoid, pointing out the reality of (R)epelican'ts is an act of partisanship.
He just wanted to be a dick. I was just helping him.
I found this wonderfully non-political site the other day.
I think you'll like it, but I will never be given credit for posting it.
I'll post it deep in this thread.
Oooh, give me a bit to go through that.
How come my detractors NEVER notice that I post lots of stuff like this?
Blinded by the light?
I sometimes think they are pro-confederate.
They sure do ignore these kinds of things in the States.
Notice how they are beginning to change their tune?
How long have I been vilified for posting about ALEC?
How many bot and puppet attacks?
Notice how they are beginning to change their tune? How long have I been vilified for posting about ALEC? How many bot and puppet attacks? Innumerable
And I think we should go for root. ALEC is promoting unconstitutional things. They are promoting thongs that are violating all peoples rights. They actually promote a Article V on that premise.
That petition about preparatory amendment will use their inability to even comment on the most important rights we have, will justify legal action against them. Shut them down.
It sounds more like snake oil, every time you mention it.
It'll even cure your asthma.
So you don't think free speech should be unabridged?
I don't think it's the cure for everything.
I think FLAKESnews NEEDS to have at least certain aspects of it's apparent "free speech" heavily abridged.
It still stands, that...........
Lies are not dissent.
They are merely lies
Free speech is the cute for anything we can talk about in an expanding discussion, and the more important it is, naturally, the bigger the discussion will be.
Describe how to stop the "free speech" of FLAKESnews' various and sundry, manufactured truths?
You cannot stop lies from being told without ruining others rights as well.
We need to focus on the education level of those listening. If everyone in this country realized what was going on, the media would be useless.
As the country is waking up, standard media on the TV is declining, and internet sites are getting more popular.
We need to help that trend progress.
There was no connection for me to miss.
I repeat, for your edification.
"You cannot stop lies, while at the same time condoning them."
This is not about a forum, it's about your statement.
Replying here to; "I'm sorry that you don't see the connection......"
That was a well-worded thoughtful reply
You cannot stop lies, while at the same time condoning them.
My personal attempts to bring focus to education, here on the forum resulted in my being called all kinds of names, there were NO attempts from alleged occupiers to defend the unions of public education, nor condemn those that have been systematically dismantling that education system.
I have also been heavily condemned for posting links to the "news" you are calling for here.
Even to the petulant point of folks saying they won't follow a single one my links, even those generated by the Occupy network itself. so they stick their fingers in their ears and act like petulant children saying la la la la la ...I can't hear you.
FEAR I call it.
This is what happens when no one knows each other and has never met.
Its the exact opposite of community. Faceless interaction with no ability to put any emotion into any discussion. In a way, its kind of where our entire society is heading.
Generally those you speak of are 90% shills attacking the site and the users ( legitimate ) of the site. So I would call it SHILLING for the corp(se)oRATions.
Replying here.
This is what happens when no one knows each other and has never met.
Its the exact opposite of community. Faceless interaction with no ability to put any emotion into any discussion. In a way, its kind of where our entire society is heading. "
This is a prime example of what I mean.
It has NOTHING to do with what I said.
It doesn't even address the original issue, which was put forth by the art5 guy, nor my response to him.
Perhaps you didn't hear me?
I'm sorry you dont see the connection.
The connection is that you say no one even looks at your links.
The reason is there is a preconcieved opinion of you that makes whatever you say irrelevant in that persons mind.
Its how forums operate over time. It becomes less about the ideas and more about the person who is posting it. On all sides.
Education is the key to stopping the lies. We agree on that. But you then went off about your own personal experience on posting on that topic" "My personal attempts...." Would you rather I ignored that part?
I know and I do try, but there is also reality to deal with.
People do study this stuff.
So you see?
Votes matter, even here.
It's as I told an ass called trashy, a long, long time ago.
Bots and puppets are EXTREMELY damaging to the integrity of the forum.
They are dishonest, on a very deep moral level.
down with the Confederacy and it's “badge of slavery”
I read this last night.
Followed the links to the article in the nation. Nice little write up
Hopefully, all of this will expose ALEC, for what it really is.
Although I doubt my detractors will let up on calling me a partisan for exposing it.
We must not be lulled into ignoring the SPN, which is in a way their backup network for continuing to legislate libe(R)tarianism.
Ya, I think it would be a huge mistake to ignore the SPN. In fact, they might think they are winning with the focus over there.
And from 4 hours ago. Numbers are increasing as the days go by.
that's one creepy frog!
Notice that the SPN is mentioned here.
The next horizon for the SPN is an attempt to undermine government through a large-scale opposition research program posing as objective journalism.
And already providing 10%..
Nice, eh?
Use phony journalism to "undermine government".
The 10%, is calculated for the State based "news websites" only and doesn't include the already strong influence of FLAKESnews and it affiliates. Not to mention all those AM talk shows.
Good Stuff!!
Union YES!