Forum Post: Abolitionists, Trade Unionists, Women's Suffrage, Labor Movements, Civil Rights, Anti Nuclear Weapons, and new OWS.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 2:04 p.m. EST by abmebratu
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The struggle for dignity, justice, and freedom continues. I pledge solidarity to Occupy movements worldwide.
It is all about unity. But lets understand that the unity were all looking for is actually called an "awakening" who are you in your Spiritual beliefs? Are you a human being having a spiritual experience? or a Spiritual Being having a human experience?
That's the unity that the world needs to fix this problem. When we have that self-realization of conscious awareness our thoughts change and we look at life differently.
I was union for 20 years and still would be if it wasn't for the car wreck I was in. Union people put up a good fight because they're fighting with there Being, who they really are. Got to love them all for that.
Check me out at
It started wrong, with the abolitionists.
Why the government interfered in my right of having slaves in captivity?
This is damn government regulation!
PEOPLE make up the government. I think the abolition of slavery shows evidence of growth and improvement in our society.
I'm sad that you see it as something negative.
I'm sure if you were Black, you would feel differently.
lol. you know what??...This would be something you would hear on FOX news
I'm serious. I'm a libertarian, I hate government regulation!
I will vote for Dr. Paul in 2012.
I like Ron Lawl too. But you know even though we have government regulation in the country many things are still backwards. For example in this country we have free market conditions for me and you, however, for thr rich corporations we have socialism in the form of bailouts and subsidies.
Where is my freedom when I can no longer hold slaves in captivity?
During thousands of years in the human history, people had the right to hold slaves. Since Ancient Egypt. Until 300 years ago, the right to hold slaves in captivity was recognized in the whole world. Then, the fuckin commies started the abolitionist movements, and the government started to interfere in our natural and millennial right to hold slaves.
I won't say we're all the slaves now, but the government has allowed Wall St. to regulate us into sharecroppers.
How do you feel about THAT regulation? Is it working out for you?
sound like a real FOX news anchor now
That's why the Confederates were right when fighting against that absurd government regulation.