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Forum Post: Abolition of all right of inheritance! - Karl Marx -

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 4:28 p.m. EST by revolutionary (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

First of all it's my own view and i am not involving with the movement either directly or indirectly. I believe the forum is the space where someone can explore their own view. I don't mind someone who is a millionaire but I do mind someone is rich because his father or mother were rich. I don't mind the power is in a few hand cos someone need to control and someone need to be controlled but I do mind if the power is shared within a certain group. The inheritance is a core problem of any society: that diminish individual value, that encourage to adopt old system, that oppress new social value, that oppose social mobility. No one have a right to obtain someone's property accept a theft. Instead of allowing inheritance the 'clean government' can use the wealth to increase social mobility among their citizen. I do not want to see the accumulation of wealth among their family. I do not want to see the power is controlled by few hands of education institutions graduates. If the society cannot provide the equal opportunity to the child the society has no future cos the child will accept the unequal society as a norm. I am not trying to breakdown the 'family'. My parents are my parents not because they can leave me their property but because they love me as who I am.
Inheritance is a bridle that has been obstructing human evolution. Without the abolition of inheritance we cannot go further than past and present. In other word, the society for 1 % will remain as history and as future.

The title should have changed to "Abolition of inheritance with our own hand". I did not mean to introduce new 'Law' to force to give up their right of inheritance. I just could not see any 'right' to claim my parents wealth even under their permission through their will. If someone would give up the parents wealth for himself and better society, it is encouraged to do so. Because someone need to break the cycle first. That was all I was suggesting.



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[-] 3 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

Why do you hate the family farm? Marx is not gospel. I disagree entirely. If I die, I do not want my family destitute... Nor do I want them kicked out of the house I own.

No. This is cruelty.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

First of all, I am not a Marxist or communist. I don't hate anyone but I do hate a system that threat stable family. If the system provide equal opportunity to our children till they finish education why should I worry about my child life after my death?

[-] 2 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

Because you LOVE your child, that why! It is not wrong to leave something to your children. --Further I will raise my children, not the state. If this is your all encompassing vision for govt, then I will take up arms and revolt. I will not allow you to take anything from my children. NO govt should have this power.

Start thinking like a human being and not like totalitarian Skeletor. Geeze dude, you are sounding scary weird.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

First of all, I have to admit that I never been in a position as a parent. I am not saying that it is wrong thing to leave something to your children but it is wrong thing that you take someone's because you have a blood relationship. If I have a choice between my property and equal opportunity to leave for my child, I would chose the second.

[-] 1 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

If you trust any govt to enforce equal opportunity then you are a fool. Russia couldn't do it. China couldn't do it. Cuba couldn't do it. --In every case the powers that be came in with the same promises as you, and they simply replaced the 1% with themselves. The rich were all the ruling party members.

Communism fails because it depends on its leaders to be all-knowing saints. Temptation reaches towards all men.

If you learn nothing else, learn this: THERE WILL NEVER BE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY.

Leaving a farm or a house to your family is NORMAL. Take that away and I will act to overthrow your govt. Leave families and inheritance alone.

If you target the rich, that one thing. target the working family or the farmer at your peril.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

I do agree with your opinion but i don't agree with your statement THERE WILL NEVER BE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. I do agree that we didn't have but it does not mean we won't have. The equal opportunity does not mean equality among the people. It means that we should provide equal start to everyone. I am not targeting any classes in society. If the abolition only apply to the rich, it's problematic. It has to apply to the people in general in order to provide the basic. I am a capitalist myself who believes my own right to do with my own property and I have no intention to give up the right. But in a same time I am an individual who can use his own labor in order to support myself and I do not think that I have a 'right' to use my parents wealth even when they left me the 'right'.

[-] 1 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

I'm saying this: You will not take away my right to leave something to my family. That is not an option. My wife and family will not be kicked out of our house by govt decree. Try to make this a law, and there will be a backlash. --From your own words, If its not targeted against the rich only them you will need to tolerate inheritance for all. Take away inheritance for all there will be no tolerance for you.

The lesson of the Arab Spring was learned again in Libya. The people will not tolerate abuses by their leaders. Taking away inheritance from working families will NOT be tolerated.


[-] 1 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

Bottom line: Abolishing inheritance for all is tyranny. Its a monstrous abuse of govt power. A man works to provide for a family and when he dies the govt takes everything and redistributes it? A wife with an infant and two young children cast out of her home and told to get a job, she didn't earn the home she lived in.

This concept is a mark of a dictatorship, not a free society. A man should be free to leave whatever he wants to his wife and children. KEEP YOUR GRUBBY PAWS OFF MY FREEDOM.

[-] 1 points by DamagedLiberty (20) from Elmwood Park, NJ 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 12 years ago

Karl Marx? Try Thomas Jefferson & Adam Smith:

Jefferson: "A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural."

Smith said: "There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death."

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Please no communism.

[-] 1 points by DamagedLiberty (20) from Elmwood Park, NJ 12 years ago

Ain't gonna agree on this one...At all. I am spending a lot of time and effort to offer my kids a better life! Whatever I own and build will go to my kids

[-] 1 points by unlabeled (112) 12 years ago

I agree with the op. Inheritance gives an unfair advantage to children born into rich families. This causes the gap between the rich and poor to widen. It is just one of the many problems caused by our current economic system. We need a new system that guarantees an even starting position for all children regardless of their family's economic situation. We need a new system that would take the pressure off of the parents to succeed financially for their children's sake and remove the guilt from parents that didn't succeed because of disability, THEIR parent's financial situation, or whatever reason you can find.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

there could be a limit on how much could be inherited

say no more than $1,000,000

the problem with inheritance tax is the donor can simple most of their estate to their children before they die

[-] 1 points by capitalist (15) 12 years ago

"I don't mind someone who is a millionaire but I do mind someone is rich because his father or mother were rich. I don't mind the power is in a few hand cos someone need to control and someone need to be controlled but I do mind if the power is shared within a certain group."

so you are saying, that if my father earned millions in legitimate work I shouldn't have it. But if those funds are reditributed by the state it is ok with you. But then in the next statement you make the opposite conclusion about power ( he should keep it, not share in a certain group).

and so long as we are abolishing inheritance advantage, we should burn all books. After all, anyone who reads them has the advantage of those who came before and that is unfair for those who didn't read the books. So make everyone start again every so many years.fuck it, outlaw teaching.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

I am against the unfair distribution of power that has been in a hand of elites and their circle. Abolishing inheritance does not mean abolishing past or knowledge that human being have achieved through history.

[-] 1 points by capitalist (15) 12 years ago

money that isn't I'll gotten was earned through the application of one's mind. If someone's idea was good enough to earn them enough for several generations, why should their progeny not be entitled to it? that is not unfair. if you consider that unfair and wish to confiscate the earned product of their mind, then to truly level the playing field you need to eliminate all previously discovered knowledge. to be clear: I'm not in favor of caretaker executives, or people in management because they came from the right families. that's bullshit and exactly what the American revolution was about. those with money will always be the power. it's axiomatic. what makes (made) America unique was the ability of anyone with a good idea and perseverance. to rise into the elite.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

The automatic 'right' that I receive through 'inheritance' is another thing. It may give me the legal 'right' to use the wealth but that does not mean I fully accept the 'right'. Am I entitle to accept his wealth? and my answer is 'no'. My father is son of my grandfather and one day I will be someone's father. I personally prefer to give better society to my son than million dollars.

[-] 1 points by AnneRidley (73) from New York, NY 12 years ago

If I make a lot of money through hard work (which is the only way I ever will make it, unless I win the lottery), I reserve my right to do any damn thing I want with it. That includes giving it to my family, putting it in a trust, giving it to charities, etc. Why should I give it to politicians to dispense? What do you think qualifies them as worthy custodians of the money I worked to make and save?

People like you are the #1 reason I can't get behind this movement...and technically, I am one of the 99% OWS claims to represent.

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

I totally agree with you that we have all right to do with own property. And I do not think the government is able to do so. The institution who is manage the inheritance can be generated as a third party apart from government. My view is a radical that may against your opinion. But one thing i have to clear is my view is nothing to do with the movement. I am not even living in US. I am explore my view as a citizen of the world and not behalf of any.

[-] 1 points by AnneRidley (73) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Fair enough...but how do you establish a third party institution that operates efficiently and with integrity? And how do you decide who gets the money? If the people should have some say (and I would think they should, if their money is being appropriated in this way), how do you ensure that the organization remains distinct from government?

[-] 1 points by revolutionary (9) 12 years ago

Free education, Free transport, Free health care, Free child care etc. The target is the children of society. How do we define the child is depending on the society. Those policy they can contribute to equalize the opportunity. It is independent institution and it has to be open institution. As an institution there is always the chance to be corrupted. There is no way to eliminate it but decrease the chance may possible.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

Poor Paris Hilton.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

yeah. i think if i made enough money to give my son a good life and the gov came and took it, well lets just say my msg would be unmistakable.

[-] 0 points by figero (661) 12 years ago

So this is a Communist movement hmmm - I thought so .