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Forum Post: A wonderful #OccupyPatriarchy lesson! Please share! :D

Posted 11 years ago on May 17, 2012, 1:50 p.m. EST by iamthegadfly (0)
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Helloes! The Women's GA is happening today in NY, and I WISH WISH WISH i could be there, but i'm on the ground in FL -holdin' it down.~

I need you wimmins & men. I really really need you. The patriarchy is EVERYWHERE.

Would you please re-post my video so i can spread a message, which i believe will both comfort and ease and validate the psychological pain of my oppressed & misunderstood sisters when they see it? And also generate conversation for them to build and grow and free themselves through?

It has been hilariously entertaining and beautiful to watch people jump to the defense of these men who are clearly being overtaken by my very strong will. I have been called a "pig" a "swine" and a million other amazingly horrible insulting names and strings of words, just for making this video.

Please share it anywhere you can and help it get as many "likes" and "shares" as possible.

If I can spread this personal message, it will make millions of other women feel like they can speak their mind too-I hope! [♥] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1IeBy9CMEY



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