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Forum Post: A Unified Solution?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 11:59 p.m. EST by emmmmma (0) from Gainesville, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So we all agree what the problems are with our current economic system. But what WOULD actually work? What do we want to see happen?



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[-] 2 points by fawkesian (17) 12 years ago

What about a single law mandating that no one at a company could make more than 100x their lowest paid employee? Any excess profit would either have to be reinvested in the company (new jobs, equipment, etc.) or returned to shareholders. If a CEO gets 100 stock options, then all employees at the company must also get at least 1 share each. Any income that exceeds the 100-to-1 ratio is taxed at 100%.

Obviously, this is still pretty extreme to allow a CEO to make 100 times their lowest paid employee, but at a time when a single hedge fund manager can be paid more than $5 BILLION in one year (almost 1 million times an annual minimum wage job!), moving this back to 100-to-1 would be a major course correction. Is one person really worth 1 million other people?!!?

If minimum wage is ~$10,000/yr. a 100-to-1 ratio allows a CEO to be paid $1 million per year. If a CEO wants to be paid $10 million, then they better be able to improve the company to a point where the lowest paid employee gets $100,000 per year. Otherwise, tough luck CEO. Want $100 million for the CEO? Can you pay everyone at the company $1 million?!! I thought not.

Reasons this could work are as follows: 1) Simplicity: 100-to-1 is even easy to chant 2) Immune to the "big government" charge, since companies have the choice to reward their workers/shareholders directly rather than let excessive income go to the government. 3) Would not hurt small business (do not make more than 100x their employees).

[-] 2 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 12 years ago

Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals http://occupywallst.org/forum/first-official-release-from-occupy-wall-street/

this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked http://occupywallst.org/forum/an-open-letter-and-warning-from-a-former-tea-party/

this list of useful PDF files http://occupywallst.org/forum/demonstration-materials/

and this Declaration of Economic Rights for a clear concise list of ideas http://occupywallst.org/forum/a-declaration-of-economic-rights/

[-] 1 points by aaa (18) 12 years ago

start with a boycott site.we know when a large corp. is doing something wrong and the gov. is allowing them to the sec warned people about problems and regulaters turned their back to it.so we should take it to the people to start a boycott.pick a company such as one who denied claims during a disaster for bogus reasons shut them down others will start to get the message. second start a vote out every incument none of them are interested in standing up to the money interest who buy all the positions in gov.

[-] 1 points by aaa (18) 12 years ago

start with a boycott site.we know when a large corp. is doing something wrong and the gov. is allowing them to the sec warned people about problems and regulaters turned their back to it.so we should take it to the people to start a boycott.pick a company such as one who denied claims during a disaster for bogus reasons shut them down others will start to get the message. second start a vote out every incument none of them are interested in standing up to the money interest who buy all the positions in gov.

[-] 1 points by aaa (18) 12 years ago

start with a boycott site.we know when a large corp. is doing something wrong and the gov. is allowing them to the sec warned people about problems and regulaters turned their back to it.so we should take it to the people to start a boycott.pick a company such as one who denied claims during a disaster for bogus reasons shut them down others will start to get the message. second start a vote out every incument none of them are interested in standing up to the money interest who buy all the positions in gov.

[-] 1 points by aaa (18) 12 years ago

start with a boycott site.we know when a large corp. is doing something wrong and the gov. is allowing them to the sec warned people about problems and regulaters turned their back to it.so we should take it to the people to start a boycott.pick a company such as one who denied claims during a disaster for bogus reasons shut them down others will start to get the message. second start a vote out every incument none of them are interested in standing up to the money interest who buy all the positions in gov.

[-] 1 points by nobody1231234 (5) 12 years ago

Honestly, if we never bailed out companies to begin with, and let them collapse, we'd have been in better shape by now because we'd have already hit rock bottom. However, since we've decide to keep throwing money at the problem, we're not close to rock bottom. At this point, I feel the best solution is to pay off the national debt as fast as possible (and that means numerous, very uncomfortable cuts). Will it hurt now? Hell yes. But in ten years, we'd be in far better shape for it.

[-] 1 points by RG32 (81) 12 years ago

The problem isn't capitalism. We don't have capitalism. We have a fascist, crony capitalist system for the rich and then we throw in socialist programs for the poor so that they keep their mouths shut about the fascists in power. Then we call it free market capitalism and democracy.

[-] 1 points by usapsyops (14) 12 years ago

This! Please do not be suckered into socialism

[-] 0 points by forumwarrior (53) 12 years ago

you people can do anything you want, i dont understand why your all just basically begging the govt to accept your demands

your army is here but like the tea party your not using it because one time in the 60s you saw people accomplish something peacfully guess what, ghandi got the english out of india because jews had completely infiltrated the british govt

that peaceful revolution in america? it was an excuse by the jews to get the entire nation doped up to accept the wholesale rape of their future