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Forum Post: A Spending Proposal

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 1:12 a.m. EST by nobody1231234 (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Since we're spending ourselves to bankruptcy, here's what I think should be cut/changed:

1.) Military - we should be spending no more than any other country for this 2.) Homeland Security - A department that should be abolished. at best, they provide a false sense of security...at most they'll take away our basic human rights 3.) Merge the Dept. of Agriculture with the FDA and perhaps the Dept. of Interior - they do similar things 4.) Merge the CIA and FBI - same thing 5.) Remove other redundant programs/departments - there are plenty, many most of us don't know about, I'm sure... 6.) Cut the Department of Education - this one would hurt on the surface, until you realize through the separation of powers that states are supposed to set the policy in regards to education. The research this department provides could be provided from other departments, and usually is...



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[-] 1 points by Blackfish (1) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Inane ideas, mostly. 1) Do you know how much we "should" be spending? What is the right amount? No more than China, Russia? If they up their budget do we match it? Do we ask for their full budget reports so we can match it accurately? Is it enough to be equal or honestly would you want a military that is maybe just a little bit stronger than anyone else? 2) Again, do you actually know what Homeland Security does, specifically? Do you think it is just body scans at airports? Our rights were taken away by the Patriot Act and other such nonsense, not the Dept. itself. 3) What similar things? They are very different departments with different responsibilities. What do international wheat prices (dept of agriculture) have to do with drug safety and testing (the FDA's responsibility) or Indian affairs (Dept of Interior) with flood preparedness (dept of agriculture)? 4) Same point as #3 There is some crossover, but they have wholly different responsibilities. 5) Such as? 6) Good luck.

[-] 1 points by Kooch (77) 12 years ago

pretty much....more or less.... :)

[-] 1 points by RG32 (81) 12 years ago

Wow, I am a huge critic of the current outrageous military budget, but we could cut huge amounts and still be #1. I don't think we should totally dismantle it, we should just never use it unless we are attacked or war is unavoidable. All the other proposals look good to me.