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Forum Post: A rational list of demands.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 10:41 p.m. EST by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. End the Fed, other central banks, IMF, World Bank, have a monetary system that's not based on fractional reserve banking, throw economic crooks in jail, write off all soverign debts and any fraudulent debts that banks have created, end foriegn occupation and military bases. These demands have existed for years now, most of you should be familiar with them already.

  2. After demand 1 has been fulfilled, we can debate demand 2, 3, 4, etc.



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[-] 1 points by gagablogger (207) 12 years ago

Uh, we should bear in mind that Egyptian protestors didn't have some organized list of demands. They were just all fed up. Same thing here.

[-] 1 points by Thoughtcraft (22) 12 years ago

And although they got rid of Mubarak they still have the military establishment that ran things and controlled the wealth before running things and controlling the wealth. Getting rid of and trying Mubarak was their core demand, which has no analog in this movement. Except for the "End the Fed" contingent, but I for one think that might be a really bad idea. But we do need to figure out which goals have the broadest support, and will find support in the 99% that we claim to fight for. I thought that is a big part of what these forums are about.

I also like pledges in addition to demands, so I have myself taken the following pledge, and urge others to take it to and spread it:

"I pledge to do everything that I can to educate myself in the mechanisms of government, banking, economics and law, and understand the arguments for and against the system being this way or that way.

In particular, I will make an effort to understand views I disagree with, empathize with those whose thinking is alien to me, and understand why they feel the way they do.

I will take care not to underestimate the complexity and gravity of these matters. I will seek to use what I learn for the betterment of this country and its people, and the world as a whole.

I will treat my education in these matters as an ongoing, lifelong process, because I understand that society will not evolve if I as an individual stop evolving."

Edited to be more readable.

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 12 years ago

Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals http://occupywallst.org/forum/first-official-release-from-occupy-wall-street/

and this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked http://occupywallst.org/forum/an-open-letter-and-warning-from-a-former-tea-party/

and this list of usefull PDF files http://occupywallst.org/forum/demonstration-materials/

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 12 years ago

focused message.... "We are idiots and have no idea what we are talking about or how the real world works. Just get us some TV time darn it!"

[-] 1 points by tinann (6) 12 years ago

Your message, "I have no life so I have to go into forums for people who are actually going out and making a difference, and put them down to feel better about how much I contributed to fucking everything up."

[-] 2 points by goeib1 (163) 12 years ago

Oh... sorry.... you are REALLY making a difference! BTW, I was laid off almost a year ago by a large home builder so I guess I truly am to blame for contributing to whatever it is you are all complaining about....

[-] 1 points by Thoughtcraft (22) 12 years ago

goeib, if you have a better idea, come out to a protest and spread it. It's people like you we have in mind by coming out, as it happens I have job and go after work because its all I can do to let these damn banks know that I dont like the fact that they are taking my deposit and using to screw over my neighbors with predatory lending practices, then package the bunk loans and sell them off to grandma for her retirement. I've been discussing this on the internet for years now. Now is the time for people to come out and have a national discussion about what is wrong, why it is wrong, and how to fix it without breaking other important stuff. Hope you read this Goeib.

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 12 years ago

Well, this is my problem with this "demonstration". There is NO logical thinking going on.... just a big mob spouting socialist ideas without any thought of what the consequences are. The banks are NOT the ones that screwed me out of my job! The DEMOCRAT politicians are the ones that forced the banks to loan to people that could not afford those loans. The DEMOCRAT politicians are the ones that looked the other way on Freddie and Frannie while they lied to investors. What in the world do you all have against investors or corporations making money... it is ridiculous. I have NEVER been employed by a poor person! Why should everything you want in life be paid for by the general public? There is not one of your "demands" that cannot be logically debunked if you actually stopped to think about it. You all need to go home and get a life.

[-] 1 points by Thoughtcraft (22) 12 years ago

No one forced the banks to lend money to people who couldn't afford it. What the Dems DID do is pass a law against "red lining" (the practice of refusing to lend to anyone who wants to buy property in a certain area that has been "red lined".

Do you deny that there was massive predatory lending going on, preying on the uneducated and then packaging those bunk loans and selling them to grandma's retirement fund?

About Fannie and Freddie, you are correct that the Dems were largely responsible for the cover-up. PS if you actually went down there, you would see that we aren't all socialists.

[-] 1 points by goeib1 (163) 12 years ago

That law you mention is the start of all the problems.All through or history, up to around Clinton, the "uneducated" (as you call them) would most likely not have been approved for a loan like this. Only when Fannie and Freddie were introduced into the mix with the "implied" backing of the US Treasury, did banks have to start making these loans also to stay in business (read "Reckless Endangerment"). Yes, these mortgages were bundled and sold as investments but I put this mostly back on Democrat over-site (lack of).

Unfortunately, what the general public sees, and what networks like MSNBC portray, is a MOB.... this cannot be denied. Why can't the home page send out a statement denouncing the participation of MoveOn.org and big labor unions?

[-] 1 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 12 years ago

goeib and tiann are using the typical strawman crap, you are trying to suggest I said stuff I never said and then attacking me with it. When did I call you idiots and when in my message did I say you have no lives?

[-] 1 points by tinann (6) 12 years ago

Sorry, should have been more specific....directed towards goeib1...

[-] 1 points by tinann (6) 12 years ago

I wasn't replying to your forum topic Julian...I was replying to what goeib1 wrote.

[-] 1 points by avianlaw (7) 12 years ago

Its a big crowd.... remember the bell curve? It takes time to formulate specific demands that will be effective and satisfy everyone. This event is getting the conversation going on hyperdrive, by communicating a sense of urgency

[-] 1 points by avianlaw (7) 12 years ago

that's actually like 5 or six demands

[-] 1 points by Julian (57) from St Lucia, QLD 12 years ago

I know, but it's like an emergency room operation, you have to deal with the most serious stuff first before you move onto other things that aren't of an immediate concern.