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Forum Post: a practical solution for occupy wall st part- 1

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 9:45 a.m. EST by premji (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

“Twister Distribution” movement (TDM) is a revolutionary simple concept based on “Open source procurement and distribution” of anything useful to Mankind! TDM is envisioned as the World's largest supply chain, largest open procuring and distribution network! It's the World's largest idea / knowledge bank! World's largest insurance Company without premium! It does anything ethical under the Sun! It's the largest collaboration of knowledge society!

TDM is a global movement for open source procurement and distribution of anything, not evil! It is a combined phrase meant to bridge ideas from the open source movement with central ideas from the free software movement, free intellectual movement, free retail movement and any other movement stands to improve human life and dignity. It is envisioned as the single largest sales and distribution network, practicing 'Diminishing Capitalism or ethical capitalism”. Limited intellectual rights that may help to lead a comfortable life for elite people, which will be reduced gradually as TDM progresses. Contents@ www.premji.in



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