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Forum Post: A Parallel Economy

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 10:37 p.m. EST by Insight (9) from Cedar, MI
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Its hard to believe that today's fraudulent banking and speculation driven profiteering system can be reformed - particularly via a complicit political process. However there are bankers in America who are willing to conduct an honest operation. There are also producers who are willing to operate with integrity. Companies exist that want to invest in R&D, development, and production of world leadership products rather than bribing of politicians to get monopolies, no bid contracts, and deregulation while protecting obsolete, exploitive and abusive operating practices with teams of legal smoke screeners. The first step in dis-empowering illegitimate businesses that undermine customers, workers, competitiveness and sustainability is to withdraw revenues from them. OWS has started this step. Identifying legitimate alternatives (like credit unions) is important information to begin the shift away from "what we don't want". Countries that are out-competing American businesses are managing their resources far more effectively. Superior approaches include the formation of "enterprises" where multiple organizations that furnish needed ingredients of a superior commercial product operate collaboratively - sharing development and start up costs and benefiting from the resulting compression of time to market and the revenue generated by the success of new superior market offerings. These commercial product dominance focused "enterprises " or strategic collaborations" include university R&D and government assistance with seed funding unavailable to most American entrepreneurs (the most innovative on the planet). The employees of such enterprises are encouraged to contribute their creative ideas and experience across individual company boundaries knowing that the rising tide of "with" floats all boats higher. What if American organizations willing to operate with the integrity we would want, were brought together around leadership American product technology and product ideas? Recent analysis publicized (probably as a result of the OWS movement) suggest that up to 40% of the cost of American produced goods is work-in- process interest cost. Similarly, speculative trading accounts for a non-value added markup of up to 40% not passed on to inventors, product developers or manufacturers. AAnd then there is the cost of usurous profits Since the cost of labor in volume manufacturing is typically 7- 10% it seems that our competitiveness problem could be of our own doing. Scape-goating labor is a throw-the-dogs-off-the-scent" strategy of those lining their pockets illegitimately. Think that Germany and Japan pay significantly higher energy and raw material costs. They pay significant transportation costs to bring their goods to the US and had little infrastructure to service and support their products in a huge (by comparison) foreign land. And yet they easily took our own customers away on our own turf! Pathetic! The American business and financial management practices that OWS has recognized are very wrong have, I would propose, left the door open for right intended, right minded American organizations to out-compete the nation's illegitimately managed businesses - and foreign competitors as well. For every dollar of revenue captured by new generation American products, over leveraged obsolete skimmed and stripped businesses lose revenue that now reinforce unsustainable American business. These businesses are increasingly removing critical sustaining revenue from American workers, sustainable business approaches, communities and our nation's economic security in general - instead diverting it into the pockets of a few with no loyalty to any other American anything. The cost of bribery, protection, financial over leveraging and stolen revenue ought to rapidly collapse illegitimate and obsolete "cancerous businesses" opening the door ever wider for new generation American enterprise advancement. A strategy where, by doing the thing you know is right, automatically diminishes "what is wrong" is at the very least a "two pointer".
American ingenuity is our last competitive edge for economic security. If we are allowed to compete on the basis of real VALUE rather than speculation and manipulation, the exploitive tactics of Rogue Predatory Billionaires and War marketers, our future will reemerge in a positive way here and around the world.



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[-] 1 points by Insight (9) from Cedar, MI 13 years ago

gnomunny - a PS - the last word in my reply relates to the union busting, de regulation, wage deflation, denigration of government oversight you point out - all of these are to allow the money obsessed to steal - free of impediments - and to recreate a feudal society where the monied rich keep the 99% indentured, dependent and in line while they contribute nothing

[-] 1 points by Insight (9) from Cedar, MI 13 years ago

gnomunny - In 1991-92 a group of senior, forward looking advanced manufacturing representatives from all sectors of the economy forged a strategy for manufacturing leadership at Lehigh University. It recognized that with the march of technology the life cycle of products shortening dramatically, the era of mass production was over. It also recognized that with the emergence of programmable, flexible manufacturing technology, commercial (and thus economic) leadership would go to organizations that: 1) invested in the new flexible systems;2) utilized their intellectual capital (employees) to create new products offering unprecedented features and value delighting customers and surprising competitors; and 3) forming enterprises to leverage both intellectual and invested capital. With flexible manufacturing today's manufacturing investment can be reduced by a factor of 10. Since all manufacturing is harmful to the environment this transition is not only critical to sustainability in the marketplace but huge for the environment. The "Aglie Manufacturing Enterprise" vision and strategy contains clear common sense performance measures that can be used to identify best next generation practices. A point in my original post is that with bankers burdening today's production with numerous (non-value added) costs for borrowing, the stock and swaps markets burdening todays producers with (non - value added) mythically assigned risk and resulting inflated pricing, and with the gross inefficiency of mass production, in a custom products world today's Wall Street money harvesting system combined with CEO's chosen by Wall Street supplied boards unskilled in the arts of product development, manufacturing and sensitivity to emerging customer preferences...... stepping out of the illusion that lines financial player only pockets is manditory. If you focus on providing new value you will make money and support the country - If you focus on making money it becomes easier and easier to just steal it. Real wealth from new market introductions will flow elsewhere and the economy will implode with no substance to replenish what is being stolen. We're there! This is about value once again replacing speculation. For the industrial revolution that got derailed it is about machine serves man rather than man serves machine (and the financial thieves at the top of hierarchies arranged not for organizational excellence but for control)

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Now the big question. How would you go about recognizing these 'legitimate businesses' and convincing them to 'do the right thing,' especially since the cards seem to be stacked against them. Many believe the destruction of our manufacturing base was a deliberate act having less to do with merely increasing profits and more to do with things like union-busting, wage deflation, etc.

[-] 1 points by Insight (9) from Cedar, MI 13 years ago

rooster8 - I'm afraid the federal government in this case is just the financial industry financing their play with their people holding government positions accessing our earnings after creating a staged crisis. The ploy would not hold water if all banks didn't get the bail out. But we know the "too big to fails" got plenty others didn't even know. about before the manufactured crisis strategy was launched. The point I am trying to get on the radar screen is that the current financial system is an illusion that doesn't serve the real world of value and wealth creation well - or at all. If your hands and feet and nose are in the cookie jar you are not steering your vehicle satisfactorily!

[-] 1 points by Insight (9) from Cedar, MI 13 years ago

dreamingforward - I'm unable to access pangaia (message - You have attempted to access a URL that either never existed or is no longer active.)

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

love this, all of it.. very good Insight. IMHO, If the first prong is get money out of politics... this absolutely needs to be funded and supported as the second prong. In this case two prongs DO make a right. (heh.. )

[-] 1 points by Rooster8 (49) 13 years ago

I like the way you think. You make a lot of good points. I agree that there are both good and bad banks. Ive been asking this:

"Why did the federal government force all banks to take the bailouts, when many banks did not want it or need it?"

I think it was to disguise which banks were getting favors and needed bailouts.

[-] 1 points by dreamingforward (394) from Gothenburg, NE 13 years ago

RE: parallel economy. See pangaia.sf.net.