Forum Post: A New Low - Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 8, 2012, 10:19 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead in parking lot as she tries to escape with two young children Shelly Frey was shot dead attempting to drive away from off-duty sheriff deputy Louis Campbell, who was working security for wal-mart, and suspected Frey of shoplifting He fired when Frey and her two alleged accomplices accelerated when he opened the car door There were two small children in the car at the time of the shooting
A 27-year-old mother of two has been fatally shot by an off-duty sheriff's deputy after he suspected her of shoplifting at a Houston Walmart.
Harris County Sheriff's deputies have said that victim Shelly Frey, Tisa Andrews and Yolanda Craig were stealing when they were confronted by Louis Campbell a 26-year veteran of the force who works as a security guard at the store.
According to Campbell the women ran to their car and when he rushed to open the door, they accelerated away - at which point he fired the deadly shot into the car which hit Frey in the neck.
After chasing Frey and the other two women to their car, Campbell opened the door and commanded them to stop, but the car was placed in drive and moved forward.
Harris County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Deputy Thomas Gilliland said, 'He confronted the suspects at exit of the store before they left. One female wouldn't stop, struck the deputy with her purse, ran off.'
'I think it knocked him off balance and, in fear of his life and being ran over, he discharged his weapon at that point.'
Inside the car as it was speeding away were two small children - investigators have said that they were not Frey's children.
Gilliland said it was clear that the deputy was law enforcement. 'He was clearly marked in uniform as a Harris County deputy. And identified himself as the suspects were leaving the establishment,' said Gilliland to KHOU.Com
Despite the shooting, the women fled but eventually they stopped at The Worthington at the Beltway apartments in the 1300 block of Greens Parkway. Paramedics from the Houston Fire Department arrived to try and save Frey, but she was pronounced dead at the scene.
'Shelly was the perfect mom, perfect friend, perfect daughter,' said her father, Shelton Frey.
He said that his daughter had moved to Houston after Hurricane Katrina to start a new life, but the amount of work she could do was limited by her two-year-old who has sickle cell anemia.
What happened to getting a license plate # and calling it a day? What is Walmart's policy on hired security and their limitations(even if they are off-duty cops)?
I'm really getting sick of cops murdering people and then people rush to back them up.
"Fear for his life" ??? are you fucking kidding me??
Absolutely sickening.
How about looking for the underlying causes? POVERTY and a CORRUPT SYSTEM
I completly agree It would help if we had a media that was truly free and wasn't a corporate tool.
The truth is out there. And yes I know that's from X-Files.
I suppose life is pretty difficult for a core shroud journalist.
If courts were constitutional, criminal charges would be filed.
If courts were constitutional civil complaints would drain the finances of law enforcement abusing authority in such ways.
If Americans weren't so distracted with partisan politics, they might understand the power they have with Article V. All they need to do is understand constitutional intent. Then, they become the "rightful masters of the congress and the courts' (Lincoln 1859).
I dont want to sound racist
was the mother a descendant of a slave?
was the guard a descendant of a confederate soldier? or a member of a 19th century lynch mob?
was this an event in a "confederate" state?
the solution is obvious - everyone should have a gun
at least that is what wayne & faux noose tells me
You do sound a bit racist though! Please look beyond the hype. Here's how our country gets like this - . Never Give Up Trying To Occupy The Issues & Ideas!
fyi- "wayne" = wayne lapiere
Where was the father of her 2 year old with sickle cell?
As it turns out I believe the father was falsely accused, & arrested of drug offense, got poor representation, unjust harsh sentence, and is serving 10 years for a crime he didn't commit.
Didn't you hear that?
No. Link?
Did you find it? I will keep looking for you.
Hahahahahahahahaha! Woot.
Heh heh. Good one huh?
The children will be better off.
the fuck? Daily Mail?
the fuck?
Exactly! Unfortunate? Yep. She isn't a martyr. Not by a long shot.
Campbell confronted the women in the doorway and ordered them to stop.
They tried to force their way past him.
One of the women, later identified as Frey, hit the deputy and ran.
Campbell followed them into the parking lot, where the shoplifting suspects climbed into a waiting car.
Campbell opened the car door and ordered Frey to get out. But she refused, officials said.
Andrews began to drive away while the deputy was standing between the open door and the driver's seat.
"She threw it in reverse and tried to run over the deputy," said Thomas Gilliland, a Harris County sheriff's spokesman.
Campbell later told investigators he feared for his safety and opened fire.
The car sped away.
the off duty deputy was working as a security guard. Security guards are not police.
Shoplifting is not punishable by death.
"fear for his safety?"
Who are you? You have the security footage to corroborate the story?
Recently in my city, 9 officers beat a man. They said it was self defense. Then security footage came out and just showed 9 cops beating a black guy. The "official story" is often bullshit.
The government also told the people giving 10 billion dollars to Goldman Sachs would save the economy.
The whole fear for his life story just reminds me of Trayvon.
More likely Wal-Mart had him fearing for his job should a shoplifter get away.
Nice job BW.
Did you miss the part where the car moved forward and backward?
And in this case, he was hired as a security guard but didn't HAVE to abide by the same rules as security guards.
Who the fuck are you? This isn't Rodney King. Not even close.
Not even close to Trayvon.
Just look at you go defending the murder of a woman for shop lifting.
Again, cops often lie when they shoot people. They try to look as innocent as possible.
Did he have his gun drawn the entire time or just when he was in fear for his life? Could he have just moved?
You're leaving out important aspects of this story.
Just look at you go you worthless piece of shit.
You are leaving out important aspects of this story. Hell, you failed to read any further than the Daily Mail. It figures.
From your article: Gilliland said it was clear that the deputy was law enforcement. 'He was clearly marked in uniform as a Harris County deputy. And identified himself as the suspects were leaving the establishment,' said Gilliland to KHOU.Com
Okay phony.
Bring it on, bitch.
Okay phony. Use that anger to defend security guards shooting people for shop lifting.
Keep feeding the fire for all the George Zimmerman's of the world.
The only phony here is you, our little right wing trash.
This isn't close to Zimmerman.
You're the person defending gun crimes. And you try to call me right wing?
You used a fucked up source and now you want to scream martyr. That pretty much discredits you. Again, unfortunate-----not a martyr. Yep, right wing. Take an incident, fail to look at any other sources and then stand around and scream. Right wing.
Fucked up source? Both articles share the same story.
The only difference is your article tries to make security guards shooting shoplifters seem like acceptable behavior.
Not liking a corrupt government giving billions to Goldman Sachs does not make me Right Wing.
No matter how many times you and the other party hacks try to accuse me of being a closet republican... doesn't make it true.
The difference is that the article that I used includes other information not noted or spun as in yours.
Again, unfortunate, but not martyr material.
Not akin to a "corrupt government" giving billions to Goldman Sachs. Not even a nice try. You didn't even bother to look for other sources of information-mind blowing shit right there.
While I think that what the cop did was wrong (at least with the info we have now) but some one who is a "perfect mother"etc.. Doesn't shoplift.
What if she shoplifts food to feed her family.?
What if she wasn't?
Well you've said any shoplifter is not a perfect mother, so you statement covers "if she wasn't". Right?
My question is is it ok to shoplift food for your family? The Pope said it isn't a sin to steal food if your starving.
Why are you avoiding the question.?
I'll do it. I agree that what she looks like doesn't matter one iota. The father being present doesn't matter one iota.
No, it isn't "ok" to shoplift food for your family. Understandable? Yep. Not ok.
The above happens frequently.
In this instance, we have three women that went into the store with the intention of stealing. Ms. Frey had already been popped for the same. This wasn't a woman who had never engaged in this type of activity before. These three women knew in advance that they were going to make a run for it if stopped. They got into a car and prepared to take off. The driver made an attempt to run over the officer AND after the shot was fired drove to an apartment complex. Not a hospital. The children in the car were not Frey's. Any adult in that vehicle should have had the brain cells working to say, "Hey-there could be some consequences to our actions that may put these children at risk." At the very least, they would have been arrested and the children handed over to Texas CPS. None of them did. That is key. At no point in any of this did any of these women demonstrate concern for the children in the vehicle.
I'm thinking that she wasn't perfect.
Who is?
Shoplifting should never be a death penalty case. They knew that there was no reasonable risk of death.
The women MAY have been wrong to shoplift, but clearly murder is a little worse. Even if you can't get beyond your baseless, base demonization of the woman murdered & knee jerk, unfounded 'blame the victim' mentality.
The guard made the mistake of putting himself in the path of the car. And the the guard made the mistake of murdering the woman.
It wasn't murder. This is where you are clearly wrong. Nor is this a case of "blame the victim". I am not demonizing her. I am telling you that this woman is not a martyr. I am telling you that she knew exactly what she was doing. I am telling you that the driver knew exactly what she was doing.
He didn't make a mistake of putting himself in the path of the vehicle.
Oh. Why? did she live?
Why didn't the driver take her to the hospital?
Because she was more motivated by self interest.
Perhaps the getaway driver didn't realize the murdered woman was hurt as badly as she was?
It is more likely that the getaway driver realized that she might have some 'splaining to do and, therefor, put her needs above Frey's needs.
I disagree.
Anything else?
Do you need me to hammer anything else down for you?
Now, see this is much better than 6 days of mom looks cheap and is therefore wrong.............innit?
Well you got that goin for you.! ;)
Don't know what you mean "hammer down". But I welcome any civil debate.
"mom looks cheap" is immature demonization that I simply dismiss.
I don't deal in the mom looks cheap argument or where is the father arguments.
No property is worth a guard putting his life on the line by getting in the path of a vehicle. He could have gotten the license, called it in, shot the tires.
But shooting into thecar didn't prevent the cars momentum towards him. He either moved or they swirved.
"The driver knew exactly what she was doing" yeah. trying to avoid gettin murdered and/or arrested.
The murdered shoplifter ain't a martyr. Who said that?
He stood between the door and the vehicle. The driver attempted to run him over. How you feel personally about the amount of property is not relevant. Period. How you feel personally about "security guards" is not relevant. It is still being investigated.
The driver was absolutely trying to avoid getting arrested. Frey was not murdered and is not a martyr.
The shoplifting woman was murdered, she is dead.
The guard shouldn't have put himself in harms way (for property?), didn't have to (& should not have) shoot into the car. Especially because there were children in the car.
Sorry. We disagree.
He did make the mistake of firing his gun into the vehicle. All parties were wrong in this incident.
If the driver made an attempt to run over him then I would say that he was in fear for his life. Again, unfortunate incident.
Very unfortunate incident. And I think very poor judgement that created the incident.
I would say that these three women should have rethought this little escapade. Andrews is being charged with Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon.
Fight-or-Flight - it is a thing of panic which in this case caused a death for shoplifting.
The lights are on - but they're not home ..........................
But what do you mean by I won a sociopath? Believe me when I say - he was not a prize. {:-])
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (10644) 2 minutes ago
Yeah, someone without a conscious and doesn't have the capacity to show remorse unless they can mimic it. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (10644) 3 minutes ago
I agree. There is something wrong with those folks.
You won a sociopath? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Yeah, someone without a conscious and doesn't have the capacity to show remorse unless they can mimic it.
It is something in their psychological make-up. How else do you explain wealthy thieves rapists murderers? They have all of the advantages in life - so - why the criminal anti-social behavior? There is something wrong with them - same as the middle class individuals who act the same or the poor individuals who act the same - SOMETHING WRONG WITH THOSE FOLKS.
I was 1st threatened to be killed on a playground in elementary school - the kid was quite gleeful that he could kill me and have nothing worse happen to him then a possible few weeks or months in juvenile detention.
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (10644) 0 minutes ago
Well, I don't know if they are born that way but, yep. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
I agree. There is something wrong with those folks.
You won a sociopath?
Agree - not all criminals are caused by living in poverty - some people are just born that way - for whatever reason - some people love to break the law and abuse others.
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (10635) 2 minutes ago
For some that may be the case but definitely not for all. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Well, I don't know if they are born that way but, yep.
Perhaps they were just being 'rugged individuals'! - and were only exercising their freedom to pursue individual happiness!
And much of this un-needed - un-necessary - crime and resulting craziness?
Is a result of an ongoing growing program of -
For some that may be the case but definitely not for all.
Her picture shows her made up like a hooker with fake colored contact lenses. She was a tramp, surely. Didnt deserve to die, but the minute she struck the guard she forfeited her life.
That seems excessive. But you didn't answer the question. And what does the way she look like matter? Do you need to demonize the victim to justify her murder.? . What if she shoplifts food to feed her family.?
I am concerned about a mother who would buy herself fake eye color contacts AND then need food for her kids. She struck a uniformed guard. She appears to be a " bigger" woman, so obtaining calories doesnt appear to b an issue for her. The policeman in question has 26 years on the force, so I assume he is well qualified to judge when his life is at risk. She previously stole shirts and some meat, so you might be correct. Where is the father of her children? Why would she have children if she couldnt support them w/o stealing? Lots of questions to be answered here.
I believe her obesity is related to the high fat, high sugar, high salt food desert she was raised in. (as well as the intense advertisements her community especially are subjected too) It is likely the poor diet will kill her young.
No evidence she bought the alledged contacts she had. Her eye color could be the result of mixed parentage. Her children may be a result of rape, or an accident, and I believe she was convinced (by religious extremists on a crusade to prevent abortions) to have the children.
Oh. She went to church every day, and the car jammed so any threat of collision was unintentional. (Except police are usually trained not to put themselves at risk for shoplifting so the guard was wrong to put himself in the way)
Are you done demonizing her?
And it was NOT a police officer of 26 years. He was a security guard. And he was wrong to murder that good woman who was not found guilty of shoplifting.
Is it wrong to steal food for your hungry family?
He was a deputy sheriff with 26 years on the force moonlighting at Walmart. He was not just a security guard. She isnt a good woman. She was convicted of shoplifting before. shoplifting is a crime and its inexcusable.
Shoplifting is a misdemeanor, desperate people frequently resort to it. It is not a death penalty offense.
He made a mistake. No need to shoot at the car. No need to murder the woman. No property was worth her life, or risking his by placing himself in the path of the car.
The murder was inexcusable.
How about shoplifting + Battery on a police officer + resisting law enforcement + fleeing? Oh, yeah and trespassing. See the shoplifting would have been an easy one. That is five before she even got in the car.
None are death penalty cases. The guard should have gotten the license, called it in, & let the corp file an insurance claim.
The murder of a woman for these infractions is clearly the mistake.
The guard made the greater mistake. The woman only allegedly took property from some large corporation.
Do we do so in other, similar cases?
We kill people all the time. We excel at killing guilty people. No one kills people better than the USA!
If it wasn't important that the corporation lost the goods, why was it important for the female person to obtain them by stealing?
And did she participate in the Occupy movement, or just ignore something that could have improved her standard of living?
I suppose I can't be sure but I am gonna say.:
She was with OWS, And she didn't shoplift anything, One of her friends (also OWS supporter) did shoplift, but only because she has been bombarded with advertisements and our societal pressure to have christmas gifts for the children.
She (the friend of the murdered woman) didn't want to allow the children to be horribly damaged (self esteem y'know) by the stigma of being labeled naughty because of the lack of christmas gifts.
You know you only get gifts if you are 'nice' right.?
It ain't so important to corps because they can put in an insurance claim, & claim a tax deduction. It's all good.
And by the way, Why does Santa give more gifts to the wealthy? Are they 'nicer' than us poor people?
If she didn't shoplift, she should not have caused the security guard to think she did by hitting him with her purse and running away.
An unfortunate misunderstanding. Sort of like how you are discouraged from making jokes about having a bomb or being a terrorist while on an airplane, especially if a security guard is nearby.
Should we kill the Guard for committing murder?
Maybe she was offended by the sec guards suggestion that she shoplifted, and was defending her honor. Or maybe she did no such thing. She ain't alive to defend herself.
She was murdered.
Well, if there was nothing that would cause a reasonable person to think she was shoplifting it should be important that the proper action be taken against the security guard.
Witnesses and security cameras probably had enough evidence to decide this (story is several days old).
Sadly, it is true that sometimes there are no witnesses or cameras and things happen that aren't fair. This is the price of having an unequal society, since it happens much less in societies with more equality (though it may have other tradeoffs like higher suicide rates).
it's very easy for you to sit on the side and play armchair quarterback.
No easier than you & everyone else here. Right?
Here is the deal and it really pisses me off- Nancy Grace shit.
There is a lot of talk about how people support cops but what is really meant is that you only support them if you have to dial 911. You want them to do their jobs but only when you decide. You want them to uphold the law but only when it suits you or mostly unless it is you breaking the law because it applies to all others except you personally.
There is not a doubt in my mind that there are those cops that are utter douche bags. Extend the same benefit to the officer that you have no problem doing with Frey. Mean what you say and say what you mean. You either have the capacity to support these people beyond how beneficial they are to OWS or whatever cause that you have going on or don't. If you don't then just 'fess up.
"That would have been six before she even got into the car." Six what?
I believe the guard approach the women for shoplifting. I don't know what you mean by more than that.
I wasn't there so I could believe they didn't think the guard was talkin to them when he told them to stop. Maybe this women didn't do the shoplifting. She certainly didn't try to hit him with the car cause she wasn't driving.
And so the only thing we know is that the guard murdered the woman, and he should not have put himself in danger of being harmed by the car.
There is training for that kind of incident.
You lie..........................she wasn't murdered. You got nuttin' . Nice try though.
But I don't agree with the opinion you applied to me.
Does that matter? Is reality a valid argument for you?.
Or have you decided it is better to make up some personal attack on me because you can't debate the unwarrented murder of a shoplifter as some weak distraction from the truth?
Is that what has happened here.? If so wouldn't that mean you have lost the shoplifter murder case?
Wouldn't that make you're a..........LOSER?
Honey, you are living in denial. The loser is you.......especially because you don't really have an argument just mimicking Nancy Grace style. Your responses are simple text book material.
She wasn't murdered and it was way more than shoplifting. In fact, I wonder (even though the children were not hers) if she could have been nailed for child endangerment. Wow! That would have been six before she even got into the car.
You don't speak for me. Your wild claims of what I believe are clearly part of some extreme fantasy you have unjustifiably boxed me into.
I am against people being murdered for shoplifting. I am not discussing police in general, or police at all. I have discussed only the security guard.
The rest of your comments are just unrelated distractions.
I don't have to speak for you. I am merely pointing out what you have already said and it doesn't matter one bit if you don't like it.
Well I haven't said anything about police. So I guess you are making up my opinion on that. Right?
Where did you get this wacky shit?
"you only support them if you have to dial 911. You want them to do their jobs but only when you decide. You want them to uphold the law but only when it suits you or mostly unless it is you breaking the law because it applies to all others except you personally."
LOL. I never said that, I ain't even mentioned police. You appear to have lost all sense of reality.
Nope, following your posting demonstrates your textbook flaws.
I disagree. A veteran police officer is going to know whether or not his life was at risk. He most assuredly had been in difficult situations before, so he was experienced. Plus he is in a public employee union and he has to be the best. Right?
So his life was not at risk?
He is in a public employee union, so per everything you have written, he has to be good, because all public employee union members are good, by your own admission.
Never said that. Are you resorting to lies about my personal opinion because your opinion on the issue is impotent.
If so that would mean you have lost the debate.
Are you a .......LOSER?